Saturday, 19 August 2017

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Recuperação baseada em assinatura de documentos digitalizados usando campos aleatórios condicionais Referências Burges, C. 1998. Um tutorial sobre máquinas de vetores de suporte para reconhecimento de padrões. Mineração de Dados e Descoberta de Conhecimento. 2 (2): 121167. CrossRef Casella, G. e E. George. 1992. Explicando o Sampler de Gibbs. O estatístico americano. 46: 167174. CrossRef MathSciNet Favata, J. T. e G. Srikantan. 1996. Uma aproximação da definição da característica múltipla para o recognition handprinted do dígito e de caráter. Revista Internacional de Sistemas e Tecnologia de Imagem. 7: 304311. CrossRef Kolz, A. J. Alspector, M. Augusteijn, R. Carlson e G. V. Popescu. 2000. Uma abordagem orientada para a palavra spotting em documentos manuscritos. Análise de Padrões e Aplicações. 2 (3): 153168. Kumar, S. e M. Hebert. 2003. Campos discriminantes para modelagem de dependências espaciais em imagens naturais. 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Retroiluminado 150/2 60. 2 Avery MPI 3000 (Oracal) 75. 2 350/2 80. 2 440/510/2 95. 2 PVC 65. 2 () 65. 2 visão unidirecional () 200. 2: (,),,,,,. . - benzóico. - benzóico. . . 050-209-01-53LISTA DE PERIÓDICOS ndash 16 DEZEMBRO 2013 Abhigyan (Abhigyan) 2012 19 (4) Atualização da Agricultura (Atualização Agricual) 2011 6 (1) Anais da Zona Árida (Zona Ann Arid) 2008 47 (1,2,3 (Ann Pl Physiol) 2011 25 (1) Anais de Pesquisa de Plantas e Solos (Ann Pl Sol Res) 2012 14 (2) Jornal Asiático de Química (Asian J Chem) 2011 23 (3) Asian Journal (Ciência do Solo J) 2011 6 (1,2) Boletim de Ciências Puras e Aplicadas - Seção C (Bull pure appl Sci-Sect C) 2012 31 (1) Endodontologia (Endodontologia) 2012 24 (2), 2013 25 (1) Meio Ambiente e Ecologia (Ambientes Ecológicos) 2012 30 (3,3A) Far East Journal de Ciências Matemáticas (Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci) 2011 53 (1), 54 (1,2), 55 (1), 56 (1,2) GCSMS Jornal de Ciências Médicas (GCSMC J med Sci) 2013 2 (1) Indian Fern Journal (Indiano Fern J) 2012 29 (1-2) Indian Forester 2012 138 (10) Indian Journal of Medical Sciences Fertilizer (Indian J Fertil) 2012 8 (3,4) Revista Indiana de Gastroenterologia (Indian J Gastroenterol) 2012 31 (4) Jornal Internacional de Estomatologia (Indian J Stomat) 2012 3 (1,2,4) (Int J chem Sci) 2012 10 (2) Revista Internacional de Processamento de Informação (Int J Inf Process) 2011 5 (1) Revista Internacional de Tecnologia Mais Recente, Gestão e Ciências Aplicadas (Int J latest Technol Mgmt appl Sci) ) Journal of Anatomical Society of India (J Anat Soc India) 2013 62 (1) Revista de Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais (J Materiais Metálicos) 2012 2 (1,2) ) Journal of PharmacSciTech (J Pharma Sci Tech) 2011 1 (1) Jornal de Medicina de Pós-Graduação (J Postgrad Med) 2012 58 (1,2,3,4) (2) Neurologia India (Neurol India) 2012 60 (5) Pearl (Pearl) 2012 6 (3) Pesquisa de Poluição (Pollut Res) 2010 29 (4) Pesquisa sobre (SATSA Mukhapatra) 2013 17 Boletim SGAT (SGAT Bull) 2012 13 (1) SRELS Revista de Gestão da Informação (SRELS J Inf Mgmt) 2013 50 (1) Tendências em Engenharia Elétrica Tendências electl Engng) 2013 3 (1,2) CIÊNCIAS DA INFORMAÇÃO. SCIENTOMETRICS 024102 AJEEMSHA S, PILLAI SUDHIER K G (Biblioteca e Informações Ciência Dep, Delhi Univ, Delhi-110 007, E-Mail. Ajeemsha13gmail). Política nacional de alfabetização da informação no currículo escolar: iniciativas de Keralas. SRELS J Inf Mgmt 2013, 50 (1), 47-59. 024103 ATONRING R, CHINNASAMY K (Biblioteca e Departamento de Ciência da Informação, Alagappa Univ, Karaikudi, E-Mail. Atrimai. lis2010gmail). Biblioteconomia como uma escolha de carreira no estado de Tamil Nadu, na Índia. SRELS J Inf Mgmt 2013, 50 (1), 115-9. 024104 BAIKADY M R, MUDHOL M V (Biblioteca e Ciências da Informação e Ciências da Saúde Library Dep, Manipal Univ, Manipal-576 104, E-Mail. Baikadiyahoo). Utilização de recursos da Web nas bibliotecas de faculdades médicas em Karnataka costeiras. SRELS J Inf Mgmt 2013, 50 (1), 61-91. 024105 CHAKRAVARTY R, CHOPRA K (Biblioteca e informações da Ciência Dep, Panjab Univ, Chandigarh-160 014, E-Mail. Rupak2811gmail). Aplicação de ferramentas da Web 2.0 no IIT (Instituto Indiano de Tecnologia) amp IIM (Indian Institute of Management) bibliotecas da Índia: um estudo. SRELS J Inf Mgmt 2013, 50 (1), 35-40. 024106 DHIMAN A K (Unidade Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar-249 404, Uttarakhand, E-Mail. Akvishvakarmarediffmail). Aplicações biométricas para bibliotecas e centros de informação. Pearl 2012, 6 (3), 143-8. 024107 DUTTA C, DUTTA B (Conselho de Educação Secundária de Bengala Ocidental, 77/2, Park Street, Kolkata 16, E-Mail. Contactcdhereyahoo). Mecanismo de formação de palavras-chave em artigos de pesquisa sobre física: um estudo empírico. SRELS J Inf Mgmt 2013, 50 (1), 3-22. 024108 MUKHYADAL B G, VAISHNAV A A (Shri V. S. Naik Arts, Commerce e Science College Raver, Tq. Raver, Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra, E-Mail. Bgmukhyadalgmail). Necessidades de conhecimento dos professores LIS no BAMU. Pearl 2012, 6 (3), 107-14. 024109 PARVATHAMMA N, SHARANAPPA V, NAZNEEN BANU (Departamento de Ciências da Informação e Biblioteca, Gulbarga Univ, Gulbarga, E-Mail. Parvathiglbyahoo. co. in). Uso da mídia eletrônica pela comunidade rural no distrito de Gulbarga, estado de Karnataka, Índia. SRELS J Inf Mgmt 2013, 50 (1), 41-6. 024110 PARVEEN KUMAR (S. A. Jain College, Ambala City-134 003, E-Mail. Drparveenkumarrediffmail). Aplicação das TIC nas bibliotecas públicas: um estudo da biblioteca do estado central de Haryana e Chandigarh. SRELS J Inf Mgmt 2013, 50 (1), 93-100. 024111 PATIL M S, KUMBAR B D, HADAGALI G S (Faculdade de Direito Univ, Karnataka Univ, Dharwad, Karnataka, E-Mail. Patilmallikarjunsrediffmail). Papel das bibliotecas na educação jurídica no estado de Karnataka: uma visão geral. Pearl 2012, 6 (3). 130-8. 024112 RATHA B, SILAWAT R (Devi Ahilya Univ, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, E-Mail. Bhu261gmail). Use estudo de jornais na biblioteca central da Universidade Devi Ahilya (DAU). SRELS J Inf Mgmt 2013, 50 (1), 121-30. 024113 SENGAR K P S (CSIR-Instituto de Tecnologia Microbiana, Chandigarh, E-Mail. Kpsimtech. res. in). R desempenho do CSIR-IMTECH (Índia): um estudo cientométrico baseado nos artigos publicados entre 1991-1995 e 2005-2009. Pearl 2012, 6 (3), 121-9. 024114 SHARMA B, LALOTRA S (História Dep, Jammu Univ, Jammu amp Cachemira, E-Mail. Bindu. ssharmagmail). Padrão de uso de recursos convencionais / recursos de internet pelos pesquisadores da Universidade de Jammu, JampK: uma pesquisa. SRELS J Inf Mgmt 2013, 50 (1), 101-14. 024115 SHARMA J, CHAKRAVARTY R (Biofísica Dep, Punjab Univ, Chandigarh, E-Mail. Djmukulyahoo. co. in). Coleção e serviços na seção dos childrens das bibliotecas públicas em Chandigarh. Pearl 2012, 6 (3), 115-20. 024116 SURESH KUMAR P K (Universidade de Kerala Univ, Thiruvananthapuram-695 034, E-Mail. Pksureshyahoo). Aplicação de variáveis ​​de marketing mix (4PS) nas bibliotecas universitárias em Kerala. SRELS J Inf Mgmt 2013, 50 (1), 23-33. CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA DE COMPUTAÇÃO 024117 CHATURVEDI S K, SWAMI DK, SINGH G (Departamento de Ciência da Computação e Engenharia, IIT, RGPV Univ, Bhopal, E-Mail. Setu16gmail). Nova abordagem de resumo baseada em centróides para categorização automática de documentos da Web. Int J Inf Process 2011, 5 (1), 41-7. 024118 CHAUHAN S, JOSHI R C (Departamento de Engenharia Eletrônica e de Computação, Instituto de Tecnologia da Índia Roorkee, Roorkee-247 667, E-Mail. Sacitpeciitr. ernet. in). Programação de tarefas de grade baseada no desempenho de recursos. Int J Inf Process 2011, 5 (1), 72-80. 024119 DUTTA S, MUKHERJEE N, NEOGY S, ROY S (Escola de Computação Móvel e Comunicação, Jadavpur Univ, Kolkata, E-Mail. Subrataduttaagmail). Estudo comparativo de diferentes algoritmos de roteamento de redes de sensores sem fio. Int J Inf Process 2011, 5 (1), 1-9. 024120 PATIDAR V, PUROHIT G, SUD KK, PAREEK N K (Dep. De Física, Faculdade de Engenharia, Padampat Singhania Univ, Bhatewar, Udaipur-313 601, E-Mail, vinod. patidarspsu. ac. in). Novo esquema de substituição de permutação baseado no caos para criptografia de imagem. Int J Inf Process 2011, 5 (1), 10-25. 024121 PATOLE V A, PACHGHARE V K, KULKARNI P (Engenharia Informática e Tecnologia da Informação Dep, Faculdade de Engenharia, Pune-411 005, E-Mail. Vickypatolegmail). Algoritmo Adaboost para construir a segurança de rede baseada em padrões. Int J Inf Process 2011, 5 (1), 57-63. 024122 RAJARAM A, PALANISWAMI S (Anna Univ, Coimbatore). Mecanismo de detecção e mitigação de nós maliciosos para redes ad hoc móveis. Int J Inf Process 2011, 5 (1), 64-71. 024123 SHARMA Y, SHARMA A (Instituto Jagannath Gupta de Engenharia e Tecnologia de Amplificação, Jaipur, E-Mail. Yogesh. jnitgmail). Impacto da rede de área local e suas aplicações em serviços de biblioteca e informação. Pearl 2012, 6 (3), 139-42. 024124 SHIJI S H, SANTHOSH KUMAR G (Departamento de Ciência da Computação, Cochin Science and Technology Univ, Cochin-682 022, E-Mail. Sancusat. ac. in). Representação e análise de seqüências de DNA utilizando o método fractal. Int J Inf Process 2011, 5 (1), 33-40. 024125 SHYAMA CHANDRA PRASAD G, GOVARDHAN A, RAO T V (JNTUH, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, E-Mail. Shyamgunda2002yahoo. co. in). Modelagem neuro invariante robusta para reconhecimento de padrões. Int J Inf Process 2011, 5 (1), 48-56. 024126 SUDHA RANI Y (A. N.U. Faculdade de Engenharia e Tecnologia amp, Acharya Nagarjuna Univ, Nagarjuna Nagar-522 510, E-Mail. Sudharanidryahoomail). Utilização de internet por estudantes de engenharia: uma pesquisa no distrito de Nelore, em Andhra Pradesh. Pearl 2012, 6 (3), 149-52. 024127 (Chefe, Centro de Investigação em Finanças, Instituto GuruNanak de Gestão, Delhi). Efeito da crise sub-prime sobre a eficiência do mercado de ações indiano - um estudo empírico. Abhigyan 2012, 19 (4), 11-21. 024128 ANAJALI GANESH, RAO A (Departamento de Administração de Empresas, St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore). Avaliação de desempenho um processo inegrado - um estudo de caso com referência a Karnataka Bank Ltd. Abhigyan 2012, 19 (4), 23-36. 024129 GNANAPRAKASH C (Instituto Xavier de Gestão e Empreendedorismo, Bangalore). Percepção do clima organizacional, classificações de supervisão e criatividade na organização R amp D. Abhigyan 2012, 19 (4), 1-10. 024130 JAIN M (IILM Faculdade de Administração, Greater Noida). Empreendedorismo social: mudar o mundo através de modelos de negócios sociais. Abhigyan 2012, 19 (4), 37-47. 024131 SETH N (Administração Estudos Dep, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee). Os mercados de ações indianos e norte-americanos são eficientes e integrados. Abhigyan 2012, 19 (4), 48-57. 024132 VERMA N, RANGNEKAR S, JAIN S (Departamento de Estudos de Gestão, IIT, Roorkee). Análise motivacional do comportamento organizacional: um estudo na indústria automobilística indiana. Abhigyan 2012, 19 (4), 58-69. NATURE amp PROTECÇÃO ANIMAL 024133 ANAND Y, TATU K, PANDEY C N (Fundação GEER, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat, E-Mail. Yashaanandgmail). Primeiro registro de trilhas de alimentação de Dugong no Golfo de Kachchh (GoK), Gujarat. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 968-9. 024134 BARGALI H S, AKHTAR N, CHAUHAN N P S (Fundação Corbett, Ramnagar, Uttaranchal). Urso de preguiça (Melursus ursinus) habitat nas florestas da divisão de floresta de Bilaspur norte, Chhattisgarh. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 876-80. 024135 BEHERA S, SIVAKUMAR K, CHOUDHURY B C, SETHY J (Instituto da Vida Selvagem da Índia, Dehradun-248 001, E-Mail. Behera. satyaranjangmail). Ocorrência da sardinha do óleo (Sardinella longiceps) ao longo da ilha de Babubali no santuário marinho dos animais selvagens de Gahirmatha, Odisha, India. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 970. 024136 BEHERA S, SIVAKUMAR K, CHOUDHURY B C, TRIPATIA B, KAR C S (Instituto de Vida Selvagem da Índia, Chandrabani, Dehra Dun, E-Mail. Ocorrência de ninhos solitários de olivicultura (Lepidochelys olivacea) e suas implicações futuras em Gahirmatha Rookery, Odisha, Índia. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 869-75. 024137 BHAT JA, MUNESH KUMAR, NEGI A K, TODARIA N P (Departamento de Recursos Florestais e Naturais, H. N.B. Universidade Garhwal, Srinagar (Garhwal) Uttarakhand-249 161, E-Mail. Muneshmzuyahoo). Percepções dos povos sobre opções da conservação e valor do uso de uma área protegida em Garhwal Himalaya, India. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 961-7. 024138 DASGUPTA S, HILALUDDIN (Confiança da Vida Selvagem da Índia, Pakke Tiger Reserve, Seijusa, Distrito de Kameng Oriental, Aruhachal Pradesh). Efeitos diferenciais da caça em pupulações de cachimbos e pombos imperiais nas florestas tropicais do Himalaia do Leste Oriental. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 902-9. 024139 DOOKIA S, DAS S K, RAJLAKSHMI (Escola Universitária de Gestão Ambiental, Universidade Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha, Sector-16 C, Dwarka, New Delhi-110 075, E-Mail. Sumitdookiagmail). Ecologia do bengalensis indiano da raposa Vuples (Shaw, 1800) dentro e em torno do santuário dos animais selvagens de Tal Chhapar, Rajasthan, India. Indiano Para 2012, 138 (10), 891-6. 024140 HILALUDDIN, NAQASH R Y, AKTHAR N (Comissão Planninc, Autoridade Nacional da Área de Seca, D. P. Shastri Marg, Nova Delhi-110 067, E-Mail. Hilaluddinyahoo). Impacto da caça nas pupilas de faisões no Himalaia Ocidental. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 921-6. 024141 NANDA KUMAR N V, NAGARJUNA A, MALLIKARJUNA RAO P, CHALAPATHI RAO P V (Departamento de Ciências da Pesca e Aquacultura, Universidade de Sri Venkateswara, Tirupati-517 502, E-Mail. Conservação do Santuário de Aves Nelapattu. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 941-51. 024142 NATH V, ASTHANA A K, GUPTA R (Laboratório Bryology, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Botânicas (Conselho de Pesquisa Científica Industrial, Nova Delhi), Lucknow-226 001). Avaliação da diversidade e distribuição de famílias dominantes de musgo acrocárpico na Reserva da Biosfera de Pachmarhi (Madhya Pradesh). Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 952-7. 024143 PAUNDIKAR S (T-III / 13, Instituto de Investigação Florestal Tropical, Campus, PO. RFC, Mandla Road, Jabalpur-482 021). Assassinato do chacal indiano (Canis aureus indicus Hodgson, 1833) por movimentos pesados ​​de tráfego nas rodovias das áreas de floresta tropical de Jabalpur, na Índia. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 971-2. 024144 PRADHAN V, DAR M A, RATHER M M, PANWAR M, PALA N A (Doon (PG) Faculdade de Ciência e Tecnologia Agropecuária, Camp Road, Selaqui, Dehradun, Uttaranchal, E-Mail. Maqboolfrigmail). Conflito entre humanos e animais selvagens no Santuário de Aves de Kitam: percepções e possíveis soluções. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 915-20. 024145 PRATIHAR S (Zoology Dep, Universidade de Vidyasagar, Midnapore-721 102, E-Mail. Pratiharvurediffmail). Conservação de anfíbios na Índia. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 973-4. 024146 RAI I D, ADHIKARI B S, RAWAT G S (Habitat Ecology Dep, Instituto de Vida Selvagem da Índia, P. O.Box 18, Chandrabani, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248 001, E-Mail, adhikaribswii. gov. in). Diversidade floral ao longo dos ecossistemas sub-alpinos e alpinos na área de Tungnath do santuário dos animais selvagens de Kedarnath, Uttarakhand. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 927-40. 024147 RISHI V (Chandrabani Grant, P. O. Mohabbewala, Dehradun, Uttaranchal, E-Mail. Vinodrishirediffmail). Papel da marcação de aromas no comportamento de reprodução de tigres e outros grandes felinos. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 910-14. 024148 SANWAL C S, LONE R A (Departamento de Recursos Florestais e Naturais, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141 004). Avaliação dos conflitos asiáticos-ursos negros-humanos no distrito de Kupwara, Jammu e Caxemira, Índia. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 881-6. 024149 SEBASTIAN J, PACHONI A K (Divisão de Ecologia e Biodiversidade, Instituto de Pesquisa em Florestas Tropicais, Jorhat, Assam). Algumas observações sobre borboletas de Pakke Tiger Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh. Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 897-901. 024150 THAKUR M, SANTVAN V K, NIGAM A (Faculdade de Administração, Nagrota Bagwan, Kangra, E-Mail. Minspkrediffmail). Estado e usos da flora arbórea do Santuário de Vida Selvagem Darlaghat, Solan (H. P.). Indian para 2012, 138 (10), 958-60. 024151 THAKUR S, BHARDWAJ S (Círculo Nahan, Nahan, Distrito Sirmour-173 001,). Borboletas do centro da consciência da natureza Trambri, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. Indiano Para 2012, 138 (10). 887-90. 024152 AFIUKWA J N (Departamento de Química Industrial, Ebonyi Univ Estado, Private Mail Bag-053, E-Mail. Josephafiukwayahoo). Estudos comparativos sobre as concentrações de dureza no abastecimento de água subterrânea das áreas de governo local de abakaliki, ikwo e ishielu no estado de Ebonyi, na Nigéria. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 727-31. 024153 AGRAWAL R (Instituto Birla de Tecnologia, Área Industrial de Malviya Nagar, Jaipur, E-Mail. Ranjana1904rediffmail). Características físico-químicas das águas subterrâneas Qualit da cidade gangapurcity em Rajasthan. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 683-4. 024154 AHMADI M, F MASHHOON, KAVEH R, TARKIAN F (Departamento de Engenharia de Saúde Ambiental, Escola de Saúde Pública, Ahvaz Jundishapur Univ de Ciências Médicas, Ahvaz, Irã, E-Mail. Ahmadi241yahoo). Utilização de nano partículas de ferro preparadas mecanicamente para remoção de nitratos de água. Asian J Chem. 2011, 23 (3), 1205-8. 024155 ANU, UPADHYAYA S K, BAJPAI A (P. G. Chemistry Dep, S. S.L. Jain College, Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh). Impacto da urbanização no lago inferior de Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) Índia. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 589-92. 024156 ANU, UPADHYAYA S K, BAJPAI A (P. G. Chemistry Dep, S. S.L. Jain College, Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh). Comparação de parâmetros físico-químicos e biológicos de várias massas de água em Bhopal e arredores (Madhya Pradesh). Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 621-4. 024157 BANERJEE R, GHOSH A R (Departamento de Ciências Ambientais, The Burdwan Univ, Burdwan-713 104, E-Mail. Apurbaghosh2010gmail). Avaliação da qualidade da água superficial utilizando a análise fatorial eo estado da diversidade de fitoplâncton dos rios Barakar e Damodar, Bengala Ocidental, Índia. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 697-705. 024158 BHARDWAJ M, BHARDWAJ A, BHARDWAJ R (Botânica Dep, D. S. College, Aligarh-202 001, E-Mail. Mkb. dsbotgmail). Efeitos da exposição ao dióxido de enxofre no crescimento e nos pigmentos fotossintéticos em Lycopersicon esculentum. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 717-20. 024159 BHARTIYA S K, ESCOLAR B K (Project Dep, Escola Secundária de Meninas Bastaul, Katihar-854 105, E-Mail. Shankarsuman45gmail). Aquecimento global. Sua causa e efeito no contexto da Índia. Int J-Chem Sci., 2012, 10 (2), 1087-90. 024160 FEARNSIDE P M (Dep. Ecologia, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, CP 478 69.011-970, Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil). Desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira e aquecimento global. Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47 (3-4), 355-74. 024161 GUPTA N, DUA A (Departamento de Zoologia, Faculdade DAV, Amritsar, E-Mail. Neerajgupta9474gmail). Mercúrio induziu alterações comportamentais em Channa punctatus. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 721-3. 024162 HAKKIMANE S S, RATHOD JL (Dep. De Biologia Marinha, Centro de Pós-Graduação de Univ Karnatak, Kodibag, Karwar-581 303, E-Mail. Shreedevi2185gmail). Distribuição de bactérias heterotróficas no ambiente marinho da costa de Karwar. Envir Ecol 2012, 30 (3). 558-60. 024163 IYER G, MENON S (Departamento de Ciências da Vida, Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai-400 019). Efeito da chuva ácida sobre as folhas de Pedilanthus tithymeloides Linn. . Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 625-6. 024164 JAT R L, DASHORA L N, GOLADA S L, CHOUDHARY R (Departamento de Agronomia, Faculdade de Agricultura do Rajastão, MPUAT, Udaipur-313 001, E-Mail. Slagro1967yahoo. co. in). Efeito dos níveis de fósforo e enxofre no crescimento e na produção de feno-grego. Ann Pl Sol Res. 2012, 14 (2), 116-9. 024165 KALITA JC, BARUAH B K, GOSWAMI M, CHOUDHURY S K, DAS M (B. K. Colégio de Formação de Professores, Guwahati-781 007). Zonas húmidas de Guwahati: 4. características físico-químicas e biológicas dos esgotos da cidade. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 677-81. 024166 LIOUBIMTSEVA E (Departamento de Geografia e Planeamento, Universidade Estadual Grand Valley, Allendale, MI 49401, EUA). Dimensões humanas da mudança climática em ambientes áridos e semi-áridos: um estudo de caso da Ásia Central pós-soviética. Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47 (3-4), 419-42. 024167 LLOYD S J, KOVATS R S (Unidade de Investigação em Saúde Pública e Ambiental da London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, Londres, WC1E 7HT, Reino Unido). Saúde, clima e mudança climática em zonas áridas. Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47 (3-4), 443-55. 024168 MALEKI A, MAHVI A H, ZAZOULI M A, IZANLOO H, BARATI A H (Faculdade de Saúde, Centro de Pesquisa de Saúde Ambiental, Curdistão Univ de Ciências Médicas, Sanandaj, Irã, E-Mail. Remoção de cádmio aquoso por adsorção em cinzas de casco de cevada e casca de cevada. Asian J Chem 2011, 23 (3), 1373-6. 024169 MANFE M M, ATTAR S J, PARANDE M, TOPARE N S (Departamento de Engenharia Química, Bharati Vidyapeeth Faculdade Univ de Engenharia, Pune, Maharashtra, E-Mail. Sjattar11gmail). Tratamento de águas residuais contaminadas com Cr (VI) utilizando carbono de casca de noz de Prunus amygdalus (amêndoa) biossorvente. Int J-Chem Sci., 2012, 10 (2), 609-18. 024170 MANOSATHIYADEVAN M, VELAYUDHAN D (Departamento de Ciências Ambientais, Periyar Univ, Salem-636 011, E-Mail. Manosathiyadevanyahoo. co. in). Alterações histopatológicas das brânquias do camarão de água doce, Macrobrachium malcolmsonii (Milne edwards), expostas aos poluentes dos rios Paravanar. J expl Zool 2012, 15 (1), 233-9. 024171 MOHANTA S K, ACHARYA R, SANTRA G H (Zoologia PG Dep, Berhampur Univ, Berhampur, Odisha, E-Mail. Sudip. sasgmail). Efeito de resíduos biomédicos na população microbiana em solo de Puri, Odisha. Envir Ecol 2012, 30 (3A), 802-5. 024172 MOHITE S A, MOHITE A S (Colégio de Pescas, Ratnagiri-415 629). Paphia malabarica (chemintz) do estuário de Klabadevi, na Índia, exposta a concentrações de sulfeto de hidrogênio. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 655-8. 024173 NAIK T P, AJAYAN K V, LOKESH GH (Departamento de Ciências da Botânica e do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências de Sahyadri (Autónoma), Kuvempu Univ, Shivamogga (K. S.), E-Mail. Kv. ajayan60gmail). Características físico-químicas do lago kunigal no distrito de Tumkur, Karnataka, Índia. Int J Chem Sci., 2012, 10 (2), 655-63. 024174 NIMILA P J, NANDAN S B (Departamento de Biologia Marinha, Microbiologia e Bioquímica, Faculdade de Ciências Marinhas, Cochin Science and Technology Univ, Cochin, Kerala-682 016). Efeito do pesticida organoclorado lindano (HCH) sobre o comportamento de Etroplus maculatus (Bloch, 1795). Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 577-82. 024175 NISHADH K A, ARUNKUMAR P, AZEEZ P A (Divisão de Avaliação de Impacto Envronmental, Salim Ali Centro de Ornitologia e História Natural (SACON), Anaikatty (PO), Coimbatore-641 108, E-Mail. Nishadhkagmail). Eficiência funcional de determinadas instalações de tratamento de efluentes têxteis em Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, Índia. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 557-61. 024176 NOORJAHAN C N (PG e Zoologia Pesquisa Dep, Justiça Basheer Ahmed Sayeed Faculdade para Mulheres, Teynampet, Chennai-600 018). Caracterização físico-química de efluentes têxteis tratados e seus efeitos sobre constituintes bioquímicos de peixes de água doce, Tilapia mossambica. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 651-4. 024177 OGHENEJOBOH, MOSES K (Dep. Eng. Química, Delta State Univ, Oleh Campus, P. M.B. 22, Oleh, Nigéria). A degradação ambiental resultante da exploração e exploração de petróleo e gás: a crise do delta de Níger. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 551-6. 024178 PATHAK C, CHOPRA A K, VINOD KUMAR, SRIVASTAVA S (Departamento de Zoologia e Ciências Ambientais, Gurukula Kangri Univ, Haridwar, Uttarakhand-249 404, E-Mail. Profakchoprayahoo. co. in). Contaminação de metais pesados ​​em águas residuais irrigadas solo agrícola perto rio bindal, Dehradun, Índia. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 583-7. 024179 PORTNOV B A, PAZ S (Departamento de Recursos Naturais e Gestão Ambiental, Escola de Pós-Graduação em Gestão, Universidade de Haifa, Haifa, Israel). Alterações climáticas e urbanização em regiões áridas. Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47 (3-4), 457-71. 024180 PRASAD R (Academia Nacional Indiana de Ciências, New Delhi-110 002, E-Mail. Rajuma36gmail). Por que fertilizantes de libertação controlada / lenta mais eficientes. Indian J Fertil 2012, 8 (4), 30-40. 024181 QURESHI N, SHARMA R, BANU R, MOGRA S (Laboratório de Pesquisa de Toxicologia Ambiental, Dep. De Zoologia, Faculdade de Ciências Univ, Mohanlal Sukhadia Univ, Udaipur, RajastanZ, E-Mail. Papel das vitaminas no acetato de chumbo induziu a ciclicidade estro em ratos suíços. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 691-5. 024182 RAO A S, POONIA S, CHOUDHARY S (Divisão de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente, Instituto de Investigação da Zona Árida Central, Jodhpur-342 003, E-Mail. Poonia. surendragmail). Projecções e impactos das alterações climáticas no ecossistema do deserto. Ann Pl Sol Res. 2012, 14 (2), 87-94. 024183 SABHAPANDIT P, UPADHYAYA M, MISHRA A K (Departamento de Química, Colégio Chaiduar, Gohpur, Sonitpur, Assam-784 168, E-Mail. Sabhapanditpranabrediffmail). Avaliação da qualidade da água potável em relação ao Fluoreto e Arsénio na subdivisão Gohpur do distrito de Sonitpur, Assam, Índia. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 607-12. 024184 SANDHU G S, DHARIWAL N S, KAUR R (Laboratório de Toxicologia Ambiental PG Zoology Dep, SGN Faculdade Khalsa PG, Sri Ganganagar-335 001). O endossulfano induziu a histopatologia da retina e do nervo óptico de Heteropneustes fossilis (bloch). Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 659-62. 024185 SELVAMURUGAN M, NANDAKUMAR N B, MAHESWARI M, DORAISAMY P (Departamento de Ciências Ambientais, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, Coimbatore-641 003). Avaliação de um sistema de leito de junco como tratamento terciário de águas residuárias de processamento de café (CPWW). Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 663-5. 024186 SHARMA Y, JAISWAL R (Zoology Dep, Faculdade H. N.B. (PG), Naini, Allahabad-211 008). Perfil limnológico de um esgoto poluído lagoa de água doce do distrito Mirzapur. J expl Zool 2012, 15 (1), 75-83. 024187 SINGH G K (Dep. Química, Faculdade Cooperativa de Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, Ranchi Univ, Ranchi-831 001, E-Mail. Gksingh03gmail). Modelagem de simulação na transformação de nutrientes em uma área úmida tropical. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 573-5. 024188 SINGH R, ANSARI KK, SADGURU PRAKASH (P. G. Zoologia e Estudos de Investigação Dep, M. L.K. (P. G.) College, Balrampur-271 201, E-Mail. Kaykayansarigmail). Quantificação de flúor na água potável de áreas rurais e urbanas do distrito de Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh, Índia. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 597-600. 024189 SINGH R, SINGH RK, GUPTA N C, GUHA B K (Emergent Ventures India Pvt. Ltd. 5a Associação de Comércio Universal Tower, Sec. 49, Sohna Road, Gurgaon-122 001, E-Mail. Ncgupta1yahoo. co. in). Avaliação de metais pesados ​​em cinzas volantes e águas subterrâneas - estudo de caso da usina termelétrica NPTC Badarpur, Delhi, Índia. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 685-9. 024190 SIRISHA D, MUKKANTI K, GANDHI N (Centro para o Ambiente IST, JNTU, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, E-Mail., Sirishadavidgmail). Adsorção de SO 2 por partículas de mármore. Int J-Chem Sci., 2012, 10 (2), 847-54. 024191 SUGANANDAM K, PARUTHIMALKALAIGAN G, NEERAJA P, PRAGATHISWARAN C (Departamento de Química, Faculdade Adhiyamaan de Engenharia, Hosur, Tamil Nadu). Defluoridation da água usando bioadsorbents. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 707-11. 024192 SUGANANDAM K, PARUTHIMALKALAIGNAN G, NEERAJA P, PRAGATHISWARAN C (Departamento de Química, Faculdade Adhiyamaan de Engenharia, Hosur). Determinação do desempenho da coluna de adsorção de fluoreto por adsorvente diferente em um leito fixo. Pollut Res. 29 (4), 713-6. 024193 SUNKAD B N (R. L. Science Institute, Belgaum, Karnataka). Qualidade da água das águas do poço em e em torno da vila do yellur de Belgaum (Karnataka), India. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 725-6. 024194 TRIPATIA D P (Engenharia de Minas Dep, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia, Rourkela-769 008). Gestão ambientalmente racional e eliminação de resíduos radioactivos. Pollut Res 2010, 29 (4), 563-72. 024195 UPADHYAY V P (Escritório Regional do Leste, Ministério do Meio Ambiente e Florestas, Governo da Índia, Bhubaneswar-751 023). Questões ambientais e de desenvolvimento hoje e sustentabilidade. SGAT Bull 2012, 13 (1), 54-71. 024196 VANEET KUMAR, KOTHIYAL N C (Laboratório de Química Ambiental, Dep. De Química, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia, Jalandhar-144 011, E-Mail. Kothiyalncnitj. ac. in). Padrão de distribuição e níveis de contaminação de alguns hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos ao longo do solo na estrada em grandes interceptações de tráfego durante o outono em Jalandhar, na Índia. Asian J Chem 2011, 23 (3), 1363-8. 024197 ABEL M (Instituto de Matemática, Tartu Univ, 2-615 J. Liivi Str. 50409 Tartu, Estónia, E-Mail. Mart. abelut. e). (948, 949) - derivações duplas em álgebras topológicas. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2011, 54 (1), 87-95. 024198 AKINFENWA A O, JATOR S N, YAO N M (Faculdade de Ciência da Computação e Tecnologia, Harbin Engineering Univ, Harbin 15001, P. R. China, E-Mail. Akinolu35yahoo). Na fórmula de diferenciação inversa de 7 passos com coeficientes contínuos para sistemas rígidos. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2011, 56 (1), 23-41. 024199 AKINFENWA O, JATOR S, YAO N (Faculdade de Ciências Coputer e Tecnologia, Harbin Engineering Univ, Harbin 15001, P. R. China, E-Mail. Akinolu35yahoo). Integrador multistep híbrido de sétima ordem para equações diferenciais ordinárias de segunda ordem. Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56 (1), 43-66. 024200 AL-SAIDI N M G, SAID M R M, AHMED A M (Departamento de Ciências Aplicadas, Matemática Aplicada, Tecnologia Univ, Bagdá, Iraque, E-Mail. Nadiaalsaidihotmail). Sobre o teorema do ponto fixo fuzzy no espaço fractal fuzzy gerado. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2011, 53 (1), 53-64. 024201 ALATTASS A (Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências Hadramout Science and Technology Univ, Caixa 50663, Mukalla, Iêmen, E-Mail. Alattassaliyahoo). (Amplo) 948 M módulos adicionais. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2011, 56 (2), 123-35. 024202 AMIR A K, ASTUTI P, MUCHTADI ALAMSYAH I, IRAWATI (Grupo de Pesquisa em Álgebra Faculdade de Matemática e Ciências Naturais Instituto Teknologi Bandung J. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonésia, E-Mail. S301amirstudents. itb. ac. id). Em ordens máximas e anéis de fator de extensão de minério sobre um domínio dedekind comutativo. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2011, 55 (1), 21-30. 024203 ANICHINI G, CONTI G (Unidade de Firenze, Facolo de Ingegneria, Itália, E-Mail. Giuseppe. anichiniunifi. it). Existência de soluções para equações integrais quadráticas em intervalos ilimitados. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2011, 56 (2), 113-22. 024204 BAO Z, ZHANG Y, LIU Z (Escola de Matemática, Unidade Normal de Liaoning, Dalian-116 029, P. R. China, E-Mail. Zhhbao126). Note on a class of discrete time delayed renewal risk processes . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(2), 193-200. 024205 BIAN X, YUN Z (Fundamental Sciences Dep, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng, Jiangsu-224 051, P. R. China, E-Mail. xiaoxiabianyahoo. cn). Metrizability of stratifiable spaces . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(1), 83-94. 024206 BORDOLOI R (Mathematics Dep, Bilasipara College, Bilasipara-783 348, E-Mail. rajubordoloiyahoo. co. in). Square root of a few class of p-adic integers . Far East J mathl Sci 2011. 56(1), 7-21. 024207 CHO Y U (Mathematics Dep, College of Education, Silla Univ, Pusan-617 736, Korea, E-Mail. yuchosilla. ac. kr). Centralizer near-ring from groups . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(2), 217-23. 024208 CHO Y U (Mathematics Dep, College of Education Silla Univ, Pusan 617-736, Korea, E-Mail. yuchosilla. ac. kr). Semidirect sum of right substructures in near-rings . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 55(1), 85-90. 024209 DAI S, ZHAO K (Mathematics Dep, Tianjin Polytechnic Univ, Tianjin-300 160, P. R. China, E-Mail. daishaojuntjpu. edu. cn). Block transitive 2- (v, 17, 1) designs and suzuki groups . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(1), 81-5. 024210 DOBBS D E (Mathematics Dep, Tennessee Univ, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1320, U. S.A. E-Mail. dobbsmath. utk. edu). Inner product space theory underlying singular value decompositions of matrices . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 53(1), 35-43. 024211 FENG L (School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Shanxi Normal Univ, Linfen, 041004, P. R. China, E-Mail. lixialxsina). Commutants of a class of multiplication operators on the dirichlet space . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 55(1), 91-6. 024212 HONGYAN Z (College of Fundamental Studies, Shanghai Engineering Science Univ, Shanghai-201 620, P. R. China, E-Mail. zhaohy81yahoo. cn). Offset approximation based on precise representation of sweeping circle . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(2), 201-12. 024213 HUANG S, SU M, ZHAO L (College of Mathematics. Luoyang Normal Univ, Luoyang-471 022, P. R. China, E-Mail. mlsulynu163). Path following method for solving variational inequality problems . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(2), 179-84. 024214 IRAWATI, PURBOYO T W (Algebra Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, E-Mail. irawatimath. itb. ac. id). Developing computer program for computing eigenpairs of 2 x 2 matrices and 3 x 3 upper triangular matrices using the simple algorithm . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(2), 185-200. 024215 IRRGANG B (Mathematisches Institut, Bonn Univ, Endenicher Allee 60, 53115 Bonn, Germany, E-Mail. irrgangmath. uni-bonn. de). Proposing (969 1 . 946)-morasses for 969 1 8804 946 . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(2), 117-48. 024216 KHAIRNAR S M, RAJAS S M (Mathematics Dep, Maharashtra Academy of Engineering, Alandi, Pune-412 105, E-Mail. smkhairnar2007gmail). On a new subclass of multivalent meromorphic function with negative coefficient for operator on Hilbert space . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(1), 95-112. 024217 KIPCHIRCHIR I C (School of Mathematics, Nairobi Univ, P. O. Box 30197-00100, Nairobi, Kenya, E-Mail. kipchirchiruonbi. ac. ke). Modelling dispersion using finite mixture of poisson . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(2), 161-78. 024218 KRISHNAKUMAR R, MARUDAI M (Mathematics Dep, Urumu Dhanalakshmi College, Tiruchirappalli-620 019, Tamil Nadu, E-Mail. srksacetyahoo. co. in). Extension of some fixed point theorems in cone metric spaces . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(1), 25-35. 024219 LEI J, MA S H, FANG J P (College of Mathematics and Physics, Zhejiang Lishui Univ, Lishui-323 000, P. R. China, E-Mail. zjlsfjpyahoo. cn). Propagating solitons and fractal behaviours of the calogero-bogoyavlenskii-schiff system . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(2), 163-71. 024220 LEI L, ZHANG J (Mathematics and Physics Dep, North China Electric Power Univ, Beijing-102 206, P. R. China, E-Mail. lilei64ltncepu. edu. cn). New proof on red-Heffer-Williams inequality . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(2), 213-7. 024221 LI H, ZANG R (Mathematics Dep, Northeast Forestry Univ, Harbin-150 040, P. R. China, E-Mail. lihongpengsy163). Some properties of p-cones in vector spaces . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(2), 153-9. 024222 LIM C S, WONG K B (Taylors Graduate School, Taylors Univ, No.1 Jalan Taylors, Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, E-Mail. chiasien. limtaylors. edu. my). View of top graded local cohomology modules via linear diophantine equations . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(1), 67-74. 024223 MAKINDE D O, OPOOLA T O (Mathematics Dep, Obafemi Awolowo Univ, Ile-Ife 220005, Nigeria, E-Mail. dmakindeoauife. edu. ng). On the radius of starlikeness and convexity of certain subclass of analytic functions . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(1), 1-5. 024224 MARQUES D (Matematica Dep, Brasilia Univ, Brasilia, DF, Brazil, E-Mail. diegomat. unb. br). Fibonacci version of a variant of the Brocard-Ramanujan diophantine equation . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(2), 219-24. 024225 MIZUNO H, SATO I (Iond Univ, Tokyo, Japan, E-Mail. isatooyama-ct. ac. jp). Another proof of a formula for the weighted bartholdi zeta function of a digraph . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 53(1), 81-100. 024226 MODCHANG C, PIMPUNCHAT B, TRIAMPO W, TRIAMPO D, LENBURY Y (RampD Group of Biological and Environmental Physics, Physics Dep, Faculty of Science, Mahidol Univ, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, E-Mail. wtriampogmail). Modeling and optimization of G-protein coupled receptor signal transduction . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 53(1), 17-33. 024227 OBAID M A (Mathematics Dep, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz Univ, P. O. Box: 80111, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia, E-Mail. drmobaidyahoo). Finite groups whose hyperquasicenter contains certain subgroups of prime power orders . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(1), 97-105. 024228 OGHRE E O, AKO I I (Mathematics Dep, Benin Univ, P. M.B. 1154, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria, E-Mail. eoghreyahoo). Mathematical model for measles disease . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(1), 47-63. 024229 PARK J (Mathematics Dep, Hanseo Univ, Seosan-si, Chungnam-do-356 706, Korea, E-Mail. jkparkhanseo. ac. kr). Generalizations of some Simpson-like type inequalities via differentiable (s, m)-convex mappings in the second sense . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(2), 201-15. 024230 PARK J (Mathematics Dep, Hanseo Univ, Seosan-si, Chungnam-do-356 706, E-Mail. jkparkhanseo. ac. kr). Generalizations of the simpson-like type inequalities for co-ordinated s-convex mappings . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(2), 225-36. 024231 PARK J (Mathematics Dep, Hanseo Univ, Seosan-si, Chungnam-do, 356-706, Korea, E-Mail. jkparkhanseo. ac. kr). Generalizations of simpson-like type inequalities for differentiable m-convex and (945, m)-convex mappings . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 55(1), 97-109. 024232 PINTARELLI M B, VERICAT F (Group de Aplicaciones Matematicas y Estadisticas de la Facultad de Ingenieria (GAMEFI), Nacional de La Plata Univ, La Plata, Argentina, E-Mail. vericatiflysib. unlp. edu. cr). Bi-dimensional inverse moment problems . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(1), 1-23. 024233 RADZI H M, MAJID Z A, ISMAIL F, SULEIMAN M ( Mathematics Dep, Faculty of Science Putra Malaysia Univ, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, E-Mail. hazwani194yahoo). Solving delay differential equations using variable step size one step block method . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 53(1), 101-12. 024234 RAJ K, SHARMA S K (School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Univ, Katra-182 320, Jammu amp Kashmir, E-Mail. kuldeepraj68rediffmail). Some difference sequence spaces in 2-normed spaces using ideal convergence and the musielak-orlicz function . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(2), 149-61. 024235 RAMADAN S F, DARUS M (School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kebangsaan Malaysia Univ, Bangi 43600 Selangor D. Ehsan, Malaysia, E-Mail. salma. najigmail). Certain subordination results for a class of analytic functions defined by the generalized differential operator . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(1), 37-45. 024236 RYOO C S (Mathematics Dep, Hannan Univ, Daejeon-306 791, Korea). Calculating zeros of the second kind twisted Euler polynomials . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(1), 107-15. 024237 RYOO C S (Mathematics Dep, Hannam Univ, Daejeon-306 791, Korea). Distribution of zeros of the twisted (h, q)-Euler polynomials . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(2), 137-44. 024238 RYOO C S (Mathematics Dep, Hannam Univ, Daejeon-306 791, Korea). Complex roots of twisted q-Euler polynomials . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(2), 145-52. 024239 SAIKIA N (Mathematics Dep, Rajiv Gandhi Univ, Rono Hills, Doimukh-791 112, Papum Pare, Arunachal Pradesh, E-Mail. nipennakyahoo). On modular identities of the Ramanujan-Gollnitz-Gordon continued fraction . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(1), 65-79. 024240 SEN M, ROY S (Mathematics Dep, National Institute of Technology, Silchar-788 010, E-Mail. senmausumirediffmail). On paranomed type fuzzy real valued I-convergent double sequences . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 53(1), 1-16. 024241 SENGUTTUVAN A, LOGANATHAN C (Mathematics Dep, Maharaja Arts and Science College, Coimbatore-641 407, E-Mail. senkutvangmail). Existence of solutions of second order neutral stochastic functional differential equatiions with infinite delays . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 55(1), 1-20. 024242 SENGUTTUVAN A, LOGANATHAN C, BALASUBRAMANIAM P ( Mathematics Dep, Maharaja College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore-641 407, Tamilnadu, E-Mail. senkutvangmail). Existence of solutions of neutral stochastic impulsive differential equations with state depensent delay . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 54(2), 173-92. 024243 SITTHIWIRATTHAM T, CHASREECHAI S (Mathematics Dep, Faculty of Applied Science King Mongkuts Technology Univ, North Bangkok, Bangkok 10800, Thailand, E-Mail. tstkmutnb. ac. th). Independent, vertex covering and domination number on joined graphs . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 53(1), 65-72. 024244 SMITH S J (Mathematics and Statistics Dep, La Trobe Univ, P. O. Box 199, Bendigo, Victoria 3552, Australia, E-Mail. s. smithlatrobe. edu. au). Simple error estimate for newton-cotes integration . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 53(1), 45-52. 024245 THAMIZHENDHI G, PARVATHI R (Mathematics Dep, Vellalar College for Women, Erode-638 012, E-Mail. gthamilrediffmail). Some domination parameters of intuitionistic fuzzy graphs . 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Risk model under rates of interest . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 56(1), 75-82. 024250 YU G (Research Institute of Information and System Computation Science, Beifang Univ of Nationalities, Yinchuan 750021, P. R. China, E-Mail. guolinyu126). Multi-objective optimization problems and vector variational-like inequalities involving E-convexity . Far East J mathl Sci 2011, 55(1), 75-84. 024251 GU S, WANG S, YU Y, GUO J (College of Materials Science and Engineering, China Jiliang Univ, Hangzhou 310018, P. R. China, E-Mail. guojiayu2000cjlu. edu. cn). Optical properties of inorganic-organic hybrid silica gel glasses doped with copper phthalocyanine . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1241-3. 024252 MISTRY M, MISHRA L K (Physics Dep, D. N. College, Masauri, Patna). An evaluation of temperature dependent mean energies of excitation of Bose-Einstein condensate . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1176-84. 024253 PURUSHOTHAM E (Physics Dep, Kakatiya Univ, Warangal-506 009, E-Mail. psm45456gmail). X-ray determination of the debye-waller factors and debye temperature in hexagonal cu 1-x - zn x alloys . Int J chem Sci 2012. 10(2), 873-80. 024254 RAGHOTHAMAN N, JOSEPH P S (Physics Dep, Saranathan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli-620 012). Vibrational assignments and normal coordinate analysis of 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1353-6. 024255 RAGHOTHAMAN N, JOSEPH P S (Physics Dep, Saranathan College of Engineering, Tiruchirapplli-620 012, E-Mail. ragunivegmail). Vibrational spectral studies of 2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthaquinone . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1357-9. 024256 RAMESH KUMAR P, KUMARARAMAN S, SAGAYARAJ P ( Physics Dep, Aringar Anna Government Arts and Science College, Musiri-621 211, E-Mail. psagayarajhotmail). Investigation on the growth, linear and non-linear optical, thermal and photoconductivity properties of L-tartaric acid-nicotinamide crystal . 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Geometric and electronic structure of isoxazole and isothiazole derivatives by PM3 and density functional theory . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1183-5. 024261 ABDUL JAMEEL A, SYED ALI PADUSHA M, SULTHAN SYED IBRAHIM K (Chemistry Dep, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli-620 020, E-Mail. jameelchem2001yahoo). Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial studies of novel derivatives of phenol and their Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) chloro complexes . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1269-72. 024262 ABDUL JAMEEL A, SYEDALI PADUSHA M (Chemistry Dep, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli-620 020, E-Mail. jameelchem2001yahoo). Microwave assisted synthesis and biological studies of novel Mannich bases . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1260-2. 024263 AGRAWAL P T, DESHMUKH S P (Chemistry P. G. Dep, Shri R. L. T. College of Science, Akola-444 001, E-Mail. poonamagrawal2575rediffmail). Isothiobiurets as an antibacterial and antifungal compounds . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 889-94. 024264 AKPAN I A (Electrochemistry and Materials Science Laboratory Chemistry Dep, Uyo Univ, Uyo, Akis, Nigeria). Inhibitory potential of rubber plant sap (Hevea brasiliensis) on the corrosion of mild steel in acidic medium . Bull pure appl Sci-Sect C 2012, 31(1), 31-41. 024265 ALAGUMANI VASAGAM G, KOTTAI MUTHU A, MANAVALAN R ( Pharmacy Dep, Annamalai Univ, Annamalainagar-608 002). Antioxidant potential of methanolic extract tuberous root of Ipomoea digitata (Linn) . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1393-4. 024266 ALAUDDIN S, HAYAT F (Chemistry Dep, Shibli National College, Azamgarh-276 001, E-Mail. shafqat02gmail). Synthesis and study of some new 3-arylidene indolo 2,3-b oxazin-2-ones as potential fungicides . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 218-22. 024267 ALLOUCH A, HASSAN I E, AL-ZEINE A R, DALLE A A, MOHAMMAD BOUCHKARA, NAKAT H EL, OMAR F E (Laboratory of Applied Chemistry (LAC), Faculty of Science III, Lebanese Univ, P. O. Box 826, Tripoli, Lebanon, E-Mail. fomarul. edu. lb). HPLC separaton of hydrophobic atropisomers . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 799-807. 024268 AZAR P A, PORGHAM-DARYASARI A, SHARIFAN A, SABER-TEHRANI M, SOLEIMANI M (Chemistry Dep, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad Univ, P. O. Box 14155/4933, Tehran, Iran, E-Mail. pabroomandyahoo). Antibacterial activity and chemical constitutions of Melissa officinalis L. . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3). 1381-3. 024269 AZAR P A, TORABBEGI M, TEHRANI M S, HUSAIN S W ( Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad Univ, Tehran, Iran, E-Mail. pabroomandyahoo). Hyrodistillation, solvent free microwave assisted extraction and headspace-solid phase microextraction for analysis of essential oil of flowers of Helichrysum aucheri . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1209-11. 024270 AZHARI S J (Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Umm AL-Qura University, P. O. Box 7605, Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). Optimisation of the determination of inorganic anions and organic acids in Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L) by suppressed ion chromatography . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 143-58. 024271 AZIZIAN J, KRIMI A R (Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Science, Science and Research Campus, Islamic Azad Univ, Ponak, Tehran, Iran, E-Mail. j-aziziancc. sbu. ac. ir). Synthesis of trisubstituted 1,2,4-triazines in presence of NaHSO 4 /SiO 2 . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 980-2. 024272 BADRUL ISLAM, SANADELASLAM ELHADDAD (Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Pharmacy, Omar Al-Mukhtar Univ, Al-Beida, Libya, E-Mail. badr51inyahoo. co. in). Evaluation of thermodynamic activation parameters of cobalt orthovanadate membrane . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1043-1055. 024273 BALASWAMY G, SRINIVAS K, PRADEEP P, SARANGAPANI M (Chemistry Dep, Kakatiya Univ, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, E-Mail. katlaorgyahoo. co. in). Synthesis, characterization and anti-microbial activity of novel substituted benzoxazole derivatives . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 619-26. 024274 BANSAL P, SINGH D, SUD D (Chemistry Dep, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal-148 106, Sangrur, E-Mail. preet2aanandyahoo. co. in). Comparative studies on photocatalytic efficiency of Zno and TiO 2 decolourization and mineralization of Orange II . Pollut Res 2010, 29(4), 613-9. 024275 BAYRAK C (Physics Dep, Faculty of Education, Hacettepe Univ, 06800 Beytepe/Ankara, Turkey, E-Mail. chayrakhacettepe. edu. tr). Vibrational spectroscopic study of 1H-1,2,4-triazole Hofmann-T d - type complexes . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1201-4. 024276 BHADANGE R E, KOLHE S V, GANORKAR R P (Chemistry Dep, Shri Shivaji College, Akola-444 001, E-Mail. ranjeet. bhadangegmail). Synthesis of 3-halo flvones from 2-hydroxy-3-5-disubstituted acetophenone . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1015-20. 024277 BHARADWAJ L, BHARDWAJ M, SHARMA M K (Chemistry Dep, M. S.J. (PG) College, Bharatpur-321 001, E-Mail. leena9886gmail). Analysis of ZnO assisted photocatalytic degradation of giemsa dye . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 944-8. 024278 BOSE C (Chemistry Dep, Government E. V.P. G. College, Korba-495 678, E-Mail. cboserediffmail). Digitoxigenin-3-O-946-D-glucopyranoside from the roots of Sapium sebiferum . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1252-4. 024279 BOUHARIS K, SOUICI M L, MESSADI D (Pollution Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar Univ, B. P. 12, 23200 Annaba, Algeria, E-Mail. dmessadiyahoo. fr). Retention indices for programmed-temperature gas chromatography of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: A QSRR study . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1044-8. 024280 BRAHMA N K, MISRA A K (Chemistry Dep, Nowgong College, Nagaon-782 001, E-Mail. nilotpalbrahma72gmail). Assesment of surface wate quality during monsoon and post-monsoon season of rupahi beel of Nagaon district, Assam, India . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1056-66. 024281 CANSU T B, YUCEL M, SINEK K, BALTACI C, KARAOGLU S A, YAYLI N (Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Karadeniz Technical Univ, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey, E-Mail. yayliktu. edu. tr). Microwave assisted essential oil analysis and antimicrobial activity of M. alpestris subsp. alpestris . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1029-31. 024282 CHAMSAZ M, HEIDARI T, ROUHBAKHSH Z (Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Science, Ferdowsi Univ of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran). Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of triphenlmethane dyes in complex samples using synthetic accommodation of unknown interferents during partial least square regression . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1279-84. 024283 CHAVAN S K, HEMADE M N (Chemistry P. G. Dep, DBF Dayanand College of Arts and Science, Solapur-413 002, E-Mail. drskchavanyahoo. co. in). Densities, viscosities and conductance behaviour of trimethyl ammonium hydrochloride in acetone and water mixture at various concentrations and temperatures . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1101-10. 024284 CHOWDARY K P R, SWATHI G (Univ College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Andhra Univ, Visakhapatnam-530 003, E-Mail. profkprcrediffmail). Design and evaluation of floating tablets of glipizide employing olibanum gum and hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 955-7. 024285 CINCE I, OZKAYA A R (Fevzi Cakmak High School, Beykoz, Istanbul, Turkey, E-Mail. icince34gmail). Elecrochemical reduction and oxidation of copper, Lead complex and metal-free phthalocyanine . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 983-91. 024286 DAN W Y, DI Y Y, ZHANG D M, HE D H, LIU Y P ( College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Liaocheng Univ, Liaocheng 252059, Shandong Province, P. R. China, E-Mail. diyouying126). Synthesis, crystal structure and thermodynamic properties of Tris(8-quinolinolato-N, O) cobalt(III) methanol . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1015-19. 024287 DAVALLO M, PASDAR H, KHOSRAVI M (Chemistry Dep, Islamic Azad Univ, North Tehran Branch, P. O. Box 19136, Tehran, Iran, E-Mail. mdavalloiau-tnb. ac. ir). Morphology and mechanical properties of polystyrene: blending with low, medium and high molecular mass elastomers . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1143-6. 024288 DAVALLO M, PASDAR H, KHOSRAVI M (Chemistry Dep, Islamic Azad Univ, North Tehran Branch, P. O. Box 19136, Tehran, Iran, E-Mail. mdavalloiau-tnb. ac. ir). Impact modification and toughening of polystyrene: part-1, blending with low and medium molecular mass elastomers . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1147-52. 024289 DAVALLO M, PASDAR H, KHOSRAVI M (Chemistry Dep, Islamic Azad Univ, North Tehran Branch, P. O. Box 19136, Tehran, Iran, E-Mail. mdavalloiau-tnb. ac. ir). Impact modification and toughening of polystyrene: part-2. blending with medium and high molecular mass elastomers . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1158-62. 024290 DAVOODNIA A, ATTAR P, ESHGHI H, MORSALI A, TAVAKOLI-HOSEINI N, TAVAKOLI-NISHABURI A (Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Sciences, Islamic Azad Univ-Mashhad Branch, Mashhad, Iran, E-Mail. attarpariayahoo). Ionic liquid, bmim Br, as an efficient promoting medium for synthesis of 2-amino-3,5-dicarbonitrile-6-thiopyridines . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1273-5. 024291 DEEP M K, SIDDQUI A A (Pharmaceutical Sciences Dep, Bhagwanti University, Ajmer, Rajasthan, E-Mail. anees56yahoo. co. in). Isolation and characterisation of some pharmaceutical active flavonoids from Cichorrium intybus plant (Kasini) . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 125-34. 024292 DEORE P M, KHALKAR A R, ARBAD B R (Chemistry Dep, Dr. B. A. M. Univ, Aurangabad, Maharastra, E-Mail. pmdeoregmail ). Equilibrium studies on calcium (II) complexes with drug - phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride and amino acids - glutamine and phenylalanine . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 697-701. 024293 DHIRBASSI S D, DIGHADE S R, KHAWALE D S ( Chemistry Dep, Bar. R. D.I. K. and N. K.D. College, Badnera, Maharastra, E-Mail. sureshdhirbassiyahoo. co. in). Synthesis of chalcones and 3,5-diaryl-916 2 - isoxazolines . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 777-82. 024294 DHIRBASSI S D, DIGHADE S R, KHAWALE D S ( Chemistry Dep, Bar. R. D.I. K. and N. K.D. College, Badnera, Maharastra, E-Mail. sureshdhirbassiyahoo. co. in). Synthesis of substituted bromo-nitro-chalcones and 3,5-diaryl-916 2 - isoxazolines . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 914-20. 024295 EL-BAIH F E M, AL-HAZIMI H M (Women Students-Medical Studies amp Sciences Sections, Chemistry Dep, College of Science, King Saud Univ, P. O. Box 22452, Riyadh 11495, Saudi Arabia, E-Mail. zahraa205yahoo). Synthesis and antitumor activity of some pyrazole derivatives . 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Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1137-42. 024299 GADHAWALA Z M, MODASIYA M K, DOI R M, HARSOLIYA M S, PANCHBHAYYA M M (The HNSB Ltd, Science College, Himatnagar, Gujarat, E-Mail. zmgadhawalayahoo. co. in). Synthesis and biological evaluation of some new oxime, phenyl hydrazone and 2, 4 dinitro phenyl hydrazone derivatives of ketones . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 269-72. 024300 GAHTORI P, SINGH A, GHOSH S K, DAS A, ARCHANA U ( Devsthali Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy, Lalpur, Rudrapur-263 148, E-Mail. praniorigmail). Synthesis of some substituted phenylthiazolyl 1,3,5-triazine derivatives . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1189-92. 024301 GANORKAR R P, ATLOYE A H, BANSOD J S, DESHMUKH O S, PUND D A (Chemistry Dep, Mahatma Fule Arts, Commerce and Sitaramji Choudhari Science Mahavidyalaya, Warud-444 906, E-Mail. rajesh. ganorkarrediff). Proximate analysis of root, stem and leaves of Cissus quadrangularis Linn . 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Characterization of the complex of Se 4 N 3 Br with Fe (III): mass amp I. R. spectra . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1091-5. 024306 GURDAS S, GULEC H A, MUTLU M (Food Engineering Dep, Faculty of Engineering, Cumhuriyet Univ, 58140 Sivas, Turkey, E-Mail. sgurdashacettepe. edu. tr). Adsorption isotherm and kinetic modelling of 946-galactosidase immobilization onto a basic resin (Duolite A568) . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1049-54. 024307 HAIRUL HISHAM H, NOR AZAH Y, ABU BAKAR S, FATIMAH A B (Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Science, Univ Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, E-Mail. azahscience. upm. edu. my). Spectrophotometric determination of benzoic acid based on inhibitive effect on tyrosinase enzyme . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1133-6. 024308 HAJIAN R, SHAMS N, ZARIFMANESH A (Young Researchers Club, Chemistry Dep, College of Science, Islamic Azad Univ Branch of Gachsaran, Gacharan, 75818-63876, Iran, E-Mail. hajianch. iut. ac. ir). H-point standard addition method for simulataneous spectrophotometric determination of hydrochlorothiazide and furosemide . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1344-8. 024309 HANDA S P, SINGH A, VASHIST S L, MITTAL S N ( Chemistry Post Graduate Dep, M. L.N. College, Yamuna Nagar-135 001, E-Mail. snmittal30gmail). Role of metal(945-thiopicoline anilide) as sensitizer in the photo-oxidative degradation of polyisobutylene . Asian J Chem 2011. 23(3), 1236-40. 024310 HAVALDAR F H, SHARMA A K S (Nadkarny-Sacasa Research Laboratory, Chemistry Dep, St. Xaviers College, Mumbai-440 001, E-Mail. drfreddy11yahoo. co. in). Syntheses of some thiazolidin-4 ones as potential antimicrobial agents . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1314-16. 024311 HUSSAIN K, ISMAIL Z, SADIKUN A (Pharmaceutical Chemistry Dep, School of Pharmaceutical Science, Univ Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang-11800, Malaysia, E-Mail. hussain761yahoo). High performance thin-layer chromatography method for quantification of betulinic acid in extracts of leaves of Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 977-9. 024312 ISKENDER N Y, KAHRIMAN N, YUCEL M, KARAOGLU S A, TERZIOGLU S, YAYLI N (Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Karadeniz Technical Univ, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey, E-Mail. yayliktu. edu. tr). Antimicrobial activity and volatile constituents of Omphalodes cappadocica (Willd.) DC. . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1032-4. 024313 ISLAM M A A A A, MUMIT M A, ALAM M A, CHOWDHURY A, SHEIKH M C (Chemistry Dep, Rajshahi Univ of Engineering amp Technology, Rajshahi-6204, Bangladesh, E-Mail. aaminruetyahoo). Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of Vanadium (V) complexes of 4-n-hexyloxybenzoylhydrazine . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1075-80. 024314 JAIDKA S, SOMANI R, KHAIRA J, JAIDKA R ( Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Dep, D J College of Dental Sciences and Research, Modinagar, E-Mail. shiprajaidka2gmail). Effect of prevident and pronamel in the prevention of chemical erosion: a comparative study . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(2), 102-5. 024315 JAIN K, SINGH S (Chemistry Dep, B. N. Post Graduate College, Udaipur-313 001, E-Mail. saritjain82gmail). One pot synthesis of 3-nitro-1,2-dihydroxyanthraquinone and 1-hydroxy-9,10-dioxo-9,10-dihydroanthracen 2-yl benzoate using microwave irradiation . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1395-6. 024316 JAIN S K, MISHRA P (SLT Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur-495 009, E-Mail. sanmatijain72yahoo. co. in). Synthesis and evaluation of some 2-substituted) ethanoylamino-5-aryl-1,3,4-thiadiazoles as diuretic agents . 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Kinetics approach for hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to p-aminophenol in a four-phase system . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1001-5. 024324 LIN T, WANG J, LI L, DU L (Key Laboratory of Bio-resources and Eco-environment of the Ministry of Education, College of Life Science, Sichuan Univ, Chengdu 610064 P. R. China, E-Mail. dulinfangscu. edu. cn). Investigation of the secondary structure and interaction of hPin1 with cobalt iron by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1041-3. 024325 LIU E, ZHENG Y (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, QuFu Normal Univ, Shandong Province, P. R. China, E-Mail. erdliu163). Determination of metallic elements for quality control of herbal medicines . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1091-4. 024326 MADALAGERI P M, KOTRESH O (Chemistry Dep, Karnatak Science College, Karnatak Univ, Dharwad-580 003, E-Mail. drokotreshgmail). Synthesis and biological activity of some noval dithiocarbamate substituted benzimidazolo-quinolines . 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J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 211-7. 024330 MISHRA A R, TRIPATHI K N, MISHRA H C (Chemistry Dep, Shri Durga Ji P. G. College, Chandeswhar Azamgarh, Jaunpur). Synthesis and characterisation of triaryl-s-triazolo-3,4-b-1,3,4-thiadiazolo 3,2-b-s-triazine-5-thiones as fungicides . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 185-8. 024331 MISHRA A R, TRIPATHI K N, MISHRA H C (Chemistry Dep, Shri Durga Ji P. G. College, Chandeswhar, Azamgarh, U. P.). Synthesis and fungitoxicity of 3-aryl-s-triazolo-3,4-b-1,3,4-thiadiazolo 3.2-b imidazo 4,5-b quinoxalines . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 223-8. 024332 MISHRA P M, SHIVA SHAKTI, CHOUDHARY S K, VIKASH G, SINGH G, MISHRA J P, SUDHA KUMARI (MLSM College, Darbhanga). Synthesis and characterisation of complexes of 2-hydroxy-3 nitro acetophenyl amino guanidine with 3d-series transition metals . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 195-204. 024333 MISHRA S B, NAYAK S K, PATTNAIK A K, MISHRA P K ( Radhanath Rath Vigyan Mahavidyalaya, Khuntuni, Cuttack, Odisha). Ultrasonic studies of Cu(NO 3 ) 2 . 3H 2 O in propan-2-ol water solvent at 303.15 K . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 169-174. 024334 MISHRA S, MISHRA J P (Chemistry Dep, Feroze Gandhi College, Raebareli-229 001, E-Mail. salonimishr12gmail). QSAR studies on 3-iodo-4-phenoxypyridinone series against HIV-1 activity . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1011-14. 024335 MONTAZEROZOHORI M, NASR-ESFAHANI M, JOOHARI S, AKHLAGHI P, DEHGHANI A (Chemistry Dep, Yasouj Univ, Yasouj 75918-74831, Iran, E-Mail. mmzohoryyahoo). Biomimetic catalytic decarboxylation of phenylacetic acid derivatives by manganese(III) complex . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1081-4. 024336 MOSTAFIZUR RAHMAN M, SAHA R, AHMED B, MARIA RAHMAN M, AFSAR UDDIN M, YUSUF M A, HASNAT M A (Chemistry Dep, Graduate School of Physical Sciences, Shahjalal Univ of Science amp Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, E-Mail. mahtazimyahoo). Light induced kinetic studies of oxidative degradation of malachite green . 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Vibrational spectroscopic study of the Hofmann-Diam-type clathrates M (1,7-diaminoheptane) Ni(CN) 4 . G (M Ni or Cu G benzene, 1,2- 1,3- 1,4-dichlorobenzene, p-xylene, o-xylene, toluene) . Bull pure appl Sci-Sect C 2012, 31(1), 43-7. 024344 PANDEY R N, SHANKAR KUMAR S (P. G. Centre of Chemistry (M. U.), College of Commerce, Patna-800 020, E-Mail. sheoshankar2374rediffmail). Metal chelates of zirconium (IV) with anti-tubercular isonicotinic and hydrazide drug . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 135-8. 024345 PATIL S T, BHATT P A (Chemistry Dep, Jodhpur National Univ, Jodhpur-342 003, E-Mail. devanshu31gmail). Synthesis and antitubercular activity of some 2-(4-substituted phenyl)-3-(4-substituted phenyl)-5-methylthiazolidin-4-ones . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1405-6. 024346 PESHWE A G, DORE K U (Chemistry P. G. Dep, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose College, Nanded-431 602, E-Mail. ajitpeshwegmail). Ultrasonic studies of 1,4-dioxane and methanol binary liquid mixtures at different temperatures . 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Synthesis and characterization of (4Z)-4-(substituted benzylidene)-5-methyl-2,4-dihydro-3H-pyrazol-3-one for their biological activity . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1149-58. 024354 REDDY K N, ARUNA M, RAVINDRANATH D, REDDY A H, PATNAYAK C, SATYANARAYANA S (Chemistry Dep, Osmania Univ, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, E-Mail. knreddy4yahoo). Trace metals in ground water in Medak, Ranagareddy and Hyderabad districts . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 937-43. 024355 ROUNAGHI G H, KAKHKI R M Z, CHAMSAZ M (Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Sciences, Ferdowsi Univ of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, E-Mail. ghrounaghiyahoo). Transport study of some transition melta cations through a bulk liquid membrane using dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 as carrier . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1167-72. 024356 SAGAR P, ROHIT KUMAR (Chemistry Dep, SSJ Campus, Kumaun Univ, Almora-263 601, E-Mail. sagarpriyanka2006yahoo. co. in). Highly efficient and recyclable ZSM-5 anchored Pd(II) complexes as catalyst for the dihydrogen reduction of organic substrates . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 972-82. 024357 SAHAI A, DWIVEDI S, SAXENA N (Chemistry Dep, Government Girls Post Graduate College of Excellence, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, E-Mail. contacthasuyahoo. co. in). Oleandrigenin-3-O-945-L rhamnopyranoside from the seeds of Ophiorrhiza mungos (Linn) . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 932-6. 024358 SAHAYA AMUTHA P, ROSARIO RAJKUMAR X (Chemistry Dep, Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli-620 002, E-Mail. amudossgmail). Apparent molal volumes and partial molar volumes of aqueous solutions of some biologically important compounds at 308 and 318 K . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1360-2. 024359 SALMAN J M, AL-SAAD K A (Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Baghdad, Iraq, E-Mail. jasim63yahoo). Adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid onto date seeds activated carbon: equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies . 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Photocatalytic degradation of amidoblack-10B using copper hexacyanoferrate (II) as semiconductor . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 956-66. 024367 SHINDE N D, PATIL L S, JADHAV D V, SURYAWANSHI V S, PAWAR O B, GAIKWAD S S (Chemistry Dep, Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Omerga-413 606, E-Mail. chemscscorediffmail). A simple, precise and highly efficient analytical method for the estimation of trace amount of iron present in bisphenols . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 949-55. 024368 SINGH A, KALPANA S (Electrochemistry amp Environmental Chemistry Lab, Chemistry Government College Dep, Kota-324 001, E-Mail. alkasingh.1974yahoo). Corrosion inhibition studies at iron surface in acetic acid solutions by aqueous extract of Fenugreek leaves . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 817-23. 024369 SINGH A, KALPANA S (Electrochemistry amp Environmental Chemistry Lab, Chemistry Dep, Government College, Kota-324 001, E-Mail. alkasingh.1974yahoo). Inhibition of the corrosion of iron in citric acid solutions by aqueous extract of fenugreek seeds . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 175-9. 024370 SINGH R, PAL R S (Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi, E-Mail. pal. ramsevakgmail). Synthesis, characterization and study of metal ions adsorption by acrylic polymer . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 837-46. 024371 SREEDHAR M K, JISHA B N, HARI PRASAD S (Chemistry Dep, University College, Thiruvananthapuram-695034, E-Mail. drmksdharuchotmail). Reaction co-ordinates of Ene reactions in configuration space . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 180-4. 024372 SRIVASTAVA R, WAHAB A (Chemistry Dep, Shibli National P. G. College, Azamgarh, UP). Synthesis and fungitoxicity of 4-methyl-6-phenyl-2-phenylimino-1, 3-oxathiolo 4,5-d-pyrazole . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 265-8. 024373 SRIVASTAVA R, WAHAB A (Chemistry Dep, Shibli National P. G. College, Azamgarh, UP). Synthesis of new fungitoxic 5-aryl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzothazolon 3,2-a 1,3,5-thriazine-3-thiones . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 273-6. 024374 SUBRAHMANYAM C S, NARAYANAN S (Chemistry Dep, Presidency College, Chennai-600 005, E-Mail. chsivaschemistgmail). Synthesis of quinoxalines in presence of zinc triflate . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1331-3. 024375 SUHARSO, BUHANI (Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Lampung Univ, Bandar Lampung 35145, Indonesia, E-Mail. suharsounila. ac. id). Biosorption of Pb(II), Cu(II) and Cd(II) from aqueous solution using cassava peel waste biomass . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1112-16. 024376 SULTANA S, ISLAM M R, DAFADER N C, HAQUE M E, NAGASAWA N, TAMADA M (Chemistry Dep, Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry Division (NRCD), Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC). Jahangirnagar Univ, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh, E-Mail. rabiuljugmail). Effect of mono - and divalent salts on the properties of carboxymethyl cellulose hydrogen under irradiation technique . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 627-34. 024377 SUMA N, JEEVANANDA T, PALANNA O G (Chemistry Dep, RNS Institute of Technology, Channasandra, Bangalore-560 061, E-Mail. jeevanandagmail). Iodo-potentiometric technique for the estimation of potassium permanganate . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1337-40. 024378 SUN J Z (Chemistry Dep, Dezhou Univ, Shandong, Dezhou, P. R. China, E-Mail. jianzhisun163). Preparation and characterization of cathode material for magnesium cells . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1397-8. 024379 SUN J Z (Chemistry Dep, Dezhou Univ, Shandong Dezhou, P. R. China, E-Mail. jianzhisun163). Study of MgV 2 O 6 as cathode material for secondary magnesium batteries . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1399-400. 024380 TANG X, CHEN S, WANG L (College of Physics and Chemistry, Xihua Univ, Chengdu-610 039, P. R. China, E-Mail. tangxiaorong0901163). Isolation and insecticidal activity of farnesol from Stellera chamaejasme . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1233-5. 024381 TEKADE P V, MOHABANSI N P, BAJORIA J R (Chemistry Dep, Jankidevi Bajaj College of Science, Jamnalal Bajaj Marg, Civil Lines, Wardha-442 001). Comparative study and analysis of water sources from Dham river of Pawnar, Maharashtra, India . Pollut Res 2010, 29(4), 647-9. 024382 TIWARI A, TIWARI V, VENKATARAMANA C H S, MADHAVAN V (Pharmaceutical Chemistry Dep, M. S. Ramaiah College of Pharmacy, Bangalore-560 054, E-Mail. abhishekt1983gmail). Synthesis and biological activity of pyrazolidine-3,5-dione substituted benzimidazole derivatives . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1179-82. 024383 TOROGLU S (Biology Dep, Faculty of Science and Arts, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Univ, 46100 Kahramanmaras, Turkey, E-Mail. storogluksu. edu. tr). Antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Thymus kotschyanus subsp. glabrescens . 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Engineering College, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, E-Mail. sanjaym61rediffmail). Seasonal variations of disinfection by-products in drinking water . Pollut Res 2010, 29(4), 627-33. 024391 VERMA S, SHRIVASTVA S, SHRIVASTVA R (Chemical Laboratory, Govt. Motilal Vigyan Mahavidhalaya, Bhopal Madhya Pradesh. E-Mail. sarikasamcetrediffmail). Synthesis and physico-chemical studies of newly formed ternary complexes of inner transition metals with a benzimidazole derivative and cytosine . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 664-76. 024392 VYAS M, CHAWLA G, PANDEY H K (Chemistry Dep, Govt. Engineering College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, E-Mail. mkvyas2007gmail). Characterization of some Er (III) systems in terms of electronic-spectral parameters . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 829-36. 024393 VYAS M, PUROHIT P, PANDEY H K (Chemistry Dep, Govt. Engineering College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, E-Mail. mkvyas2007gmail). Thermodynamic behaviour of hypersensitive transition observed in some Er (III) doped systems . 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China, E-Mail. yilyil8163). Adsorption of Cd(II) and Cu(II) by epichlorohydrin and cyseine modified bagasse . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1377-80. 024398 YADAV S K (Chemistry Dep, Government Post Graduate College, Hisar-125 001, E-Mail. skyadavgchisaryahoo. in). Conductance and 1 H NMR studies of some aqueous surfactants fructose solutions . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1276-8. 024399 YADAVA R N, MAMTA RAJ (Chemistry Dep, Natural Products Laboratory, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central Univ, Sagar-470 003, E-Mail. rnyadavarediffmail). Phytochemical examination of Emilia sonchifolia DC. . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1403-4. 024400 YANG L J, YANG Y, DONG R (School of Pharmacy, Xinxiang Medical Univ, Xinxiang, Henan 453003, P. R. China, E-Mail. ychg58sina). Synthesis of N-acyl carbamates and oxazolidinones using HCIO 4 - SiO 2 as catalyst under solvent-free conditions . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1085-7. 024401 YUSOF N A (Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Science, Univ Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, E-Mail. azahscience. upm. edu. my). Sensitization and inhibition of the redox activity of hybridization labels by acridine orange, Hoechst 33258 and DNA using a rapid electrochemical method . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1153-7. GEOLOGY. METEOROLOGY. HYDROLOGY 024402 ANIL KUMAR, SINGH D P (Zoology Dep, Janta College, Bakewar, Etawah-206 124). Physicochemical characterstics of the river Yamuna in district Auraiya, Uttar Pradesh . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 121-22. 024403 DAS B K, BHATTACHARYYA K G (Chemistry Dep, Kokrajhar Govt. College, Kokrajhar-783 370, E-Mail. bkdkgcgmail ). Assessment of ground water quality in Kokrajhar district of Bodoland Territorial Council, Assam, India . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1067-1073. 024404 KANTI KUMAR, DWIVEDI A K (Chemical Engineering Dep, UEC, Ujjain). GIS based risk assessment, preparedness and prevention of crowd disaster: a case study of relegious pilgrims in India . Pollut Res 2010, 29(4), 601-6. 024405 KAUSHAL A, KAUSHAL M P, SONDHI S K (Soil amp Water Engneering Dep, Punjab Agricultural Univ, Ludhiana-141 004, E-Mail. arunkaushalarunrediffmail). Prediction of groundwater recharge through percolation tank by modelling . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 523-7. 024406 ORINGOJIN E S, MOLDABAYEVA G J (Institute of Geology and Oil Gas Business after K. Turysova, Kazakh National Technical Univ, After Name of K. I. Satpayev, Republic of Kazakhstan Almaty, E-Mail. gumoldabayevayahoo). Foundations of chemical recovery of metals from leaching solutions through electrical action . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 751-67. 024407 SUMI A (Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science), Transdisciplianry Initiative for Global Sustainability, Center for Climate System Research, The University of Tokyo, ). Future changes in surface temperature and precipitation in arid and semi-arid regions revealed by the multi-model ensemble (MME) dataset for the IPCC AR4 . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(3-4), 233-49. 024408 UMMAR S (Geological Survey of India, 130, Ekamra Vihar, Bhubaneswar-751 015). Geogenic hazards in coastal Odisha. with special emphasis on coastal erosion . SGAT Bull 2012, 13(1), 26-36. 024409 VISHWAKARMA D, SHARMA K, DWIVEDI A K (Ujjain Engineering College, Ujjain, E-Mail. erdeepakvishwakarmagmail). Review on desalination of sea water by reverse osmosis in India . Pollut Res 2010, 29(4), 635-9. 024410 BHARDWAJ K K, BHARDWAJ S, GUPTA P M, RATHOR N ( Chemistry Dep, K. R. College, Mathura-281 001, E-Mail. kkbhardwajkrrediffmail). Analytical studies of egg shell membrane of partridge (Francolinus francolinus) . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 243-50. 024411 DEMIRIZ T, COKMUS C, PABUCCU K (Biology Dep, Gazi Univ, Institute of Science, Ankara, Turkey, E-Mail. kpabuccuhotmail). Antimicrobial activity of some algal species belonging to cyanobacteria and chlorophyta . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1384-6. 024412 JOHRI P K, TRIPATHI R, JOHRI R (Zoology Dep, D. A.V. College, Kanpur-208 001, E-Mail. kumarpeeyahoo). In vivo studies on analgesic, antipyretic, motor coordination and memory enhancing activities of polyherbal preparation used in reference to male antifertility and aphrodisiac activity in albino rats . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 27-40. 024413 KALITA K, TAMULI K K, BAISHYA S, PHUKAN B ( College of Fisheries, Assam Agricultural Univ, Raha-782 103, E-Mail. sangiprangmail). Dynamics of algal bloom in freshwater pond treated with pig excreta and its control measures . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 749-51. 024414 LIMA M (Center for Advanced Studies in Ecology and Biodiversity, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Casilla 114-D, Santiago CP 6513677, Chile). Small rodent fluctuations in arid ecosystems: natural laboratories for testing population dynamic theory . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(3-4), 413-17. 024415 SHARMA S, SANDEEP KAUR (Zoology Dep, Panjabi Univ, Patiala-147 002, E-Mail. drsumansharma.15rediffmail). Histopathological effects of acute and chronic doses of cadmium on testes of albino mice . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 107-11. 024416 AHUJA P S, SINGH R D (CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, E-Mail. psahujaihbt. res. in). R amp D on pteridophytes at CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 269-71. 024417 AJAY KUMAR, KAUSHIK P (Botany and Microbiology Dep, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar-249 404, E-Mail. jkmr156gmail). Seasonal study on antibacterial activity of Diplazium esculentum (Retz.) Sw. . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 153-7. 024418 ANILKUMAR K K, MURALEEDHARAKURUP C (P. G. and Research Centre of Botany Dep, Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala). Effect of BHC content in the soil on the spore count, . Pollut Res 2010, 29(4), 667-70. 024419 ANTONY R, SHAREEF S M, MOHANAN N (Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden amp Research Institute Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, E-Mail. rajuantonytbgrirediffmail). Natural apospory in Pteris argyraea T. Moore from South India . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 149-52. 024420 BENNIAMIN A (Botanical Survey of India, Arunachal Pradesh Regional Centre, Senkie View, Itanagar-791 111, E-Mail. fernsbennigmail). Diversity of ferns and fern allies of Murlen National Park, Mizoram, Northeast India . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 1-12. 024421 BENNIAMIN A (Botanical Survey of India, Arunachal Pradesh Regional Centre, Senkie View, Itanagar-791 111, E-Mail. fernsbennigmail). Occurrence and ecology of some dryopteroid ferns in Arunachal Pradesh . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 13-29. 024422 DAS D, NATH P C (Botany Dep, Gargaon College, Simaluguri-785 686, E-Mail. dimeshwarrediffmail). Diversity of pteridophytes in Nazira subdivision of Sivasagar district, Assam, N. E. India . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 89-99. 024423 DERZHAVINA N M (Botany Dep, Orel State University, Komsomolskaya 95, Orel 302026, Russia, E-Mail. d-nmmail. ru). Adaptation of ferns to epiphytic mode of life: a case of Platycerium willinckii and Aspelenium nidus . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 164-82. 024424 FRASER-JENKINS C R (Student Guest House, Tridevi Marg, Thamel, P. O. Box 5555, Kathmandu, E-Mail. chrisophilusyahoo. co. uk). Sanjeevani could not have been Selaginella bryopteris . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 183-95. 024425 GHANTA R, DUTTA S, MUKHOPADHYAY R (Centre for Advanced Study, Botany Dep, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan-713 104. E-Mail. rnm. burdwangmail). Seasonal variations in arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation status in some pteridophytes of Bankura district of West Bengal . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 30-8. 024426 HORROCKS J R (Salt Lake City, Utah, U. S.A. E-Mail. sjhorrockshotmail). Osmunda japonica . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 254-61. 024427 HOSEINY-RAD M, ALI-ASHRAF A, JAGANNATH S (Biology Dep, Payame Noor Univ, Ilam Center, Ilam, I. R. Iran, E-Mail. manizehhosseiniradyahoo). Metabolic changes during early growth of chickpea affected by imazethapyr (pursuit TM ) . Pollut Res 2010, 29(4), 671-6. 024428 JAIN R, YADAV B L (Botany Dep, G. M. Momin Womens College, Bhiwandi-421 302, E-Mail. drritujain78yahoo). Cytology of three ferns of Rajasthan . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2). 196-201. 024429 JEEVA S, MAHESH M, SUKUMARAN S (Botany Dep, Scott Christian College (Autonomous), Nagercoil, Tamilnadu-629 003, E-Mail. solomonjeevagmail). Toxonomic survey of pteridophytes in Chengamal forest - Kanyakumari wild life sanctuary, Tamil Nadu, South India . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 72-5. 024430 KALE M V, GHADAGE D M (Botany Dep, Jaysingpur College, Jaysingpur-416 101, E-Mail. manishavkalegmail). Ethnomedicinal and phytochemical studies in some pteridophytes of Western Ghats, Maharashtra . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 238-9. 024431 KHULLAR S P (Botany Dep, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160 014, E-Mail. sp. khullargmail). Account of the eusporangiate ferns: diversity and researches - 1. Marattiaceae . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 44-71. 024432 KNAPP R (Taipei, Taiwan, E-Mail. ralf. knappgmail). Affinities of Indian and Taiwanese pteridofloras . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 202-37. 024433 MAHMOOD T, KADAM D (Barkatullah Univ, Bhopal, E-Mail. tahirchoudhary786gmail). Some medicinal plants used for the treatment of Jaundice and Hepatitis based on tribal and rural people of Poonch and Rajouri (Jammu amp Kashmir) . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 449-54. 024434 MAZUMDAR J, MUKHOPADHYAY R (UGC Centre for Advanced Study, Botany Dep, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan-713 104. E-Mail. mm. burdwangmail). Epidermal micromorphology of leaves of some lycophytes and ferns . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 76-85. 024435 MEHLTRETER K, VALENZUELA J (Instituto de Ecologia, A. C. Red de Ecologia Funcional, Xalapa, Veracruz, Maxico, E-Mail. kmehltretergmail). Leafcutter ants as test organisms for leaf quality of ferns . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 262-8. 024436 MONDAL B, SARKAR N C, MONDAL C K, MAITI R K, GONZALEZ RODRIGUEZ H (Plant Protection Dep, Palli Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan-731 236). Mangrove plants and traditional ayurvedic practitioners in Sundarbans region of West Bengal, India . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 669-74. 024437 NATH N (Botany Dep, Goalpara College, Goalpara, Assam, E-Mail. dranandadasgmail). Comparative palynotaxonomic study of some species of scrophulariaceae acanthaceae, verbenacea, and lamiaceae . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 821-3. 024438 NATH N (Botany Dep, Goalpara College, Goalpara, Assam, E-Mail. dranandadasl. gmail). Phenology of some wetland plants of urpod beel of Goalpara district, Assam . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 609-10. 024439 PABUCCU K, GULECEK R, SOLAK C N (Biology Dep, Faculty of Science and Arts, Gaziosmanpasa Univ, Tokat, Turkey). Seasonal variation of epipelic algal flora in Gunyuzu pond (Eskisehir/Turkey) . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1387-92. 024440 PATIL S, MAHAMUNI R, DONGARE M (Botany Dep, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, E-Mail. sach2010dgmail). Diversity of ferns in the hills of northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 158-63. 024441 PRAKASH PRADHAN, DUTTA A K, ROY A, ACHARYA K ( Botany Dep, Molecular and Applied Mycology amp Plant Pathology Laboratory, Calcutta Univ, Kolkata-700 019, E-Mail. krishpaperyahoo). New records of Coprinus pers. from India . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 752-5. 024442 RAVINDRA V, SREENIVAS K N, SHANKARAPPA T H (Post Harvest Technology Dep, Horticultural Sciences Univ, Bagalkot, PG Center, Bengaluru-560 065, E-Mail. knsreenivasphtgmail). Value addition and technology development: Shatavari, Aloe and Mango Ginger blended Nectar beverage . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 495-500. 024443 SENJAM P, SINGH S R, NARAYANASWAMY P (Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory Horticulture Div, Agricultural Sciences Univ, GKVK, Bangalore-560 065, E-Mail. pushparanisenjamgmail). Positive correlation between yield and quality parameters in Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3). 458-62. 024444 SHAIKH S D, PATIL S M, JADHAV S B, DONGARE M ( Rajarshi Chhatrapati Sahu College, Kolhapur, E-Mail. lakish786yahoo. co. in). Royal fern - Osmunda huegeliana L. from Northern Maharashtra (India) . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 86-8. 024445 SHARMA B D, BOHRA D R, SUTHAR O P, HARSH R (Kath Mahdi, Narnaul-123 001, E-Mail. bdsharma14yahoo. in). Introduction and literature on osmundaceous plants . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 137-48. 024446 SHARPE J M (Sharplex Services, P. O. Box 499, Edgecomb, Maine 04556 USA, E-Mail. joannesharpejuno). Annual variation in leaf production of reproductively mature sporophytes of Dryopteris intermedia and Polystichum acrostichoides (Dryopteridaceae: Pteridophyta), two common ferns of the temperate North-Eastern USA . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 240-53. 024447 SHEOKAND S, DUDEJA S S, SWARAJ K (Botany and Plant Physiology Dep, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ, Hisar-125 004). Nitrogen fixation in tropical environments-adaptive responses and benefits . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 743-53. 024448 SINGH D, SHARMA R A, SHARMA B, SHARMA S K, SHARMA D, CHANDRAWAT P, SHARMA S (Botany Dep, Rajasthan Univ, Jaipur-302 055. E-Mail. sharmara2007yahoo. co. in). Antimicrobial activity of sequential extracts for leaves of Cassia nodosa Bunch. . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1415-16. 024449 SUBRAMANIYAN A, PALANIVELU K (Zoology Dep, Government Arts College, Kumbakonam-612 001, Tamil Nadu, E-Mail. ungaldolphinyahoo). Analysis of culture practices Ficus religiosa waste in Eudrilus religiosa waste in Eudrilus eugeniae (kingberg) . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 561-5. 024450 SUKUL S, CHUNARI N, MONDAL S, GHOSH M (Botany Dep, Visva-Bharati ( a central University), Santiniketan, West Bengal. E-Mail. scvbharatirediffmail). Phytochemicals analysis and screening for active compounds in Lycopodium cernuum . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 39-43. 024451 WANI M H, SHAH M Y, NAQSHI A R (Botany Dep, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, E-Mail. wanimmajidhotmail). Ferns of Kashmir - an updated account . Indian Fern J 2012, 29(1-2), 100-31. 024452 WEI X, LI D, DU L, GONG Q (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Guangxi Univ, Nanning, 53004, P. R. China, E-Mail. wx11651163). Indirect determination of sulfamethazine sodium by Cu 2 complexation extraction and flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1163-6. 024453 ALI H, ANSARI K K, SADGURU PRAKASH (P. G. Zoology and Research Studies Dep, M. L.K. (P. G.) College, Balrampur-271 201, E-Mail. kaykayansarigmail). Haematological abnormalities in an exotic carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, infested by a fish louse, Argulus spp. . Pollut Res 2010, 29(4), 593-5. 024454 ANIL KUMAR (High Altitude Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Solan-173 211, E-Mail. anilsontagmail). Breeding biology of Indian robin Saxicoloides fulicata in Northern India . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 57-61. 024455 ARIF M (Zoology Dep, Dr. Ghanshyam Singh P. G. College, Soyepur, Lalpur, Varanasi-221 002, E-Mail. arifmohdjnprediffmail). Seasonal fluctuations in food and feeding habit in reference to preferential interest in Mystus seenghla (Sykes) . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 97-101. 024456 BASAVARAJU Y, REDDY A N, PRASHANTH N T (Fisheries Research amp Information Center, 10th Cross, Mayura Street, Papanna Layout Hebbal Outer Ring Road, Bangalore-560 094, E-Mail. ybraju55gmail). Evaluation of growth and survival of two stocks of common carp under polyculture in Karnataka . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 470-3. 024457 BINDHUJA M D, REVATHI K (PG amp Research Zoology Dep, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai-600 008, E-Mail. bindhu01rediffmail). Effect of sublethal concentration of padan on the biochemical composition of Tilapia mossambica (peters) . Pollut Res 2010, 29(4), 641-5. 024458 CHAND S (Zoology Dep, R. P.G. College, Jamuhai, Jaunpur-222 001). Impact of pyrethroid and organophosphorus pesticides on the level of various amino acids in the gut tissues of naiad of Trithemis aurora (Burm.) dragonfly (Libellulidae:Odonata) . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 291-8. 024459 CHATTOPADHYAY S (Zoology Dep, Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College, Kolkata-700 108, E-Mail. sanjibchattrediffmail). Biodiversity of planktons in a tropical lake . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 603-8. 024460 CHOLAN T, PALANIVELU K (Zoology Dep, Government Arts College, Kumbakonam-612 001, E-Mail. ilayaishanthyahoo). Culture practices of Lampito mauritii (kinberg) on Pennisetum typhoides waste . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 598-602. 024461 CHOLAN T, PALANIVELU K (Zoology Dep, Government Arts College, Kumbakonam-612 001, E-Mail. layaishanthyahoo). Utilization of different organic wastes by using Earthworm Lampito mauritii (Kinberg) . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 615-9. 024462 CHOPRA G, BHOOMBAK M B, PARMESH KUMAR (Zoology Dep, Kurukshetra Univ, Kurukshetra-136 119, E-Mail. parmeshkukrediffmail). Group size and composition, sex ratio and birth seasons in hanuman langurs in Morni Hills of Haryana, India . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 219-25. 024463 DASTIDAR B G (Zoology Dep, Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College, Kolkata-700 018, E-Mail. bidishaghoshdastidaryahoo. in). Impact of pesticides on the development of chick embryo . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 659-63. 024464 GAUTAM R K, SHARMA S (Zoology Dep, School of Life Sciences, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Univ, Agra-282 002). Copper nitrate alter inorganic compounds in liver and kidney of fresh water fish Clarias batrachus . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 209-11. 024465 GUPTA S, SADGURU PRAKASH, ASHOK KUMAR (Zoology Dep, M. L.K.(P. G.) College, Balrampur-271 201). Crowding effect on Paramphistomum sp. in ruminants under natural conditions . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 263-4. 024466 KALAIYARASAN S, SIVAKUMAR R (Zoology PG and Research Dep, Government Arts College, (Autonomous) Kumbakonam-612 001, E-Mail. kalaisoundergmail). Racial analysis of Oreochromis mossambicus peters, 1852 (Pisces. Cichlidae) from Arasalar and Vadavar river, Tamil Nadu . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 743-8. 024467 MATHIALAGAN R, SIVAKUMAR R (PG and Research Zoology Dep, Government Arts College, Kumbakonam-612 001, E-Mail. mathialaganeragmail). Gonado-somatic index of reba carp Cirrhinus reba (hamilton) from Vadavar river, lower5 Anicut, Tamil Nadu . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 624-6. 024468 NARENDRAN T C, IGNATIUS M, MENON P L D (Zoology Dep, Calicut Univ, Kerala-673 635). Review of Pseuderimerus gahan (Hymenoptera:Torymidae) with description of a new species and a key to species . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 49-56. 024469 PANDEY A K (National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Canal Ring Road, Lucknow-226 002, E-Mail. akpandeycifayahoo. co. in). Recent advances in fish pheromone research with emphasis on their potential applications in aquaculture and fishery management . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 1-22. 024470 PANDEY A K, SARKAR M, MAHAPATRA C T, KANUNGO G, ARVIDAKSHAN P K (Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar-751 002, E-Mail. akpandeycifayahoo. co. in). Effect of dietary lysine and methionine supplementation on growth of Catla catla and Labeo rohita fingerlings . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 259-62. 024471 PATHARE M, AFONSO G, SAXENA G, LAHIR Y K, AGWUOCHA S B, MOHITE V T (Zoology Dep, Thakur College of Science and Commerce, Kandivli (East), Mumbai-400 101). Human interference on feeding behavior of monkeys at kanheri caves (SGNP), Mumbai . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 143-7. 024472 PATHARE M, AFONSO G, SAXENA G, MOHITE V T, AGWUOCHA S B, LAHIR Y K (Zoology Dep, Thakur College of Science and Commerce, kandivli (E), Mumbai-400 101). Biodiversity of meiofauna from Dadar chowpatty (coast) central Mumbai . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 265-8. 024473 PAWAR B A, GITE A B, SHENDGE A N, PANDARKAR A K ( Zoology Dep, P. V.P. College, Pravaranagar, Tal. Rahata, Ahmednagar-413 713, E-Mail. bapwr2007rediffmail). Acute toxicity and impact of nuvan on biochemical content of larvae of Chironomus tentans - meigen (Diptera:Chironomidae) . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 23-6. 024474 POOLADGAR A R, MOGHADAM A T, HEIDARY R, FORUZAN A R, MAGHAMI S G (Razi Research Vaccine and Serum Institute, Ahwaz, Iran, E-Mail. polladgar60yahoo). Biological control of scorpion by using Bacillus thuringiensis . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1). 299-301. 024475 PUNDIR G, MALHOTRA N M, LAL S S (Zoology Dep, R. G.(P. G.) College, Meerut-250 001, E-Mail. gaarimaa112yahoo. co. in). Toxicopathological changes in liver of Clarias batrachus due to cadmium sulphate toxicity . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 253-8. 024476 RATHOR V S, HEMANT KUMAR (Zoology Dep, Guru Hari Kishan Degree College, Jhansi-284 001). Induced designer pearl production in freshwater mussel Lamellidens marginalis . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 283-5. 024477 SAHA D, GHOSH L K (Dinabandhu Andrews College, Garia, Kolkata-700 084). Preliminary study on food preference of Myrmicaria brunnae Saunders, 1842 (Insecta:Hymenoptera:Formicidae) during non breeding season . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 103-5. 024478 SAINI K C, CHAUHAN R, MATHUR A, SINGH N P ( Entomology Lab Zoology Dep, Rajasthan Univ, Jaipur-302 055, E-Mail. singhhnpsyahoo. co. in). Diversity of spider fauna in shekhawati Aravalian region of Rajasthan . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 287-90. 024479 SAOKAR C D, MANE U H (Zoology Dep, K. R.A. Arts Science amp Commerce College, Deola, Nashik-423 102, E-Mail. cdsaokargmail). Seasonal changes in respiration of freshwater bivalve Indonaia caeruleus from Girna river, district Nashik, India . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 69-74. 024480 SENGAR M S, SINGH J P N (Zoology Dep, R. H.S. P.G. College, Singramau, Jaunpur-222 175). 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) induced histopathological changes in labyrinthine organ of air breathing fish, Anabas testudineus . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 113-9. 024481 SHARMA S, DHALLA A S (Zoology and Environmental Sciences Dep, Punjabi Univ, Patiala-147 002, E-Mail. drsumansharma.15rediffmail). Hematological alterations in pesticide exposed rural punjabi farm workers . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 241-3. 024482 SHEKHAR CHAND (PG Zoology Dep, R. P.G. College Jamuhai, Jaunpur-222 002). Organophosphorus pesticides inflected impairments in the midgut histo-architecture of naiad of Trithemis aurora (Burm.) (Odonata:Libellulidae) . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 213-18. 024483 SHENDGE A N, PAWAR B A, PANDARKAR A K (Zoology Dep, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati-413 102, E-Mail. anilshendgerediffmail). Variation in protein content of fresh water catfsh Wallago attu (hamilton) in relation to sex and maturity cycle . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 251-2. 024484 SHRIVASTAVA S, SRIVASTAVA S (Zoology Dep, K N (PG) College, Gyanpur-221 304, E-Mail. shubhasri20032003yahoo). Emotion, cognition, social intelligence and related brain network in Indian green ring neck parrot Psittacula krameri . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 91-6. 024485 SHUKLA R K, RASTOGI N (Insect Behavioural Ecology Laboratory, Zoology Dep, Banaras Hindu Univ, Varanasi-221 005, E-Mail. neelkamalrastogiyahoo. co. in). Seasonal variation in the population structure of the dimorphic ant, Pheidole sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) colonies . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 277-31. 024486 SINGH D P, ANIL KUMAR (Zoology Dep, J. V. College, Baraut, Baghpat). Effect of certain insecticides on the growth of ciliate protozoan (Tetrahymena pyriformis) . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 41-3. 024487 SINGH R, CHATURVEDI S K (Zoology Dep, Satish Chandra (P. G.) College, Ballia-277 001, E-Mail. ramss09rediffmail). Seasonal chenges in hypothalamic nuclei, the nucleus preopticus and pituitary gonadotrops in realtion to gonadal cycle of a freshwater murrel fish, Channa punctatus (Bloch) . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 129-34. 024488 SRINIVASULU C, JANAIAH C (Zoology Dep, Govt. Degree College, Peddapalli, Karimnagar-505 122). Morphology and chemical composition of metathoracic scent glands in Coridius janus (Heteroptera) . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 45-8. 024489 SRIVASTAVA A, SINGH J P N (Zoology Dep, R. H.S. P.G. College, Singaramau, Jaunpur-222 175). Operculum of climbing perch Anabas testudineus: a histochemical investigation . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 123-7. 024490 SRIVASTAVA A, SINGH J P N (Zoology Dep, R. H.S. P.G. College, Singaramau, Jaunpur-221 175). Impact of the trace element zinc on the secretory cells in the operculum of a climbing perch Anabas testudineus . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 201-7. 024491 SRIVASTAVA A, VENKATESH KUMAR R (Applied Animal Sciences Dep, Babasaheb Ambedkar Univ, Vidya Vihar, Lucknow-226 025, E-Mail. dramit. sri7gmail). Effects of antibiotic administration and seasonal interaction of economic parameters of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 179-83. 024492 SUDHA V, SIVAKUMAR R (PG and Research Zoology Dep, Government Arts College, Kumbakonam-612 001, E-Mail. sivaeragmail). Gastro-somatic index in black rohu, Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822) from lower anicut, Tamil Nadu . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 627-8. 024493 TAMOT P, AWASTHI A (Post Graduate Zoology Dep, Government Motilal Vigyan Mahavidyalaya, Bhopal-426 016, E-Mail. tamot03yahoo. co. in). Ichthyo-faunal study and limnology of a protected (kerwan) reservoir, Bhopal, India . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 775-8. 024494 VENUGOPAL A, RAGHUPATI M, VIDYUNMALA S, REDDY N S, SATYANARAYANA RAJU C, NIRMAL KUMAR S (Regional Sericultural Reseach Station, Post Box 50, Anantapur-515 001). Effect of phyto-ecdysteroid hormone on the ripening and spinning in silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) under semi-arid conditions of Andhra Pradesh . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 157-62. 024495 VETRI SELVI C, REVATHI K (Biochemistry Dep, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai-600 008). Histological changes in the gills and liver of Labeo rohita exposed to tebuconazole . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 279-81. 024496 YADAV S, ANAND KUMAR (Zoology Dep, Agra College, Agra-282 002, E-Mail. sujatayadrediffmail). Induction of ethological isolation among populations of Drosophila ananassae: a response to variation in diet . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 85-90. 024497 AGNITHOTRI V K, AGNIHOTRI N (Zoology Dep, Government P. G. College, BINA, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, E-Mail. nvagnihotrigmail). Carbohydrate composition of the seeds of Grewia villosa Wild . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1039-42. 024498 AJAYI O B, ADEFIOYE ADEDAYO (Biochemistry Dep, Faculty of Science, Ekiti State University, P. M.B. 5363, Ado-Ekiti (Nigeria), ). Comparative study on chemical compositions, phytochemical screening and physico-chemical properties of the seeds of Dioclea reflexa . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 251-64. 024499 BANGINWAR Y S, INGLE S T, KSHIRSAGAR Y L ( Pharmaceutics (Microbiology) Dep, S. G. S. P. S. Institute of Pharmacy, Akola, Maharashtra, E-Mail. drbyogeshgmail). Effective management of Colletotrichum dematium causing leaf blight of safed musli . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 967-71. 024500 DONGRE A B, RAUT M P, MESHRAM K J, MOHAN P, MUNNE K K (CICR, P. B. No.2, Shankar Nagar, P. O. Nagpur-440 010). Genetic diversity of tetraploid and diploid cotton cultivars revealed by RAPD markers . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 56-62. 024501 DUBEY P, JAIN S, BANERJEE S (Govt. M. L.B. Girls Autonomous P. G. College, Bhopal-462 001, E-Mail. preetidubey01ymail). Comparative antimalarial activity of Phyllanthus amarus and Enicostemma axillare plants extracts . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1009-14. 024502 GAO Y, FU Y, WANG C, LI S, YANG Y (School of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Yunnan Univ of Nationalities, Kunming, Yunnan 650031, P. R. China, E-Mail. yuntaogaosohu). Optimization of ultrasound-assisted aqueous two-phase extraction of flavonoids from Erigeron breviscapus by response surface methodology . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1023-8. 024503 JAIGANESH K P, ARUNACHALAM G (Centre for Research and Development, PRIST Univ, Thanjavur-613 403, E-Mail. kpjaiyaganeshgmail). GC-MS analysis of leaf extracts of Pterospermum canescens Roxb. (sterculiaceae) . Int J chem Sci 2012. 10(2), 1028-38. 024504 KUPPAST I J, SATISH KUMAR K V (Pharmacology Dep, National College of Pharmacy, Shimoga (Karnataka), E-Mail. kubsadsatishyahoo). Wound healing activity of aqueous and alcoholic extrcts of fruits of Zizyphus oenoplia . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1021-7. 024505 RAJESH KUMAR, ELANGOVAN V (Applied Animal Sciences Dep, School of Biosciences and Biotechnology Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Central Univ, Raebareli Road, Lucknow-226 025). Rearing performance of different eco-races of ERI silkworm (Philosamia ricini) donovan during summer season of Uttar Pradesh . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 163-8. 024506 RAJESHWARI H S, NAIK T P, AJAYAN K V (Botany and Environmental Science Dep, Sahyadri Science College (Autonomous) Kuvempu Univ, Shivamogga-577 203, E-Mail. rajeshwaribhuvangmail ). Production of single-cell protein by Aspergillus niger from pulse husk . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 719-30. 024507 SINGH R B (Zoology Dep, School of Life Sciences, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Univ, Khandari Campus, Agra-282 002, E-Mail. rbsinghugcgmail). Smith degradation technique used for the identification of polyalcohols from periodate oxidized seeds polysaccharide of Cassia hirsuta Linn. plant . Int J chem Sci 2012. 10(2), 793-98. 024508 SUJAY KUMAR G, REDDY M H, SUJATHA G, REDDY M S ( Marine Biology Dep, Vikrama Simhapuri Univ, Nellore-524 003, E-Mail. yadavvsugmail). Impact of vitamins in shrimp diets in inducing the growth potentials in tropical penaeid prawn Penaeus monodon . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 135-42. 024509 TOUNSI M S, OUERGHEMMI I, KSOURI R, WANNES W A, HAMMROUNI B, MARZOUK B (Laboratory of Bioactive Substances, Biotechnolgical Center, Technoparkof Borj-Cedria 2050 Hammam-Lif, Tunisia). HPLC-determination of phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of cactus prickly pears seeds . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1006-10. 024510 YADAV L K, VATSA N, ASTHANA R K (Chemistry Dep, Kuteer P. G. College, Cakkey, Jaunpur, E-Mail. laxmikanty6gmail). Preventive and curative role of Solanum nigrum in liver toxicity . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1117-23. 024511 YADAV M (Chemistry Dep, T. D. (P. G.) College, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh). Role of excess zinc on Cicer arietinum UAR-PUSA 256 . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 1079-86. MEDICAL SCIENCES. VETERINARY MEDICINE 024512 AGARWAL M, TRIVEDI H P, GUPTA M, MITTAL S ( Conservative Dentistry amp Endodontics Dep, Government Dental College amp Hospital, Jaipur). Endodontic management of mandibular first molar with three distal root canals . Endodontology 2012, 24(2), 116-9. 024513 AGARWAL V, NAYAK D U S, SHARMA M, REDDY Y G, SINGLA M, NANDA Z (Consrevative Dentistry Dep, N. I.M. S. Dental College, Jaipur). Comparative eveluation of different retrograde cavity designs of amalgam for assessment of micro-leakage by dye penetration method - an in vitro study . Endodontology 2013, 25(1), 91-9. 024514 AHUJA A, SURI V, SURI A, SHARMA M C, PRAKASH G, BAKHSHI S, GARG A, SARKAR C (Pathology Dep, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, E-Mail. surivaishaliyahoo. co. in). Unusul central nervous system presentation of ALK-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma in a child . Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 522-4. 024515 AKHILANDESWARI B, RANGANATH P (Anatomy Dep, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka, E-Mail. akhilandeswaribgmail). Variations in the source of origin of inferior phrenic artery: a cadaveric study . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 6-9. 024516 AKRUWALA S D, SHARMA V M, DESAI S, DAVE R I ( Surgery Dep, GCS Medical College Hospital amp Research Centre, Ahmedabad, E-Mail. drsushilakruwalagmail). Rare case of Kimuras disease . GCSMC J med Sci 2013, 2(1), 43-5. 024517 AMANDEEP KUMAR, CHANDRA P S, MANKOTIA D S, TRIPATHI M, GARG A, MAHAPATRA A K (Neurosurgery Dep, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, E-Mail. saratpchandra3gmail). Squamosal type superficial middle cerebral vein: a rare venous drainage pattern . Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 546-7. 024518 AMINA ZERINE K P, HEGDE S, KASHYAP R, ARUN KUMAR M S (Periodontics Dep, Yenepoya Dental College, Deralakatte, Mangalore, E-Mail. zerinetaurrediffmail). Assessment of comparison of periodontal status in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: a pilot study . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(1), 2-6. 024519 ANANT PATIL, SHALINI AGGARWAL (Endodontics Dep, Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College, D. Y. Patil Vidyapeet, Pimpri, Pune). To compare and contrast maintenance of root canal geometry using rotary NiTi systems - an in vitro study . Endodontology 2013, 25(1). 14-21. 024520 ARORA N, SHARMA P K, SAHAI A, SINGH R (Anatomy Dep, SHKM Government Medical College, Mewat, Haryana, E-Mail. drneetuaroragmail). Sonographic measurement of the spleen: splenic length in adults and its correlation with different parameters . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 57-61. 024521 AVINASH KUMAR, ANJUM S (Orthodontics Dep, Al-Badar Rural Dental College and Hospital, Gulbarga, E-Mail. avinashorthodontistyahoo). Post-juvenile periodontitis, pathologic tooth migration and an interdisciplinary approach . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(1), 70-2. 024522 AVINASH KUMAR, KONDA P (Orthodontics Dep, Al-Badar Rural Dental College and Hospital, Gulbarga, E-Mail. avinash. orthodontistyahoo). Patterns of stress distribution during simple tooth movements: a finite element study . 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Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, E-Mail. drtusharbgmail). Chronic liver disease and skeletal health (hepatic osteodystrophy) . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 103-6. 024527 BANERJEE I, BHADURY T (Pharmacology Dep, Murshidabad Medical College, Behrampore, Kolkata, E-Mail. dronineoyahoo). Self-medication practice among undergraduate medical students in a tertiary care medical college, West Bengal . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 127-31. 024528 BANSAL D, GREWAL H K, JAWANDA M, MADHUSHANKARI G S (Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Dep, M. M. College of Dental Sciences and Research, Mullana, Ambala, E-Mail. drdeepti10yahoo, co. in). Rare site of adenocarcinoma not otherwise specified . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(4), 282-5. 024529 BEHAL S, LELE S (Oral Medicine and Radiology Dep, M. A. Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences and Research Center, Pune. E-Mail. drsoniabehlayahoo. co. in). Correlation of Salivary glucose with blood glucose in diabetic individuals . 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Periapical and intraradicular resorption of extruded endoflas in primary molar . Endodontology 2012, 24(2), 156-9. 024534 BHATIA R, SINGHAL A (Neurology Dep, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, E-Mail. rohitbhata71yahoo). Optic neurits: a blury issue . Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 459-60. 024535 BHATT J, SHAH R, PARMAR P, PANDYA N (Pathology Dep, GCS Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Ahmedabad, E-Mail. drjalpavyasyahoo). A rare case of large benign serous cyst adenofibroma of ovary in postmenopausal woman . GCSMC J med Sci 2013, 2(1), 36-7. 024536 BHUTIA K L, SENGUPTA R (Anatomy Dep, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, Gangtok, Sikkim, E-Mail. klbhutiagmail). Morphological study in Hyrtls anastomosis of umbilical arteries in pregnancy-induced hypertension . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 37-9. 024537 BIBYAN M, KHANDELWAL R G, REDDY P K, HULBE S, BALACHANDER T G (Surgical Gastroenterology Dep, Apollo Hospital, Greams Road, Chennai-600 006, E-Mail. ishabibyanyahoo. co. in). Gallstone causing pseudoaneurysm of accessory right hepatic artery . Indian J Gastroenterol 2012, 31(4), 213-4. 024538 BISWAR R, BASAK S C, SHAIKH S A (Pharmacy Dep, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608 002, E-Mail. ranubiswasrediffmail). Formulation development and polymer optimisation for once-daily sustained release matrix tablets of domperidone . J Pharma Sci Tech 2011, 1(1), 28-34. 024539 BOLLA N, NAIK B D, KAVURI S R, SRIRAM S K ( Conservative Dentistry amp Endodontics Dep, SIBAR Institute of Dental Sciences, Guntur). Radix entomolaris . Endodontology 2013, 25(1), 121-4. 024540 CAI M J, MA L T, YANG M, PAN L (Neurosurgery Dep, Wuhan General Hospital of Guangzhou Command, Peoples Republic of China, E-Mail. mingjuncahotmail). Vein of galen aneurysmal malformation: strategy transarterial embolization using coils alone . Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 559-60. 024541 CHAKRAVARTHI S D, JAIN K, KOCHHAR R, BHADADA S K, KHANDELWAL N, BHANSALI A, DUTTA U, NAIN C K, SINGH K (Gastroenteroogy Dep, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh-160 012, E-Mail. drkochharhotmail). Prevalence and predictors of abnormal bone mineral metabolism in recently diagnosed adult celiac patients . Indian J Gastroenterol 2012, 31(4), 165-70. 024542 CHANDRA SHEKAR B, SAVITHA A N, DWARAKANATH C D ( Periodontics Dep, K. B.H. Dental College and Hospital, Nasik, E-Mail. drchandruperioyahoo). Modified widman flap and papilla preservation flap in maxillary region: a comparative study . 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Anticonvulsant activity of methanol extract of rhizomes of Cyperus tegetum Roxb . J Pharma Sci Tech 2011, 1(1), 1-5. 024547 CHAVAN P J, PACHORI Y, BARTHUNIA N, BOTHRA J ( Orthodontics Dep, Jodhpur Dental College General Hospital, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, E-Mail. drpjchavanyahoo. co. in). One phase or two phase treatment modality in children with class II div 1 malocclusion: a dilemma in orthodontics . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(4), 262-3. 024548 CHAWLA A, KAPUR R, SINGH P R (All India Institute of Medical Education and Research, New Delhi). Assessment of apical seal obtained by three obturating techniques using dye penetration method and macro lens photography: an in-vitro study . Endodontology 2012, 24(2), 29-35. 024549 CHAWLA V, SARAF S A (Faculty of Pharmacy, Northern India Engineering College, Sector-2, Dr. Akhilesh Das Nagar, Chinhat, Lucknow-227 105, E-Mail. shubhini. sarafgmail). Infrared and differential scanning calorimetric studies on solid lipid nanoparticles of aceclofenac . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1302-4. 024550 CHEN M J, ZHANG J L, HUANG S Q, YOU C ( Neurosurgery Dep, West China Hospital Sichuan Univ, 37 GuoXue Xiang, Wu Hou District, Chengdu, P. R. China, E-Mail. zhangjiweijhuiyahoo. cn). Complicated lumbar ganglioneuroma . Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 539-40. 024551 CHETHAN M, HEGDE M N (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Dep, K. G.F. College of Dental Sciences, Kolar, E-Mail. meghachethanyahoo. co. in). Effects of in-office tooth whiteners on hardness of tooth-colored restoratives: an in-vitro study . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(2), 97-101. 024552 CHHABRA L, SRINIVASAN I, SAREEN P, ANAND C, SPODICK D H (Internal Medicine Dep, Saint Vincent Hospital, Massachusetts Medical School Univ, Worcester, MA 01608, USA, E-Mail. lovidshotmail). Interatrial block - a novel risk factor for Acute Mesenteric Ischemia . Indian J Gastroenterol 2012, 31(4), 191-4. 024553 CHOKSHI S, MEHTA J, CHOKSHI P, VAIDYA R ( Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Dep, Ahmedabad Dental College and Hospital, Ahmedabad). Morphological variations in the root canal system of mandibular second molar: a case series . Endodontology 2013, 25(1), 135-8. 024554 CHOUDHURI G, RANGAN M (Gastroenterology Dep, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow-226 014, E-Mail. choudhuri. gourgmail). Amebic infection in humans . Indian J Gastroenterol 2012, 31(4), 153-62. 024555 CHOWDARY K P R, NARESH A (Univ College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Andhra Univ, Visakhapatnam-530 003, E-Mail. prof. kprchowdary). Formulation development of efavirenz tablets employing HP 946 cyclodextrin-PVP K30-SLS: a factorial study . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 921-31. 024556 CHOWDARY K P R, SRINIVASA REDDY K (Univ College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Andhra Univ, Visakhapatnam-530 003, E-Mail. profkprcrediffmail). Factorial study on the effects of 946-cyclodextrin and surfactants on the solubility and dissolution rate of carbamazepine . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 968-70. 024557 CHOWDARY K P R, TARAKARAMARAO C (Univ College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Andhra Univ, Visakhapatnam-530 003, E-Mail. profkprcrediffmail). Factorial study on the evaluation of formulation variables on the dissolution rate of etoricoxib tablets . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 958-60. 024558 DSOUZA R, SHETTY S, HEGDE C (Prosthodontics Dep, Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, E-Mail. rainseqyahoo). Comparison of the dimensional accuracy of epoxy resin die system, improved type IV and type V dental stone die system . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(4), 221-5. 024559 DANI N, KUDYAR N, MUTHA R (Periodontology and Implantology Dep, M. G.Vs K. B.H. Dental College and Hospital, Nashik, E-Mail. mutha. rakeshgmail). Resolution of periodontal inflammation . 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Anthropometric measurments of external ear of medical students in Uttarakhand region . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 79-83. 024564 DEVBHUTI D, DEVBHUTI P, DE A U (Pharmaceutical Technology Dep, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700 032, E-Mail. ddjuptyahoo. co. in). Synthesis and biological screening of 3, 4-dimethoxy benzenesulphonyl glutamic acid analogs as possible antineoplastic agent . J Pharma Sci Tech 2011, 1(1), 6-9. 024565 DEVBHUTI P, DEVBHUTI D, SENGUPTA C (Gupta College of Technological Sciences, Asansol, West Bengal, E-Mail. pdevbhutirediffmail). Effect of ascorbic acid on lipid peroxidation induced by ceftazidime . J Pharma Sci Tech 2011, 1(1). 51-53. 024566 DEWAN A, GUPTA A, TRIVEDI P, AGRAWAL G, PATEL D D, SHAH M (Pathology Dep, Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, E-Mail. adidewangmail). Lumbosacral actinomycosis with direct involvement and compression of conus medullaris and cauda equina nerve roots: an extremely rare case . 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Sessile (diminutive) polyp within a sigmoid diverticulum-EMR or observe . Indian J Gastroenterol 2012, 31(4), 201-2. 024571 DUBE M, MEENA KUMARI, PANDYA M, DUBE S, TRIVEDI P (Pacific Dental College, Debari, Udaipur, Rajasthan). Comparative evaluation of antibacterial efficacy of spilanthes DC root extract, sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine and doxycycline at different concentrations on Enterococcus faecalis - an in-vitro study . Endodontology 2013, 25(1), 63-72. 024572 FIRAKE K (S. V.N. H.T. s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Rahuri Factory, Rahuri). How to make your eyes beautiful . J Natn Integrat Med Ass 2012, 54(1), 9-10. 024573 GAJERA D A, PATEL N A, SHAH D P, AMIN P A ( Radiology Dep, B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, E-Mail. draniljasanigmail). Role of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in intracranial lesions . GCSMC J med Sci 2013, 2(1), 21-6. 024574 GANDHI K R, JOSHI S D, JOSHI S S, SIDDIQUI A U, JALAJ A V (Anatomy Dep, RMC, PIMS, Loni, Maharashtra, E-Mail. gandhikusum. rgmail). Lumbar plexus and its variations . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 47-51. 024575 GEETHA M, MENON S, VALLATH B (Gastroenterology Dep, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Ponekkara, P. O. Cochin-682 041, E-Mail. vbalakrishnanaims. amrita. edu). Spectrum of pancreatitis in children and adolescents . Indian J Gastroenterol 2012, 31(4), 175-8. 024576 GHODKE R K, SATHE P A, KANDALKAR B M (Pathology Dep, Seth G. S. Medical College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, E-Mail. drratnaghotmail). Calcifying nested stromal epithelial tumor of the liver - an unusual tumor of uncertain histogenesis . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 160-2. 024577 GHOSH G, SUBUDHI B B, MISHRA D, SUDHIR KUMAR P, MISHRA S K (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Siksha O Anusandhan Univ, Kalinga Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751 003, E-Mail. goutamspsyahoo. in). Isolation and characterization of 22,23-dihydrostigmasterol (946-sitosterol) from the bark of Polyalthia longifolia var. Angustifolia . 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Oral reconstruction of oroantral fistula with chronic maxillary sinusitis by buccal fat pad . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(1), 84-6. 024582 GUZELDEMIR E: Gingival bleeding as a first sign of many hematologic disorders . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(2), 89-90. 024583 HALKAI K, HALKAI R, CHOUDARY T M (Conservative Dentistry amp Endodontics Dep, S. N. Dental College, Gulbarga). Endodontic management of maxillary first molar with two palatal canals and two mesiobuccal canals diagnosed with aid of spiral computed tomography . Endodontology 2013, 25(1), 115-20. 024584 HARSHA K J, JAYADEVAN E R, KANNATH S K (Imaging Science and Interventional Radilogy Dep, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Medical College PO, THiruvananthapuram, E-Mail. kjharshagmail). Transient ventricular bigeminy during vertebral artery catheterization . 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Prevalence of selected microorganisms in the pulp space of human deciduous teeth with irreversible pulpitis . Endodontology 2013, 25(1), 107-11. 024589 HEGDE V, KIRAN D N, ANUPAMA A (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Dep, AMEs Dental College and Hospital, Raichur, E-Mail. kdn30673gmail). Mouthguard in sports . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(1), 50-2. 024590 HORATTI P, JITURI S R, KIDIYOOR K H (Conservative Dentistry amp Endodontics Dep, S. D.M. College of Dental Sciences amp Hospital, Dharwad, Karnataka). Non-surgical endodontic treatment of maxillary permanent first molar with three canals in mesiobuccal root . Endodontology 2013, 25(1), 125-8. 024591 INCI M M, DEMIR C F, OZKAN F, YILDIZ M (Radiology Dep, Sutcu Imam Univ School of Medicine, Kahramanmaras, Elazig, Turkey, E-Mail. drfatihincigmail). Unusual presentation of occipital condyl fracture: contralateral hypoglossal nerve palsy . 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Antidiabetic and antiinflammatory studies of Alpinia galanga rhizome . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1230-2. 024596 JAKKANI R K, RAGVENDRA K I, KARNAWAT A, VITTAL R, KUMAR A (Radiodiagnosis Dep, Yashoda Hospital, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh). Bilateral petrous apex cephaloceles . Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 563-4. 024597 JANA S, GANDHI A, SEN K K, BASU S K ( Pharmaceutics Dep, Gupta College of Technological Sciences, Ashram More, G. T. Road, Asansol-713 301, E-Mail. janapharmacygmail). Natural polymers and their application in drug delivery and biomedical field . J Pharma Sci Tech 2011, 1(1), 16-27. 024598 JANSARI A H, SANGHAVI P R, JADAV D N, TANK T V, PATEL B M (Anesthesiology Dep, Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Ahmedabad, E-Mail. drpritisanghavigmail). Anesthetic management of a patient with wolff-parkinson-white syndrome for modified radical mastectomy . 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Endodontology 2012, 24(2), 120-4. 024606 KAMATH Y S, GUPTA P, RAO K A, BHAT S S ( Ophthalmology Dep, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka, E-Mail. dryogishkamathyahoo. co. in). Atypical presentation of lung carcinoma . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 153-4. 024607 KAMRA A I (Conservative Dentistry Dep, C. S.M. S.S. Dental College, Kanchanwadi, Maharashtra). Scanning electron microscopic eveluation of the penetration of root canal dentinal tubules by four different endodontic sealers: a zinc oxide eugenol-based sealer, two resin-based sealers and a polydimethylsiloxane-based sealer: an in vitro study . Endodontology 2012, 24(2), 50-8. 024608 KAPOOR O P (Grant Medical College amp J. J. Group of Hospitals, Mumbai-400 008). Diseases missed in a health check-up suggestions for improvement . J Natn Integrat Med Ass 2012, 54(1), 5-7. 024609 KAPOOR O P (Medicine Dep, Grant Medical College amp J. J. Group of Hospitals, Mumbai-400 008). Value of routine blood count and routine urine analysis versus package blood tests like SMA-12 . J Natn Integrat Med Ass 2012, 54(3), 5-8. 024610 KAPOOR O P (Medicine Dep, Grant Medical College amp J. J. Group of Hospitals, Mumbai-400 008). Routine blood count: auto-analyser versus manual method . J Natn Integrat Med Ass 2012, 54(3), 8. 024611 KAPOOR O P (Grant Medical College amp J. J. Group of Hospitals, Mumbai-400 008). Three causes of very high values of serum LDH . J Natn Integrat Med Ass 2012, 54(4), 6. 024612 KAPU R, PANDE A, VASUDEVAN M C, RAMAMURTHI R ( Post Graduate Institute of Neurological Surgery (PGINS), Dr A. Lakshmipathi Neurosurgical Centre, VHS Hospital, Chennai, E-Mail. dr. ravindranath08gmail). Giant colloid cyst of third ventricle wit microhemorrhages causing neurological deterioration: a very rare presentation . 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Depigmentation to repigmentation - a comparison of two different techniques: a case series . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(2), 135-8. 024617 KOC E R, CEMEROGLU O, AYTURK Z, ILHAN A ( Neurology Dep, Faith Univ, Ankara, Turkey, E-Mail. ozlemonurhotmail). Anterior interosseous nerve involvement in a patient due to weight lifting: MRI and EMG finding . Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 527-8. 024618 KOKATE S R, PAWAR A M (Conservative Dentistry amp Endodontics Dep, YMT Dental College amp Hospital, Kharghar, Navi-Mumbai ). An in vitro comparative stereomicroscopic evaluation of marginal seal between MTA, glass inomer cement amp biodentine as root end filling materials using 1 . Endodontology 2012, 24(2), 36-42. 024619 KRISHNAN N (Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Works Road, Chrompet, Chennai-600 044, Tamil Nadu, E-Mail. lknagarajanyahoo. co. in). Steinstrasse in biliary tree - MRCP appearance . Indian J Gastroenterol 2012, 31(4), 212. 024620 KULDEEP KUMAR, LALWANI R, BABU R, ANEJA S, MALIK A (Anatomy Dep, Rama Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. drvermakuppsyahoo). Ultrasonographic estimation of fetal gestational age by fetal kidney length . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 33-6. 024621 KUMAR B, GUPTA S K, SAXENA R, SRIVASTAVA S ( Pharmacology Dep, Ocular Laboratory, Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Delhi Univ, New Delhi, E-Mail. skguphotmail). Current trends in the pharmacotherapy of diabetic retinopathy . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 132-9. 024622 KUMAR R, INDRAYAN A, CHHABRA P (Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Dep, College of Medical Sciences Univ, Delhi, E-Mail. rajeev. kumar. malhotragmail). Reporting quality of multivariable logistic regression in selected Indian medical journals . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 123-6. 024623 KUMARAN V, ET. AL. (Surgical Gastroenterology and Liver Transplantation Dep, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi-110 060, E-Mail. kumaranvinayyahoo). Living donor intestinal transplant using a standardized technique: first report from India . Indian J Gastroenterol 2012, 31(4), 179-85. 024624 KUNDU R, NANDY S, TAPADAR A, GHOSH R K, SARKAR A, PALIT S (Anatomy Dep, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal, E-Mail. rajibkundugmail). Histological observations on the anterior olfactory nucleus in human . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 62-7. 024625 LIU S, WANG X, LIU Y H, MAO Q (Neurosurgery Dep, West China Hospital of Sichuan Univ, Chengdu, P. R. China, E-Mail. liushuang3302163). Spontaneous disappearance of the pituitary macroadenoma after apoplexy: a case report and review of the literature . Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 530-2. 024626 MAHORE A, EPARI S, KATARIYA N G (Neurosurgery Dep, King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College, Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, E-Mail. amit2mahore. co. in). Primary solitary malignant hemangioendothelioma of vertex: a rare calvarial tumor . Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 536-9. 024627 MAKKAR S, KAUL S (Prosthodontics Dep, I. T.S.-CDSR Dental College and Hospital, Ghaziabad, E-Mail. sumitmakkadgmail). CAD/CAM ceramics in dentistry: an inside view . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(2), 119-22. 024628 MALHOTRA S, KAUR K (Periodontology and Oral Implantology Dep, Kalka Dental College, Meerut, E-Mail. sumit7800gmail). Electro-surgery versus conventional surgery for excision of pericoronal flaps . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(4), 236-40. 024629 MALLYA L, ACHARYA S, BALLAL V, PRABHU N ( Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Dep, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka). Comparative study of contact angle of calcium hydroxide to root canal dentine using different vehicles: an in vitro study . Endodontology 2012, 24(2), 59-64. 024630 MANDAL L, BOSE S (Gupta College of Technological Sciences, Ashram More, GT Road, Asansol-713 301, E-Mail. sankha. bosegmail). Pharmacognostic standardisation and quantitative estimation of some isolated phytoconstituents from Croton oblongifolius Roxb. . J Pharma Sci Tech 2011, 1(1), 10-15. 024631 MANI GANESH, BHAGIYALAKSHMI M, HEMALATHA P, VARAGA NARASIMHA RAO C, JANG H T, RAJASEKAR K (Chemical Engineering Dep, Hanseo Univ, 360 Daegok-ri, Haemi-myun, Season-706, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea, E-Mail. htjanghanseo. ac. kr). RP-HPLC estimation of valacyclovir HCl in tablet formulation . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1317-20. 024632 MANIPADAM J M, MANIPADAM M T, STEPHEN E, SHAH G J (Vascular Surgery Dep, Christain Medical College, Vellore-632 004, E-Mail. jmmanipadamyahoo). T cell lymphoma-presentation as Cecal Gangrene . 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J Natn Integrat Med Ass 2012, 54(2), 9-10. 024637 MOHAMMED IRFAN, NITHIN SUVARNA, HARISH SHETTY K, VIDHYADHAR SHETTY (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Dep, Yenepoya Dental College and Hospital, Mangalore). Effect of 10 . Endodontology 2013, 25(1), 30-6. 024638 NADKERNY P V, NADKERNY V D, SUVARNA N, DUTTA S ( Periodontics Dep, New Horizon Dental College and Research Institute, Bilaspur, E-Mail. drpurnima. nadkernygmail). Functional and esthetic rehabilitation of a patient with amelogenesis imperfecta . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(4), 278-81. 024639 NAIK S, SURESHCHANDRA B (Conservative and Endodontics Dep, Al Ameen Dental College, Bijapur, Karnataka). Antimicrobial efficacy of glass ionomers, composite resin, liners amp polycarboxylates against selected stock culture microorganisms: an in vitro study . Endodontology 2012, 24(2), 21-8. 024640 NAIK V, KINI R, SHETTY A, SINGLA S (Oral Medicine and Radiology Dep, A. J. Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, E-Mail. vathsalablrgmail). Treacher collins syndrome: a report of two cases . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(1), 53-6. 024641 NANDI (KAR) M, DEB S, PAL J N, TAPADAR A, ROY H, KAR C (Anatomy Dep, North Bengal Medical College and Hospital, Sushrutanagar, Darjeeling, West Bengal, E-Mail. drmkar0gmail). The quadriceps angle: correlation between clinical and radiographic measurements from a study in North Bengal . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 68-72. 024642 NANDINI D B, DEEPAK B S, NAIK S (Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Dep, College of Dental Sciences, Davangere, E-Mail. nanni29rediffmail). Occupational exposure to HIV and recommendations for post-exposure prophylaxis . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(1), 40-5. 024643 NAYAK M, KOTIGADDE S, HARISH SHETTY K, RAMYA M K ( Conservative Dentistry amp Endodontics Dep, KVG Dental College and Hospital, Kurunjibagh, Sullia). Diabetes mellitus amp apical periodontitis . 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Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 481-6. 024647 ONKAR D (Anatomy Dep, NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra, E-Mail. drdeepalionkaryahoo). Congenital pulmonary airway malformation . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 90-2. 024648 PAI S A, BHAT N, SHIVARAM H V, SUNEETHA K P ( Pathology Dep, Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 055, E-Mail. sanjayapaigmail). Good misdiagnosis to make . Indian J Gastroenterol 2012, 31(4), 210-11. 024649 PAL N, SHARMA R, SHARMA B, SUMAN R (Microbiology Dep, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, E-Mail. nitapalyahoo). Case of cryptosporidium infection in a child of celiac disease . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 160. 024650 PANDA A, VENKATAPATHY R, BALAMURALI P D, MOURUGHAN D (Oral Pathology and Microbiology Dep, Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences, KIIT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, E-Mail. abikshyeetyahoo). Calcifying odontogenic cyst associated with ameloblastoma . 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Giant intradiploic dermoid cyst of the fronal bone with involvemet of frontal sinus in an elderly patient . Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 542-3. 024655 PATWARDHAN A R, NEMADE P S, BHOSALE S K, SRIVASTAVA S K (Orthopedics Dep, Seth G. S. Medical College and K. E.M. Hospital, Acharya Donde Marg, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, E-Mail. apoorvrpgmail). Computed tomography-based morphometric analysis of cervical pedicles in Indian population: a pilot study to assess feasibility of transpedicular screw fixation . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 119-22. 024656 PHANI KUMAR A, GANESH V R L, HARI PRASAD K, HARIHARAKRISHNAN V S, DUBEY P K, VENUGOPALA RAO B (Analytical Development, SMS Pharma Research Center, Gagillapur Village, RR District-500 043, E-Mail. phanismspharma). Liquid-chromatography determination of impurities in Sildenafil citrate . 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J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 166. 024663 RAJKUMAR B, IQBAL M, BORUAH L C, SINGH R, GUPTA V, GUPTA A (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, BBD College of Dental Sciences, Lucknow). Comparative evaluation of microleakage of three recent resin based core materials: an in vitro study . Endodontology 2012, 24(2), 97-102. 024664 RAM K S, SHARMA M, SHARMA A (Anatomy Dep, Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. khayatisantramyahoo). Neuroblastic nodules and giant epithelial cells in suprarenal gland in fetuses of different gestational age groups . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 73-8. 024665 RAMACHANDRAN J, AJJAMPUR S S R, CHANDRAMOHAN A, VARGHESE G M (Gastrointestinal Sciences Dep, Christain Medical College, Vellore, E-Mail. georgemvarghesehotmail). Cases of human fascioliasis in India: tip of the iceberg . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 150-2. 024666 RAMACHANDRAN J, MANJUNATH N, PATEL M J, SAINI J, SATICHANDRA P, PAL P K (Neurlogy Dep, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore-sundernetrayahoo. co. in ). Unusual clinical and imaging characteristics in a patient with voltage-gated ptassium channel antibody-associated encephalitis . Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 533-4. 024667 RASHIDI A, TAHHAN S G, COHEE M W, GOODMAN B M ( Internal Medicine Dep, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA 23507, USA, E-Mail. rashidaevms. edu). Fusobacterium nucleatum infection mimicking metastatic cancer . Indian J Gastroenterol 2012, 31(4), 198-200. 024668 REDDY M, MAHAJAN B, CHANDWANI R, KULKARNI M, DESAI R S (Oral Pathology and Microbiology Dep, Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital, Pune, E-Mail. drmamathareddyyahoo. co. in). Case of pleomorphic adenoma of upper lip . Indian J Stomat 2012. 3(2), 129-31. 024669 RUDRA S K, CHATTERJEE S N (Support Health amp Human, Kumarpur, Asansol-713 304, E-Mail. drsrudrayahoo). MDA program as control strategy of lymphatic filariasis in a village of Bankura district, West Bengal, India . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 813-15. 024670 SABATELLI P, PELLEGRINI C, FALDINI C, MERLINI L ( Rizzoli-Sicily Dep, Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, Bologna, E-Mail. luciano. merliniior. it). Cytoskeletal and extracellular matrix alterations in limb girdle muscular dystrophy 21 muscle fibers . Neurol India 2012, 60(5), 510-3. 024671 SABOO A R, VIJAYKUMAR R, MALIK S, WARKE C ( Pediatrics Dep, Neonatology Div, BYL Nair Ch. Hospital and TN Medical College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, E-Mail. shwinrsaboogmail). Swiss cheese ventricular septal defect with myocarditis - a rare coexistence in a neonate . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 147-9. 024672 SAH N, MORE S P, BHAT K (Periodontics Dep, YMT Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, E-Mail. sahnupur02gmail). Estimation and comparison of levels of salivary alkaline phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase in healthy subjects and patients with gingivitis and periodontits: a cross-sectional study . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(4), 244-8. 024673 SAJJAN P, LAXMINARAYAN N, REDDY S K K, SAJJANAR M, MUNAGA S (Public Health Dentistry Dep, PMNM Dental College and Hospital, Bagalkot, E-Mail. drsajjan12gmail). Is fluoride A boon or bane to periodontal health a review . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(4), 258-61. 024674 SAMPATH S, MITTAL B R, SASIKUMAR ARUN, SOOD A, BHATTACHARYA A, KOCHHAR R (Nuclear Medicine Dep, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh-160 012, E-Mail. brmittalyahoo). Quantiative cholescintigraphy with fatty meal in the diagnosis of sphincter of oddi dysfunction and acalculous cholecystopathy . Indian J Gastroenterol 2012, 31(4), 186-90. 024675 SANDEEP P, CHERIAN A, IYPE T, AYYAPPAN K ( Neurology Dep, Government Medical College, Trivandrum, Kerala, E-Mail. drajithcherianyahoo). Sac in a shaking uncus . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 165-6. 024676 SANGANI S, SHAH N, GINOYA S, PARIKH S (Emergency Medicine Dep, B. J. Medical College and Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad, E-Mail. bittu425yahoo. co. in). Miliary tuberculosis revisited . GCSMC J med Sci 2013, 2(1), 30-3. 024677 SANGLE S A, LOHIYA R V, SHARMA D R, BOTE N ( Medicine Dep, B. J. Medical College and Sassoon General Hospitals, Pune, Maharashtra, E-Mail. shashisangleyahoo). Hypothyroidism-gait matters . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 159. 024678 SARANDHA D L (Prosthodontics Dep, Dr Syamala Reddy Dental College and Hospital, Bengaluru, E-Mail. drsarandhagmail). Periodontal consideration in relation to design of gingival aspect of pontic in fixed partial denture treatment . 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Open access upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: a 2-year experience from 2001 to 2003 . Indian J Gastroenterol 2012, 31(4), 171-4. 024689 SHAH S T, ARORA K V (Anatomy Dep, GCS Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, E-Mail. smittusharshahgmail). Ectopic kidney . GCSMC J med Sci 2013, 2(1), 41-2. 024690 SHAH V N, BHADADA S K, BHANSALI A, BEHERA A, MITTAL B R, BHAVIN V (Endocrinology Dep, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, E-Mail. bhadadaskgmail). Influence of age and gender on presentation of symptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 107-11. 024691 SHARMA N, PARIKH S (Oral Medicine and Radiology Dep, Mahatma Gandhi Dental College, Jaipur, E-Mail. docnectasharmagmail). Oral malignant melanoma . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(2), 139-42. 024692 SHENOY V U, SHARMA N, SUMANTHINI (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Dep, M. G.M. Dental College and Hospital, Kalamboli, Maharashtra). Inter-disciplinary management of a latrogenic perforation . Endodontology 2012, 24(2), 145-9. 024693 SHETTY D, YELI M, KIDIYOOR K H (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Dep, A. J. Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore). Stereomicroscopic dye penetration study eveluating the sealing ability of three different furcation repair materials - an in vitro study . Endodontology 2012, 24(2), 6-12. 024694 SHETTY K P, SATISH S V, KRISHNA RAO K, BHARGAVI P A (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Dep, Navodaya Dental College amp Hospital, Navodaya Nagar, Raichur, Karnataka). Barodontalgia . Endodontology 2013, 25(1), 156-60. 024695 SHETTY S R, SHANKARAIAH B A, HEGDE T, NAGARAJAIAH R K (Neurosciences Dep, Narayana Hrudayalayaq Institute of Neurosciences, Bangalore, E-Mail. drsathwikshettygmail). Bow hunters stroke - a rare presentation of CV junction anomaly . 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J Natn Integrat Med Ass 2012, 54(3), 17. 024700 SINGH B P, KAMAT S, HUGAR S, SARAF P ( Conservative Dentistry amp Endodontics Dep, H P Govt Dental College and Hospital, Shimla). Root canal obturation by ultrasonic condensation of Gutta percha and an in vitro investigation on the quality of obturation . Endodontology 2012, 24(2), 109-15. 024701 SINGH S, KULKARNI G (Conservative Dentistry amp Endodontics Dep, Terna Dental College, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra). Resorptions revisited - internal resorption: two case reports . Endodontology 2013, 25(1), 129-34. 024702 SINGH V, KHARB P (Anatomy Dep, Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad, E-Mail. drvishramsinghgmail). A paradigm shift from teaching to learning gross anatomy: meta-analysis of implications for instructional methods . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 84-9. 024703 SINGLA S, BANSAL M, AGARWAL A (Internal Medicine Dep, Cardiology Div, Arkansas for Medical Sciences Univ, Littel Rock, Arkansas, USA, E-Mail. ssinglauams. edu). Mitral stenosis in tuberous sclerosis: a case of dystrophic calcification . J Postgrad Med 2012, 58(2), 167. 024704 SINGROHA R, SRIVASTAVA S K, CHHIKARA P (Anatomy Dep, Pt BD Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, E-Mail. ritusingrohagmail). Effect of gentamicin on proximal convoluted tubules of kidney in developing chicks . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 17-22. 024705 SINHA U, SAHAY U S, ATHAVALE S A, DEOPUJARI R, KUMAR S (Peoples College of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, E-Mail. drurmisan143rediffmail). Comparative study of cardiac size by chest x-ray and echocardiography . J Anat Soc India 2013, 62(1), 28-32. 024706 SONI N, SHAH R (Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Dep, KM Shah Dental College and Hospital, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Vadodara, E-Mail. dr. nishitsoniyahoo). Peripheral odontogenic fibroma . Indian J Stomat 2012, 3(1), 81-3. 024707 SOOD S, GUPTA S (Periodontics Dep, Dr. H S. 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Effect of xenobiotic (agro chemicals) on the activity of soil enzymes . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 119-23. 024790 APARNA B, REGEENA S (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Trivandrum, Kerala). Farmer participatory approach to assess the impact of enriched vermicompost on the growth and yield of Bhindi . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 237-40. 024791 ARCHANA D, JAVAREGOWDA, HALAPPA B, SURENDRA P ( Agricultural Entomology Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005). Screening of rice hybrids for resistance to rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae (wood-mason) under rainfed ecosystem . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 587-9. 024792 ARIF M, AHMED Z (Defence Institute of Bio-Energy Research, Goraparo, Haldwani, Nainital-263 139). Occurrence of insect pests in Jatropha curcas (physic nut) . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 199-200. 024793 ASHOK KUMAR, NIRMAL KUMAR (C/o 774 FPO Det Partapur, Leh-Ladakh, Jammu amp Kashmir). Crop residue management for sustainable crop production and soil health in rice-whaet cropping system . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 412-7. 024794 ASHOKA K R, HANUMANTHARAJU T H, MAHENDRA KUMAR M B, BIRENDRAJIT C, MUNAWERY A, VEERANAGAPPA P (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, G. K.V. K. Bengaluru, Karnataka, E-Mail. ashokagmail). Degradation of propineb in potato and soil . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 211-4. 024795 ASHOKA K R, HANUMANTHARJU T H, MUNAWERY A, BIRENDRAJIT C, SANDEEP KUMAR D K, MANJUNATH M (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, G. K.V. K. Bengaluru, Karnataka, E-Mail. ashokagmail). Persistence and degradation of propineb in soil . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 138-43. 024796 ASKI S G, GOTYAL S H, PATIL M B, HANUMANAIKAR R H (Agricultural Extension Dep, College of Agriculture, UAS (D), Bijapur, (Karnataka)). 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Comparative performance of multivoltine silkworm races at P 2 - basic seed farm, Dhubulia in West Bengal . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 652-8. 024811 BHINGARDE R T, CHAVAN S A, RATHOD N G, DESHAPANDE R S, KADAV V B (AICRP (Cashew), R. F.R. S. Vengurle). Assessment of effect of polythene paper on induction of rooting in carrisa carandas (cv. Konkan bold) . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 25-6. 024812 BHONGLE S A, PATIL B R (Cotton Research Unit, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola-444 104). Yield eveluation of BT cotton hybrids under rainfed conditions . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 81-3. 024813 BHOWMICK M K, DUARY B, BISWAS P K, RAKSHIT A, ADHIKARI B (Rice Research Statin (Government of West Bengal), Chinsurah (R. S.)-712 102, E-Mail. bhowmickmalayrediffmail). Seed priming, row spacing and foliar nutrition in relation to growth and yield of chickpea under rainfed condition . 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Impact of krishi vigyan kendra trainings in adoption of biofertilizers and bio-pesticides practices by pigeonpea growers . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 145-50. 024817 BURMAN U, GARG B K, KATHJU S (Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur-342 003). Influence of pre - and post-drought application of thiourea on growth net photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism of clusterbean . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(2), 177-84. 024818 CHAKRABARTY S K, DADLANI M (Indian Agricultural Research Institute, PUSA, New Delhi-110 012, E-Mail. skchakrasstyahoo). Plant variety protection with special emphasis on fermers rights . SATSA Mukhapatra 2013, 17, 14-21. 024819 CHANDEL A C, PALWE C R, PARDESHI H P (Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, Rajiv Gandhi Agricultural College, Parbhani, Maharashtra). Effect of levels of post biomethanated spent wash (PBSW) on biometric observations and yield at harvest of Soybean . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 66-8. 024820 CHANDEL A C, PARDESHI H P (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, Rajiv Gandhi Agricultural College, Parbhani, Maharashtra). Effect of levels of post biomethanated spent wash (PBSW) on nutrient concentration and uptake at harvest of Soybean . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 47-9. 024821 CHANDEL B S, THAKUR P K, ALI J, SINGH H ( Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science Dep, Raja Balwant Singh College, Bichpuri, Agra, Uttar Pradesh-283 105). Soil sulphur status and response of garlic to sulphur in relation to phosphorus . Ann Pl Soil Res 2012, 14(2), 156-8. 024822 CHANDEL B S, UPADHYAY A K (Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Raja Balwant Singh College, Bichpuri, Agra, Uttar Pradesh-283 105). Soil iron status and response of wheat to iron in relation to phosphorus . Ann Pl Soil Res 2012, 14(2), 124-6. 024823 CHANDRAJU S, NAGENDRASWAMY R, NAGENDRASWAMY G, CHIDANKUMAR C S (Studies in Sugar Technology Dep, Sir M. 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Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 74-6. 024827 CHAVAN M, PUJARI B T, SHARMA A (Krishi Vigyan Kendra Agricultural Sciences Univ, Raichur, Karnataka, E-Mail. mkchavan76rediffmail). Morphological indices and yield of castor (Ricinus communis L.) as influenced by organic and inorganic sources of nitrogen . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 22-4. 024828 CHAVAN M, PUJARI B T, SHARMA A (Krishi Vigyan Kendra Agricultural Sciences Univ, Raichur, Karnataka, E-Mail. mkchavan76rediffmail). Response of castor (Ricinus communis L.) to organic and inorganic sources of nitrogen for seed yield, oil yield and oil content . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 39-41. 024829 CHHETRI N B, EASTERLING W E (School of Geographical Sciences and the Consortium for Science, Policy, Outcomes, Arizona State University, PO Box 875302, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA). Climate change and food security in dryland region of the world . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(3-4), 473-84. 024830 COLLIER R J, BILBY T R, RHOADS M E, BAUMGARD L H, RHOADS R P (Animal Sciences Dep, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0038, USA). Effects of climate change on dairy cattle production . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(3-4), 393-411. 024831 COUMARAVEL K (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, P. J.N. College of Agriculture and Research Institute, Karaikal, Pudducherry, Uttaranchal). Effect of N regimes and green leaf manure application on nutrients uptake by rice plant and grain . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 132-4. 024832 DAFALE P V, GOHAD V V, BHOYAR A S (Extension Education Dep, College of Agriculture, Marathwada Agricultural Univ, Parbhani, Maharashtra). Adoption of post harvest technology of groundnut by farm women . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 92-4. 024833 DALIL B, GHASSEMI-GOLEZANI K (Plant Eco-Physiology Dep, Faculty of Agriculture Tabriz Univ, Tabriz, Iran, E-Mail. dalil87gmail). Changes in leaf temperature and grain yield of maize under different levels of irrigation . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 481-5. 024834 DANGE A R, BHASKARA RAO I, KHAMBALKAR V P ( angeatulgmail, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad-500 059). Performance of multibladed water lifting windmill for agriculture . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 632-4. 024835 DAS A, ANSARI M Z (Soil Science Dep, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural Univ, Navsari, Gujarat). Effect of varying land uses on important soil properties and their co-relation with organic carbon in soils of Navsari agricultural university, main campus, Navsari (Gujarat) . Asian J Soil Sci 2011. 6(2), 124-31. 024836 DAS A, PATEL G G (Soil Science Dep, N. H. College of Agriculture Navsari Agricultural Univ, Navsari, Gujarat). Conversion of farm wastes/ by-products into enriched compost through use of microbial consortium . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 195-9. 024837 DAS M, CHAUDHURI N (Agricultural Entomology Dep, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar-736 165, E-Mail. ncubkvrediffmail). Life system analysis of Earias vitella for formulation of pest model . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 608-13. 024838 DASMOHAPATRA R, RATH S, PATTNAIK A K (Fruit Science Dep, College of Agriculture, Orissa Univ of Agriculture Technology, Bhubaneswar-751 003, E-Mail. mohapatrahortgmail). Performance of cashew entries/varieties under eastern coastal plain of Odisha . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 770-2. 024839 DE C, SINGH V K, DEY B, SINGH M K, DE N ( Economics Dep, Mankar College, Burdwan, West Bengal). Factor productivity of agro-techniques in Tomato cultivation: an economic analysis . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 221-6. 024840 DEHKORDI N K, SOLEYMANI A (Agronomy and Plant Breeding Dep, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad Univ, Esfahan, Iran, E-Mail. asoleymanikhuisf. ac. ir). Yield and yield components of spring rapeseed cultivars as influenced by plant density grown in Shahrekord region of Iran . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 510-13. 024841 DEHKORDI N K, SOLEYMANI A, GOLPARVAR A R, JEZI S M H (Agronomy and Plant Breeding Dep, Khorasgan Branch Islamic Azad Univ, Esfahan, Iran, E-Mail. asoleymanikhuisf. ac. ir). Effect of different plant populations on oil yield and harvest index of three spring rapeseed cultivars grown in Shahrekord, Iran . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 507-9. 024842 DESAI N H, JADAV N J, PATEL C L (Centre for Agroforestry Forage Crops and Green Belt, S. D. Agricultural Univ, Sardarkrushinagar, Banaskantha, Gujarat). Effect of industrial sludges and soil conditioners on physical properties of loamy sand soil . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 54-60. 024843 DESAI N H, JADHAV N J, PATEL D M (Centre for Agroforestry, Forage Crops and Green Belt Dep, S. D. Agricultural Univ, Sardarkrushinagar, Banaskantha, Gujarat). Effect of industrial sludges and soil conditioners on yield and micro nutrient uptake by wheat-pearl millet-green gram cropping system . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 164-7. 024844 DESHMUKH A S, TAMGADGE S B (Extension Education Dr. Panjabrao Dep, Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharastra). Adoption of paddy growers about recommended technology . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 81-4. 024845 DESHMUKH D V, MATE S N, BHARUD R W (Botany Dep, MPKV, Rahuri-413 722). Investigations on morphological and biochemical changes during reproductive growth of Cowpea . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 50-5. 024846 DHALIWAL S S, SINGH B, SHARMA B D (Soil Science Dep, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141 004). Impact of cultivated land-use system on chemical, physical and microbial parameters in different watersheds under submontaneous tract of Punjab . Indian J Fertil 2012, 8(3), 14-21. 024847 DHILLON D S, PRABHJOT KAUR, SAINI S K (Extension Education Dep, Punjab Agricultural Univ, Ludhiana, (Punjab), E-Mail. prabhjot1962gmail). Popularizing resource conservation technologies for sustainable agriculture in Punjab . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 158-60. 024848 DHOK S P (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Maharashtra). Impact of integrated nutrient management modules on soil microbial population and fertility under Soybean based cropping system . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 17-21. 024849 DIETZ T (Amsterdam Research Institute for Metropolitan and International Development Studies (AMIDSt) of the University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 1018VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Preparing for climate change in agricultural drylands with a focus on West Africa . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(3-4). 287-323. 024850 DUTTA A (Pulses and Oilseeds Research Station (Government of West Bengal), Berhampore-742 101, E-Mail. amitavaporsgmail). Genetic variability and path-coefficient analysis for oil content and its allied traits in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) . SATSA Mukhapatra 2013, 17, 132-5. 024851 EKATPURE S M, KALE M T, BODAKE H D, ANTWAL P N ( Extension Education Dep, College of Agriculture, Akluj, Solapur, Maharashtra). Participation of farm women in production of vermicompost . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 14-16. 024852 ESHGHIZADEH H R, KAFI M, NEZAMI A, KHOSHGOFTARMANESH A H (College of Agriculture, Isfahan Technology Univ, Isfahan, Iran, E-Mail. hamid. eshghizadehgmail). Studies on the role of root morphology attribution in salt tolerance of blue-panicgrass (Panicum antidotale Retz.) using artificial neural networks (ANN) . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 534-44. 024853 ESMAELI M, JAVANMARD R, NASSIRY B M, SOLEYMANI A ( Agronomy and Plant Breeding Dep, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad Univ, P. O. Box 81595-158, Esfahan, Iran, E-Mail. asoleymanikhuisf. ac. ir). Effect of different plant densities and planting pattern on sunflower (Halianthus annuus L.) cultivars grown under climatic conditions of Isfahan region of Iran . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 517-20. 024854 FARHOUDI R (Agronomy and Plant Breeding Dep, Islamic Azad Univ, Shoushtar Branch, Shoushtar, Iran, E-Mail. rfarhoudigmail). Effect of drought stress on growth, physiology and flower essential oil yield of Iranian chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) in south of Iran . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 694-9. 024855 FARHOUDI R, ZANGANE H S, SAEEDIPOUR S (Agronomy and Plant Breeding Dep, Islamic Azad Univ, Shoushtar Branch, Shoushtar, Iran, E-Mail. rfarhoudigmail). Allelopathical effect of barley Hordeum vulgare (L.) cv. Karon on germination and lipid peroxidation of wild mustard seedling . Res Crop 2012, 13(2). 467-71. 024856 GAIKWAD S P, GODASE S S, TAMBE B N (Extension Education Dep, College of Agriculture, Baramati, Pune, Maharashtra). Knowledge and adoption of trimbak variety of wheat by farmers through front line demonstration . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 117-18. 024857 GAIKWAD V P, PATEL R B, BHOSALE N D, SHINDE V T, PATEL D H (Agronomy Dep, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural Univ, Anand, Gujarat). Effect of organic manures and biofertilizer on soil fertility, yield and quality of safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum, Sant. and Fern.) . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 111-3. 024858 GARASIYA V R, PATEL N M, BHADAURIA H S, VERMA L R, RATHORE B S, VAGHELA P O (Horticulture Dep, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural Univ, Sardarkrushinagar-385 506, E-Mail. bhagwat80gmail). Effect of NAA, GA 3 . CCC and 2, 4-D on the quality parameters of winter season guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. L-49 (Sardar) . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 768-9. 024859 GARASIYA V R, PATEL N M, BHADAURIA H S, VERMA L R, RATHORE B S, VAGHELA P O (Horticulture Dep, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural Univ, Sardarkrushinagar-385 506, E-Mail. bhagwat80gmail). Effect of plant growth regulatorson the yield components of winter season guava (Psidium guajava L.) cultivar L-49 (sardar) . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 770-2. 024860 GARKAR R M, BHARUD R W, MATE S N (Central Sugarcane Research Station, Padegaon, Tal-Phaltan, Dist-Satara, Maharashtra). Spad chlorophyll meter, a tool for quick assessment of chlorophyll in sugarcane . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 12-5. 024861 GAYATHRI B, BHAGYA LAKSHMI T, VASANTHI B G, SUSEELA DEVI L (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, G. K.V. K. Bengaluru, Karnataka). Characterization and compositing of poultry manure compost and its effect on yield of Maize . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 27-32. 024862 GEETA C, AMITKUMAR C, NAGARAAIAH C, VENKATESH L ( College of Forestry, UAS, Dharwad). Assessment of regeneration status and growing stock of Anogeissus latifolia and its associates in Bhagavathi range of haliyal forest division of Karnataka . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 611-4. 024863 GHASSEMI-GOLEZANI K, AKBARI H, BANDEH-HAGH A ( Plant Eco Physiology Dep, Faculty of Agriculture Tabriz Univ, Iran, E-Mail. golezanigmail). Effects of plant density and pod position on seed vigour of pinto bean cultivars . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 529-33. 024864 GOGOI K, DAS R, YONZONE R (Natures Foster, P. Box 41, Shastri Road, Bongaigaon-783 380, Assam, E-Mail. khyanjeetgogoigmail). Present eclogical status, diversity, distribution and cultural significance of the genus Aerides loureiro (Orchidaceae) in Tinsukia district (Assam) of Northeast India . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 649-51. 024865 GORE S B, SHINDE R B, BELHEKAR B M (Agricultural Technical School, Puntamba, Tal. Rahata, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, E-Mail. goresarikarediffmail). Effect of post biomethanated spentwash on Azotobacter population in sodic soil . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 174-6. 024866 GORE S B, SHINDE R B, BELHEKAR B M (Agricultural Technical School, Puntamba, Tal. Rahata, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, E-Mail. goresarikarediffmail). Effect of application of post biomethanated spentwash on the population of phosphate solubilizing bacteria in sodic soil . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 251-2. 024867 GOTYAL S H, ASKI S G, PATIL M B, HANUMANAIKAR R H (Agricultural Extension Dep, College of Agriculture, UAS (D), Bijapur, (Karnataka)). Adoption of scientific storage practices of food grains . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 142-4. 024868 GUPTA A K, SINGH R, MAMTA, SINGH M K, PAL Y ( National Research Centre on Equines, Sirsa Road, Hisar-125 001). Physical and biochemical studies in Jacks Semen . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(1), 79-87. 024869 GUPTA S, BHOWMICK M K (Pulses and Oilseeds Research Station (Government of West Bengal), Beerhampore-742 101, E-Mail. guptasupravoyahoo. co. in). Achieving higher seed yield of lathyrus in rice-fallows of West Bengal . SATSA Mukhapatra 2013. 17, 65-76. 024870 GURJAR P S, SINGH R (Horticulture Dep, J. N. Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, College of Agriculture, Rewa-486 001, E-Mail. rajeshsinghjnkvvyahoo). Performance of Wedge Grafting in Aonla at poly house and open field conditions . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 531-6. 024871 HALAPPA B, AWAKNAVAR J S, ARCHANA D (Agricultural Entomology Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005). Toxicity of different insecticides to Trichogramma chilonis Ishii (trichogrammitidae:hymenoptera) under laboratory condition . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 652-5. 024872 HANUMANAIKAR R H, MALSHET K K, NAGARAJA M S ( Directorate of Extension, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad, (Karnataka), E-Mail. hanumanaikarrediffmail). Work environment among subject matter specialists of krishi vigyan kendras in Karnataka . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 53-6. 024873 HANUMANAIKAR R H, NAGARAJA M S, CHANDRANATH H T ( Directorate of Extension, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad, (Karnataka), E-Mail. hanumanaikarrediffmail). Socio-economic profile and adoption of paddy cultivation practices by siddhi tribal community farmers of North Karnataka . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 17-50. 024874 HANUMANTHA SWAMY B C, SUNIL C (Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Shimoga, Hanumanamathi, Karnataka, E-Mail. bchswamygmail). Adoption of low cost technology for the management of cotton boll worms . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 810-12. 024875 HARIYAPPA N, HALAWAR A B, HEBSUR N S (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad, Karnataka). Influence of potassium and sulphur levels on uptake of nutrients in Onion (Allium cepa L.) and residual fertility of the soil . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 185-8. 024876 HATTI S S, LONDONKAR R L, PATIL S B, BIRADAR P M, PATIL S A (Studies and Research in Zoology Dep, Gulbarga Univ, Gulbarga-585 106). Effect of Eudrilus eugeniae vermiwash on the growth of plants . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 63-7. 024877 HOUSHYAR E, KIANI S, DAVOODI M J S (Izeh Branch, Islamic Azad Univ, Izeh, Iran, E-Mail. houshyar. egmail). Energy consumption efficiency for corn production utilizing data envelopment analysis (DEA) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 754-9. 024878 HULIHALLI U K, PATIL V C (Seed Unit, University Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad-580 005). Yield and fiber quality of cotton as influenced by fertilizer levels and organic manure . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(2), 201-4. 024879 HURD B H (Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business Dep, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003, (505) 646-2674). Coping and adapting to a changing climate: concepts, issues and challenges . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(3-4), 221-31. 024880 IMRAN KHAN H S, SAIFULLA M, NAWAZ A S N, SOMASHEKHARAPPA P R, RAZV R (Organic Farming Research Center, ZARS, Navile, Shivamogga-577 204, E-Mail. imrankhan. agrigmail). Physiological and nutritional studies of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri causing fusarium wilt of chickpea . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 573-7. 024881 INAYAT M K, AAMIR H M, TARENCE T, ABID M, MUZAMIL S (Soil and Environmental Sciences Univ, College of Forestry, San Higginbottom Institute of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Deemed Univ, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh). Fertilizer value of rock phosphate as influenced by incubating with FYm and P-solubilizers . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 25-6. 024882 JADHAO S D, BORKAR P A, CHAUDHARI R D (Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry Dep, Dr. PDKV. Akola, Maharashtra-444 104). Physiological and sensory attributes of Kagzi lime as influenced by different post harvest treatments . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 77-80. 024883 JADHAV S G, KALEGORE N K, CHAVAN D A, DADGALE P R (Marathwada Agricultural Univ, Parbhani, Maharashtra, E-Mail. sharadjadhav2994rediffmail). Response of Soybean cultivars to graded level of fertility . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 200-2. 024884 JAIN N K, SINGH H, DASHORA L N (Directorate of Graoundnut Research, Post Box No,5, Ivnagar Road, Junagadh-362 001). On-farm response of maize (Zea mays)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system to fertilizers NPK input . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 475-80. 024885 JAIN S K, PATEL P R, ELANGOVAN M (Sorghum Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural Univ, Deesa-385 535, E-Mail. skjainsdauyahoo. co. in). Genetic divergence in local land races of forage sorghum Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench collected from different geographical origins . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 556-61. 024886 JAKHAR J K, DEVIVARAPRASAD REDDY A, MAHARIA S, VIJAY A R, MANJUNATHA REDDY A, BAIRWA M K, VENKATESWARLU G, VIDYASAGAR REDDY G (Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Deemed Univ, Mumbai, E-Mail. jakhar005gmail). Collagen and gelatin from fish processing wastes . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 699-703. 024887 JANGANDI S, NARAYAN J, MUDALAGIRIYAPPA, ANIL KUMAR, TALAGERI D (PG Studies and Research in Environmental Science Dep, Kuvempu Univ, Shankaragatta, Shivamogga, E-Mail. sjangandiyahoo). Influence of different alternate land use systems on runoff soil and available nutrient loss status in central dry zone of Karnataka . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 778-81. 024888 JAT G, SHARMA K K, JAT N K (Soil Science amp Agricultural Chemistry Dep, S. K.N. College of Agriculture, Jobner, Jaipur, Rajasthan, E-Mail. 303 329). Effect of FYM and mineral nutrients on physico-chemical properties of soil under mustard in Western arid zone of India . Ann Pl Soil Res 2012, 14(2), 167-70. 024889 JAYAPPA T, DUTTA R N (Silkworm Seed Technology Laboratory, Kodathi, Bangalore-560 035, E-Mail. mdutta2007rediffmail). Role of protein and sugar balance in mulberry for silkworm egg production . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 195-8. 024890 JEYA R, THYAGARAJAN S (Agricultuiral Extension Dep, Faculty of Agriculture Annamalai Univ, Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu). Yield gap in cotton cultivation . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 75-7. 024891 JHA S K, JHA A K, OJHA R K, RAJEEV KUMAR (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, Birsa Agricultural Univ, Ranchi, Jharkhand). Potassium fixation as affected by alternate wetting and drying in some soil series of Jharkhand . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 181-4. 024892 JOSHI R, SOMAPPA J, MOHAMMAD N, VERMA S K ( Genetics amp Plant breeding Dep, G. B. Pant Univ of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263 145, E-Mail. somappa35552gmail). Evaluation of F 7 progenies for protein content in pigeonpea Cajanus cajan (L.) 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Effect of socio-economic characteristics on grape wine productivity . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 43-6. 024897 KALE M T, EKATPURE S M, BODAKE H D, ANTWAL P N ( Extension Education Dep, College of Agriculture, Akluj, Solapur, Maharashtra). Knowledge of farm women in production of vermicompost . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 78-80. 024898 KALRA R K, LAKHWINDER KAUR, AMANDEEP KAUR ( Extension Education Dep, Punjab Agricultural Univ, Ludhiana, (Punjab) ). Services provided and availed by the dairy farmers from selected milk processing agencies . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 57-62. 024899 KAMALAKAR J, AARIFF KHAN M A (Soil Science Dep, AICRP on Agroforestry Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural Univ, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh). Physical properties of different soil profiles of agro-biodiversity park of Acharya N. G. Ranga agricultural university, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 215-20. 024900 KANABURGI KUMAR, PATIL R R, CHANDARAGI M ( Agricultural Entomology Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005). Biology and morphometrics of til hawk moth, Acherontia styx westwood . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 599-602. 024901 KANABURGI KUMAR, PATIL R R, CHANDARAGI M, RAMESH BABU (Agricultural Entomology Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005). Biology of hawk moth, Acherontia styx westwood on its new alternate host Clerodendrum phlomidis Linneaus . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 595-8. 024902 KANTHARAJU V, BASAVARAJA, TEGGELLI R G, PATIL D H (Krishi Vigyan Kendra, UAS (R), Gulbarga, (Karnataka), E-Mail. kantharaju74gmail). Farmer participatory approaches for improved production technologies in pigeon pea . Agric Update 2011. 6(1), 66-9. 024903 KAORE S V (Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd. C-1, District Centre, IFFCO Sadan, Saket Place, New Delhi-110 017). Fortified fertilisers: IFFCOs experience . Indian J Fertil 2012, 8(4), 80-81. 024904 KARA B, ATAR B, GUL H (Field Crops Dep, Agriculture Faculty Suleyman Demirel Univ, Isparta, Turkey). Effects of different sowing dates on protein, sugar and dry matter of sweet corn . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 493-7. 024905 KARA N, BAYDAR H (Field Crops Dep, Faculty of Agriculture, Suleyman Demirel Univ, Isparta-32260, E-Mail. nimetkarasdu. edu. tr). Morphogenetic, ontogenetic and diurnal variabilities of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 661-8. 024906 KARA N, BAYDAR H (Field Crops Dep, Suleyman Demirel Univ, Isparta, Turkey, E-Mail. nimetkarasdu. edu. tr). Essential oil contents and composition of lavenders and lavandins cultivated in Turkey . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 675-81. 024907 KAREGAONKAR S S, PATEL V M, SANAP D J, BABAR A P ( Agricultural Economics Dep, S. D. Agricultural Univ, Sardarkrushinagar (Gujarat), E-Mail. sanapdjrediffmail). Economic analysis of production and physibility of sweet orange garden in Jalna district of Maharashtra . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 70-4. 024908 KEDITSU R (Horticulture Dep, School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development Nagaland Univ, Medziphema-797 106, Nagaland, E-Mail. rokokdtsyahoo). Response of gerbera to inorganic fertilizers versus organic manuring . Ann Pl Soil Res 2012, 14(2), 163-6. 024909 KENCHARADDI A V, BALIKAI R A, PATIL N K B ( Agricultural Entomology Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005). Effect of imidacloprid and thiamethoxam seed treatment on storability of sunflower . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 590-4. 024910 KHALACHE P G, GAIKWAD J H (Agricultural Extension Education Dep, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra). Knowledge and adoption of sericulturists regarding recommended sericulture management practices in Karnataka state . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 85-7. 024911 KHAN H S I, SAIFULLA M, NAWAZ A S N, SOMASHEKHARAPPA P R, RAZVI R (Oraganic Farming Research Center, ZARS, Shivamogga-577 204, E-Mail. imrankhan. agrigmail). Efficacy of fungicides and biocontrol agents against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri causing wilt of chickpea . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 570-2. 024912 KHARADE P P, WALKE J P, DHAKE U B, NALE S S ( Agril. Tech. School, Manjri farm, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra). Adoption of post harvest technology practices along with constraints faced by the grape growers in Sangli district . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 137-41. 024913 KHULE R P, LANJEWAR D M, JAGDALE U D, SASANE G K ( Extension Education Dep, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur, Maharashtra). Adoption of low cost crop cultivation technology by the paddy growers . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 51-2. 024914 KHULE R P, SASANE G K, JAGDALE U D (Extension Education Dep, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, E-Mail. rahul44khulegmail). Sources of information used and constraints faced by the farmers about adoption of food grain storage practices . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 118-21. 024915 KIAEI M (Wood and Paper Engineering Dep, Chaloos Branch Islamic Azad Univ, Chaloos, Iran, E-Mail. mjdkia59yahoo ). Wood density of naturally growing oak trees in North Iran . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 776-7. 024916 KIAEI M (Wood and Paper Engineering Dep, Chaloos Branch, Islamic Azad Univ, Chaloss, Iran, E-Mail. mjdkia59yahoo). Effect of loading surface on static bending in planted elder pine wood . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 778-9. 024917 KIANI G (Agronomy and Plant Breeding Dep, Sari Agricultural Science and Natural Resources Univ, P. O. Box 578, Sari, Iran, E-Mail. ghkianigmail). Character association and path coefficient analysis of yield components in rice varieties . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 525-5. 024918 KOUPAR S A M, HOSSEINI S M, MODIRRAHMATT A, TABARI M, GOLCHIN A, RAD F H (Forestry Dep, Tarbiat Modraes Univ, Noor, Iran, E-Mail. abdymoyahoo). Effect of pure and mixed plantations of Populus deltoides with Alnus subcordata on growth, nutrition and soil properties . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 950-4. 024919 KUMAR P, YADAV V K, YADAV A, SAINI L K, YADAV J S, RAMESH KUMAR (Agronomy Dep, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ, Hisar-125 004, E-Mail. aky444gmail). Performance of clusterbean cultivars under different resource conservation techniques . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 734-38. 024920 KUMAR P, YADAV V K, YADAV A, SAINI L K, YADAV J S, RAMESH KUMAR (Agronomy Dep, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ, Hisar-125 004, E-Mail. aky444gmail). Effects of resource conservation techniques and cultivars on soil nutrient status, plant nutrient content and yield in clusterbean . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 782-6. 024921 KUMAR S, BARPETE S, KUMAR J, GUPTA P, SARKER A ( International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), P. O. Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria, E-Mail. sk. agrawalcgiar. org ). Global lentil production: constraints and strategies . SATSA Mukhapatra 2013, 17, 1-13. 024922 KUNDU R, BRAHMACHARI K (Agronomy Dep, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur-741 252, E-Mail. rajibagro2007gmail). Nutrient management in rice-lathyrus (paira)-greengram cropping system under coastal saline zone of West Bengal . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 418-25. 024923 LACHICA M (Animal Nutrition Dep, Estacion Experimental del Zaidin (CSIC), Camino del Jueves, s/n. 18100, Armilla, Granada, Spain). Sheep and goats grazing under aridity: the energy subject . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(1), 1-18. 024924 LAKUM Y C, PATEL S H, MEHTA P V (Micronutrient Project (ICAR), Anand Agricultural Univ, Anand, Gujarat). Reducing fertilizer requirement with the use of bio-fertilizers in summer Pearl Millet Pennisetum glaucum (L.) . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 50-3. 024925 LALITHA B S, NAGARAJ K H, SHASHIDHAR K C, NATARAJU O R (Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kandali, Hassan-573 217, E-Mail. lalithakhgmail). Analytical study of outcome and impact of frontlin demonstration on Red Gram in the district of Hassan . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 566-9. 024926 LUNGE M R, GOHAD V V, BARSE K N (Extension Education Dep, Shri Shivaji Agriculture College, Amravati, Maharashtra). Job satisfaction and problem faced by agriculture assistant under single window system . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 40-2. 024927 MADHUSUDANA M K, RAJESH KUMARI K, CHARAN KUMAR M E, PRASANNA K T, GOWDA B, REDDY N V E (Forestry and Environmental Science Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra, Bangalore-560 065, E-Mail. madhufcp. chigurugmail). Biodiesel production and characterization from Surahonne (Calophyllum inophyllum L.) oil . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 463-6. 024928 MAHAWAR M K, JALGAONKAR K (Agricultural Engineering Division, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012, E-Mail. manojmahawar362gmail). Determination of drying characteristics of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) using a solar tunnel dryer . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 795-7. 024929 MAHENDER KUMAR R, ET. AL. (Directorate of Rice Research (ICAR), Rajendranagar-500 030, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, E-Mail. kumarrm213gmail). System of rice intensification: its present status, future prospects and role in seed production in India . SATSA Mukhapatra 2013, 17, 22-43. 024930 MAHESH KUMAR, YADAV A, MEHTA A K (CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ, Hisar-125 004, E-Mail. maheshkumarvatsyahoo. co. in). Effect of methods of sowing and nitrogen management strategies on yield, nutrient content and quality of wheat . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 816-20. 024931 MAITI D, BANERJEE MAITI M (Office of the Assistant Director of Agriculture, Ausgram 1, Guskara-713 128, E-Mail. ada. debtanugmail). Hybrid rice seed production technology . SATSA Mukhapatra 2013, 17, 100-13. 024932 MALIK G C, BANERJEE M, SHANKAR T (ASEPAN Dep, Institute of Agriculture (Palli Siksha Bhavana), Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan-731 236, E-Mail. ganeshmalik2004rediffmail). Feasibility and economic viability of jute seed production in lower Gangetic plains of West Bengal . SATSA Mukhapatra 2013, 17, 120-6. 024933 MALIK R S, YADAV A, HASIJA R C, HOODA V S ( Agronomy Dep, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ, Hisar-125 004, E-Mail. rchhau. ernet. in). Efficacy of new herbicide PC 01-08 against weeds in cotton . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 673-9. 024934 MALIK R S, YADAV A, PUNIA S S, HOODA V S, HASIJA R C (Agronomy Dep, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ, Hisar-125 004, E-Mail. aky4444gmail). Efficacy of three dinitroaniline herbicides against weeds in raya (Brassica juncea L.) . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 787-9. 024935 MALIK R S, YADAV A, RAMESH KUMARI, HASIJA R C, HOODA V S (Agronomy Dep, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ, Hisar-125 004. E-Mail. aky444gmail). Suitable herbicides against complex weed flora in wheat . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 717-21. 024936 MALLAPUR C P, CHOURADDI M, NAYAKA P, PRASHANT K, BALIKAI R A (Agril. Entomology Dep, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. cmallapurrediffmail). Incidence and distribution of maize stem borers in farmers fields of Karnataka state . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 245-9. 024937 MALLAPUR C P, CHOURADDI M, PRASHANT K, NAYAKA P ( Agril. Entomology Dep, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. cmallapurrediffmail). Performance of maize cultivars and management strategies against stem borer in farmers fields of Karnataka state . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 269-71. 024938 MALLAPUR C P, SUGANDI R, SHALINI (Agricultural Entomology Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. cmallapuryahoo). Status of green mirid bug, Creontiades biseratense (distant) (miridae: hemiptera) on Bt cotton in Karnataka . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 624-7. 024939 MANDAL R MALLICK J, BANERJEE H (Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science Dep, Institute of Agricultural Science Calcutta Univ, 35 Ballygunge Circulatr Road, Kolkata-700 019). Growth and yield of greengram (Vigna radiata) as affected by row spacing and foliar application of nutrients . Res Crop 2012, 13(2). 525-8. 024940 MANGA V K (Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur-342 003). Ability of new pearl millet restorers to produce high yielding hybrids for moisture stress environments . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(1), 107-10. 024941 MANJUNATH T, MANJUNATH L, NATIKAR K V, JAHAGIRDAR K A, MEGERI S N (Agricultural Extension Education Dep, College of Agriculture, Univ of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, (Karnataka)). Paddy growers profile, knowledge and adoption of plant protection measures . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 21-7. 024942 MASHAL M, LARIJANI N K, HASSANOGHLI A, LIAGHAT A, VARAVIPOUR M (Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Dep, Aburaihan Campus Tehran Univ, Tehran, Iran, E-Mail. mmashalut. ac. ir). Nitrate leaching through soils via application of organic manures of poultry, cow and sludge . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 545-51. 024943 MATH K K, BIDARI B I, ANGADI S S, GADDI A V, VILASITHA G (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Science Univ, Dharwad, Karnataka). Effect of application of spentwash on fertility status of soil . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 159-63. 024944 MEENA H, SHARMA G L, GOLADA S L, JAIN H K ( Agronomy Dep, Maharana Pratap Agriculture and Technolgy Univ, Udaipur-313 001). Yield and quality of sweet corn Zea mays (L.) ssp. Saccharata as affected by nitrogen levels, Azotobacter culture and nitrogen sources . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 486-92. 024945 MEENA K S, NEMA V P, MANOJ KUMAR, CHOUHAN R (NRC on Equines, Sirsa Road, Hisar-125 001, Haryana, E-Mail. mkagro86gmail). Performance of different herbicides on weed management, growth, yield and productivity of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill.) . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 467-9. 024946 MEENA R N, SINGH K, RANASINGH N (Agronomy Dep, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu Univ, Varanasi-221 005, E-Mail. nirakar. ranasinghgmail). Yield, economics and nutrient uptake of scented rice (Oryza sativa L.) as influenced by various organic nitrogen sources . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 444-8. 024947 MEHETRE N B, RATHOD S T, BHONGLE S A, NARKHEDE M N (Agri Botony Dep, Dr. PDKV, Akola). Effect of different dates of sowing on stigma receptivity in parental lines of Sorghum hybrids . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 63-5. 024948 MEHRIYA M L, YADAV R S, JANGIR R P, POONIA B L ( Agricultural Research Station, Rajasthan Agricultural University, Mandore-342 304). Effect of different weed management practices on weeds and yield of cumin . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(2), 139-44. 024949 MEHTA P V, RAMANI V P, PATEL K P, LAKUM Y C ( Micronutrient Project (ICAR), Anand Agricultural Univ, Anand, Guajarat). Compatibility and feasibility evaluation of zinc application with pesticides and bio-ferytilizers as seed treatments in Maize . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 42-9. 024950 MENGULLUOGLU M, SOYLU S (Plant Protection Dep, Faculty of Agriculture, Mustafa Kemal Univ, Antakya-Hatay-31034, E-Mail. soylumku. edu. tr). Antibacterial activities of essential oils extracted from medicinal plants against seed-borne bacterial disease agent, Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 641-6. 024951 METKARI P M, DHOK S P (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, Marathwada Agricultural Univ, Parbhani, Maharashtra). Effect of organic and inorganic fertilization on soil fertility and productivity of French Bean in vertisol . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 80-4. 024952 MISRA K K, UNIYAL S (Horticulture Dep, College of Agriculture, G. B. Pant Agriculture amp Technology Univ, Pantnagar-263 145, E-Mail. misrakkhortrediffmail). Causes and control of fruit drop in fruit crops . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 537-43. 024953 MODHVADIA J M, NARIYA J N, VADARIA K N, THANKI R B (Cotton Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural Univ, Junagadh, Gujarat). Effect of fertilizer management on yield and economics of hybrid Btcotton . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 97-100. 024954 MOMIN U, KULKARNI P S (Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar Saidabad, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh). Techniques for rainwater harvesting, purification and artificial groundwater recharge . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 241-6. 024955 MOMIN U, KULKARNI P S, DANGE A (Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar Saidabad, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, E-Mail. mominumargmail). Different techniques for soil moisture measurement . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 105-10. 024956 MONDAL B, BHATTACHARYA I, SARKAR N C, PAUL A, KHATUA D C (Plant Protection Dep, Palli Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan-731 236, E-Mail. bholanath. ppvbgmail). Standardization of inoculation technique and screening of some brinjal and tomato lines against bacterial wilt . 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Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 764-7. 024960 NAIK V R, PATEL P B, BARVALLIA V D, PATEL B K, PATIL R G (Soil and Water Management Research Unit, Navsari Agricultural Univ, Navsari, Gujarat). Saline water usage through drip in Brinjal . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 150-2. 024961 NAYAK K V, PATIL V (Deepak Fertilisers and Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd. Pune, Maharashtra). Role of bentonite sulphur in improving yield and quality of crops: DFPCL experience . Indian J Fertil 2012, 8(4), 84-92. 024962 NAYAK M K, GUPTA M P (JNKVV, College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh-472 001, E-Mail. mknayak. tkggmail). Testing of IPM modules for the management of pod borer Helicoverpa armigera in chickpea . Ann Pl Soil Res 2012, 14(2), 139-42. 024963 NIGGOL SEO S (BC3/World Bank, Gran Via 35-2, Bilbao 48009, Vizcaya, Spain). What can arid zones produce under gloabl warming. a review of livestock management in developing countries . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(3-4), 375-92. 024964 NIKAM A B, RATHOD T H, PATIL B R (Agril. Botany Dep, Post Graduate Institute, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola-444 104). Effect of nutrients and growth regulators on square drying, yield and yield components in cotton . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 8-11. 024965 NIKAM A B, RATHOD T H, PATIL B R, BHONGLE S A ( Agricultural Botany Dep, PGI, Dr. PDKV, Akola). Impact of nutrients and growth regulators on boll drying growth, yield and yield components in cotton . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 19-24. 024966 NIKKHAH N, SOLEYMANI A, SHAMS M (Agronomy and Plant Breeding Dep, Khorasgan Branch Islamic Azad Univ, Esfahan, Iran. E-Mail. asoleymanikhuisf. ac. ir). Influence of pre-chilling and plant growth hormones on seed dormancy, seed germination and seedling growth of black cumin (Bunium persicum) . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 721-5. 024967 NIRMAL KUMAR A R, RAMA RAO G, REDDY K B (Plant Physiology Dep, S. V. Agricultural College (ANGRAU), Tirupati-517 502). Growth, dry matter production and yield in Redgram varities in Rabi . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 4-7. 024968 NIRMAL KUMAR A R, RAMA RAO G, REDDY K B (Plant Physiology Dep, S. V. Agriculture College, Tirupati (ANGRAU), Andhra Pradesh-517 502). Nitrogen and phosphorus content and uptake of Red gram varieties in Rabi . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 39-42. 024969 NOURIYANI H, MAJIDI E, SEYYEDNEJAD S M, SIADAT S A, NADERI A (Agronomy Dep, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad Univ, Khouzestan, Iran, E-Mail. hnoryaniyahoo). Evaluation of nitrogen use efficiency of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as affected by nitrogen fertilizer and different levels of paclobutrazol . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 439-45. 024970 NOURIYANI H, MAJIDI E, SEYYEDNEJAD S M, SIADAT S A, NADERI A (Agronomy Dep, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad Univ, Khouzestan, Iran, E-Mail. hnoryaniyahoo). Evaluation of interaction of paclobutrazol and nitrogen on correlation between yield and photosynthetic pigments contents in two wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 446-52. 024971 OLEARY G J, JOSHI N L, VAN OOSTEROM E J ( International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics, Patancheru-502 324). Simulation study of the response of plant-type and nitrogen fertilization on the grain yield of Pearl Millet . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(2), 121-37. 024972 OKAMOTO K (National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, 3-1-3 Kannon-dai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8604, Japan). Impact of climate change on agricultural productivity in Asia . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(3-4), 251-86. 024973 OLMEZ-BAYHAN S, BAYHAN E, OZDEMIR I (Plant Protection Dep, Agriculture Faculty, Dicle Univ, Diyarbakir, Turkey-21280, E-Mail. solmezdicle. edu. tr). Survey of predator species of aphids in batman, Diyarbakir and Mardin province of Turkey . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 628-33. 024974 ORTIZ R (Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo, Km 45 Carretera Mexico-Veracruz, Col. El Batan, Texcoco, Edo. de Mexico, CP 56130, Mexico). Crop genetic engineering under global climate change . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(3-4), 343-54. 024975 PABLE D, PATIL D B, DESHMUKH P W (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Krishinagar, Akola-444 104). Impact of Sulphur and Zinc on yield and quality of Soybean . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 47-9. 024976 PALVE D K, OZA S R, JADHAV J D, GHULE P L (Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Krishi Bhawan, Solapur, Maharashtra, E-Mail. slp. aircrpamgmail). Physico-chemical properties of soil under nutritional requirement studies in Soybean . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 144-9. 024977 PANCHAL J A, PATEL K D, JAIMAN R K, PATEL N R ( Center Research on Seed Spices, SDAU, Jagudan-382 710, E-Mail. jaimanrsyahoo). Physiological studies of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causing stem rot of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 764-9. 024978 PANDEY A K, SINGH A K, SINGH S K, AJAY KUMAR ( ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, ICAR Parisar, PO B. V. College, Patna-800 014, E-Mail. aryanicargmail). Improving strawberry productivity and quality through drip irrigation and polythene mulch in Bihar . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 760-3. 024979 PANDEY S K, MUSTAFA M, RAI D P (Agricultural Extention Dep, Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kalukheda, Piploda, Ratlam). Impact of KVK training programme on knowledge and adoption of tomato crop production technology in Ratlam district . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 62-5. 024980 PARMAR S K, TANK C J, BHADAURIA H S (Genetics and Plant Breeding Dep, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural Univ, Ta-Dantiwada, Banaskantha-385 506, E-Mail. sanjayagriymail). Quantitative traits in okra Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench by using half diallel analysis . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 773-5. 024981 PATEL I P, NIRANJAN H K, GURJAR P S, SINGH R, SHRIVASTAVA S N (J. N. Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya College of Agriculture, Rewa-486 001, E-Mail. puspendrasingh2330gmail). Economic study of resource use efficiency for cabbage cultivation in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 517-22. 024982 PATEL J M, PATEL M V, JADAV N J, PAVAYA R P (Soil Science Dep, Central Instrumentation Laboratory, Directorate of Research, S. D. Agricultural Univ, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat, E-Mail. jmpatel68gmail). Distribution of different forms of sulphur in soil of Banaskantha district of Gujarat . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 11-6. 024983 PATEL K P, RAMANI V P (Micronutrient Project (ICAR), Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388 110). Special fertilisers in Indian agriculture . Indian J Fertil 2012, 8(4), 14-27. 024984 PATEL M C, PATEL U G, BAGADE A B (Agricultural Botany Dep, N. M. College of Agrculture, N. A.U. Navsari-396 450). Identification of CMS and conventional heterotic hybrids for seed cotton yield and its components in cotton . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 70-2. 024985 PATEL N, JINDAL S K, SINGH M, PANCHOLY A (Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur-342 003). Bruchid infestation in pod and seed in exotic collections of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. in the Thar desert . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(1), 55-61. 024986 PATEL S I, PATEL R L (Center of Excellence for Research on Wheat, S. D.A. U. Vijapur-382 870, E-Mail. gujrustgmail). Organic amendments in the management of pigeonpea wilt caused by Fusarium udum . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 549-51. 024987 PATEL S I, SOLANKI V A (Center of Excellence for Research on Wheat, S. D.A. U. Vijapur-382 870, E-Mail. gujrustgmail). Status of Karnal Bunt and black point of wheat in North Gujarat . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 552-3. 024988 PATEL S M, PATEL J C, CHAUDHARY P P, PATEL D M, PATEL G N, PATEL B M (Centre of Excellence for Research on Seed Spices, S. D. Agricultural Univ, Jagudan, Distt. Mehsana, Gujarat). Effects of nitrogen levels and weed management on production potential of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 456-62. 024989 PATHAK R K (Soi Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, Chandra Shekhar Azad Agriculture amp Technology Univ, Kanpur-208 002). Efficient nutrient management for crop quality in rice-mustard-maize system grown on recently reclaimed sodic soils . Ann Pl Soil Res 2012, 14(2), 105-8. 024990 PAVITRA B V, ASHISH SHANBHOGUE K, VETRIVEL I, EARANNA N (Agricultural Microbiology Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Bangalore-560 065, E-Mail. earanna7yahoo). Genetic diversity of Bradyrhizobia isolated from vegetable soybean (Glycine max L.) genotypes . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 726-30. 024991 PAWAR B R, KAKADE A D, BANKAR S S (Agricultural Economics and Statistics Dep, College of Agriculture, Latur, Maharashtra). Constraints and suggestions of grape wine producers in Maharashtra . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 37-9. 024992 PAWAR D S, SATHWANE R A, SINGH S, NIRANJAN H K, GURJAR P S (Extension Education Dep, J. N. Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, College of Agriculture, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh-486 001, E-Mail. pushpendrasingh2003gmail). Utilization of eco-friendly farming practices among tribal farmers . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 528-30. 024993 PHUKAN B, BAISHYA S, SHARMA P, RAJBONGSHI A, RAHMAN A (College of Fisheries Assam Agricultural Univ, Raha-782 103, E-Mail. bipulphukanyahoo. co. in). Food and feeding habits of Gudusia chapra (Hamilton, 1822) from Silinga beel of lower reaches of Subansiri river in Assam, Northeast India . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3). 578-80. 024994 PHUKAN B, TRIVEDI R K, KALITA K, BAISHYA S, RAJBONGSHI A, BORDOLOI R (College of Fisheries Assam Agricultural Univ, Raha-782 103, E-Mail. bipulphukanyahoo. co. in). Evaluation of Pistia stratiotes as ammonia remediator in ornamental fish culture system . 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Isolation of a new caffeate O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene from Chinese poplar (Populus simonii) . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 577-86. 025002 QUATADAH S M, SINGH C M, SURESH BABU G, LAVANYA G R (Central Raifed Upland Rice Research Station, Hazaribag, Jharkhand, E-Mail. cmsingh. gpbgmail). Genetic variability studies in rice (Oryza sativa L.) . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 664-7. 025003 RAGHAVA CHARI S (Flat No. 3, Block B, Susheel House, 19, South Gangai Amman Koil Street, Choolaimedu, Chennai-600 094). Storage tank - measurement errors and accuracy . Indian J Fertil 2012, 8(3), 72-76. 025004 RAI J, TIWARI U S (Agricultural Economics and Statistics Dep, C. S. Azad Univ of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh). Economic evaluation of different faming systems in district Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 129-32. 025005 RAI P, YADAV R S, SHANKER A K, MUNNA RAM, SINGH U P (National Research Centre for Agroforestry, Gwalior Road, Jhansi-281 003). Pruning management in Albizia species: effect on tree growth, understorey forage production and floral composition . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(1), 47-54. 025006 RAJAKUMAR, NIDAGUNDI J M, KONDA C R, AJAYAKUMAR M Y, LOKESHA R (All India Co-ordinated Cotton Improvement Project, UAS Agricultural Research Station, Siruguppa-583 121). Genotype x environment interaction and phenotypic stability for seed cotton yield and fibre quality traits in Bt cotton hybrids . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 711-14. 025007 RAJNISH KUMAR, MITTAL R K, PANDEY D P (Crop Improvement Dep, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur-176 062, E-Mail. mittalgenet2007gmail). Genetic variability for yield and growth attributes in adzuki bean . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 562-5. 025008 RAKESH KUMAR, BANSAL N K, YADAV A, MANGAT RAM, SHARMA V (Agronomy Dep, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ, Hisar-125 001, E-Mail. aky444gmail). Evaluation of alternative crop establishment method in rice at Haryana . 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Agricultural College, Tirupati, Angrau-517 502, E-Mail. rrguthayahoo). Evaluation of morphological and physiological traits and yield in rice under sri cultivation . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 1-3. 025013 RAMA RAO G, REDDY K B (Plant Physiology Dep, S. V. Agriculture College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh-517 502, E-Mail. rrguthayahoo). Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content and uptake in rice under system of rice intendification (SRI) cultivation . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 35-8. 025014 RAMTEKE S D (National Research Centre for Grapes, Manjri Farm, P. O. Box No.3, Pune Soalpur Road, Pune-412 307, E-Mail. sdramtekeyahoo). Impact of pre-harvest treatments of bioregulators on berry characters, keeping quality and changes in henolic compounds during storage in sharad seedless Grapes . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 84-9. 025015 RANA K S, BANA R S (Agronomy Div, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012). Productivity and water use efficiency of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as influenced by aqua-fertilization under rainfed conditions . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 453-5. 025016 RANI R, NIRALA S K, SURESH R (Precision Farming Development Center, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Dep, College of Agricultural Engineering Rajendra Agricultural Univ, Pusa-848 125, E-Mail. sanjayaiityahoo. co. in). Effect of fertigation and mulch on yield of pointed gourd in calcareous soil of North Bihar . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 641-5. 025017 RANJAN R K, RAI B, CHAUDHARI P K, RAI R C (Plant Pathology Dep, Rajendra Agricultural Univ, Bihar, Pusa, Samastipur-848 125, E-Mail. rkrraurediffmail). Effect of different doses of nitrogenous fertilizer on bacterial leaf blight of rice disease (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 441-3. 025018 RAO D R, UMADEVI K (P2 Basic Seed Farm, National Silkworm Seed Organization, gavimata, Mandya District, Karnataka, E-Mail. raghavendra1957yahoo). Development of a productive multivoltine x bivoltine hybrid line 4 x CSR 2 of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. tolerant to high temperature and humidity . J expl Zool 2012, 15(1), 149-55. 025019 RATHOD S, SURENDRAI H S, MUNIRAJAPPA R, MURTHY K B (Agricultural Statistics Dep, Applied Mathematics amp Computer Science Univ of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru-560 065, E-Mail. santoshagriculturegmail). Statistical assessment on the factors influencing agriculture diversification in different districts of Karnataka . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 790-4. 025020 RAVI PRASAD G (Coromandel International Ltd, Decunderabad, Andhra Pradesh). Promoting specialty fertilisers in Indian agriculture: Coromandel experience . Indian J Fertil 2012, 8(4), 64-72. 025021 REZAEI M, MOHAMMADI S, ELVAZI A (Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of West Azerbaijan, Urmia, Iran, E-Mail. Rezaei54yahoo). Effect of different levels of irrigation on yield and micronutrients uptake by bread wheat genotypes . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 432-8. 025022 RISHI RAI, DIENGDOH L C, SRIVASTAVA A K, BAG T K ( Central Potato Station, 5th Mile, Upper Shillong-793 009, E-Mail. rishstrideryahoo. co. in). Efficiency of different nodal segments for potato micro-propagation . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 594-7. 025023 ROHILLA P P, KHEM CHAND (Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Pali-Marwar-306 401). Goat milk contribution in arid fringes of Rajasthan . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(2), 213-15. 025024 ROUT M K, SWAIN S K (Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kendrapara-754 250, E-Mail. routmanoj6gmail). Performance of blue oyster mushroom (Hypsizygus ulmarius) during kharif season in coastal Odisha . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 756-9. 025025 ROY A, AICH S S (Rice Research Station (Government of West Bengal), Chinsurah (R. S.)-712 102, E-Mail. royaniaindiatimes). Seed quality and related issues . SATSA Mukhapatra 2013, 17, 127-31. 025026 ROY A, KAORE S V, TIWARI K N (Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd, IFFCO Sadan, C-1, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi-110 017). Regreening the green revolution: IFFCOs Save the Soil mission paves the path . Indian J Fertil 2012, 8(3), 46-66. 025027 RUDRAWAR P P, RASKAR S K, KOTE G M (Agricultural Technology School, Hatta, Parbhani). Effect of in situ moisture conservation and nutrient management on yield and yield attributes of Soybean . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 90-1. 025028 SAHA S, LONGANATHAN M, RAI A B, GARG R (Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (ICAR), Varanasi-221 305, E-Mail. sujoytagmail). Seed treatment: new concepts and new generation fungicides . SATSA Mukhapatra 2013, 17, 48-58. 025029 SANDEEP KUMAR D K, HANUMANTHARAJU T H, SHILPA SHREE K G, ASHOKA K R, NALINA C N, SHEELA RANI S (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Sciences Univ, G. K.V. K. Bengaluru, Karnataka). Persistence and degradation of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl in soils of Karnataka . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 234-6. 025030 SANGLE T V, JADHAV A (Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry Dep, College of Agriculture, Parbhani, Maharashtra). Effect of nutrient management on yield, quality and soil health in Soybean-Safflower cropping sequence . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 43-6. 025031 SANTHOSH KUMAR K, SHIVANNA B K, MANJUNATHA M, SOMASHEKHARAPPA P R, IMRAN KHAN H S, HARISH BABU S, RAGHUNATH B V, SOUMYA B R (Entomology Dep, College of Agriculture, Shimoga, Karnataka). Seasonal incidence of pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) in Bt cotton under kharif season . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 695-8. 025032 SANTHOSH KUMAR K, SHIVANNA B K, MANJUNATHA, SOMASHEKHARAPPA P R, IMRAN KHAN H S, HARISH BABU S, RAGHUNATH B V, SOUMYA B R (Entomology Dep, College of Agriculture, Shimoga, Karnataka, E-Mail. sneha1977rediffmail). Survey of pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) incidence on Bt cotton in Shimoga and adjacent taluks . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 704-8. 025033 SARMA U J, CHAKRAVARTY M (Regional Agricultural Research Station, Assam Agricultural Univ, Gossaigaon-783 360, E-Mail. ujl966rediffmail). Organic mulching on soil moisture conservation, grain yield and economics of niger under rainfed situation . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 73-6. 025034 SARMA U J, CHAKRAVARTY M (Regional Agricultural Research Station, Assam Agricultural Univ, Gossaigaon, Assam). Effect of incorporated cowpea stover on suceeding cauliflower curd yield and N, P, K status in soil . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 61-5. 025035 SATYAWAN, RAM NIWAS, KHICHAR M L (Agricultural Meteorology Dep, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004). Weather elements and forest occurrence in arid zone of Haryana . 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Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and quality of tomato in trans Himalayan . Ann Pl Soil Res 2012, 14(2), 120-3. 025040 SHAHRI M M, YAZDPOUR H, SOLEYMANI A, SHAHRAJABIAN M H, SHARIFIANZADEH M (Agronomy and Plant Breeding Dep, Khorasgan (Esfahan) Branch, Islamic Azad Univ, Esfahan, P. O. Box 81595-158, Iran, E-Mail. asoleymanikhuisf. ac. ir). Yield and yield components of ratoon crop of rice as influenced by harvesting at different plant height and time . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 408-11. 025041 SHAIKH J A, KATHIRIA K B, ACHARYA R R, VARPE B ( Main Vegetable Research Station, Anand Agricultural Univ, Anand-388 110). Combining ability studies in bottle gourd . Res Crop 2012, 13(2). 731-6. 025042 SHAILENDRA KUMAR G, GALI S K, RAVI S (Karnataka State Seeds Corporation Agencies, Bidar, Karnataka). Effect of sulphur fertilization on growth and yield parameters of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) . 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Effect of saline and saline-sodic soils on soil Rhizobium population and yield of Soybean . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 177-80. 025051 SHINDE D N, ARBAD B K, JAWALE S A, KIDE D S ( Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science Dep, Marathwada Agricultural Univ, Parbhani, Maharashtra, E-Mail. dhirajshinde83rediffmail). Evaluation of release pattern and availability of sulphur from different sulphur sources at different interval in vertisol . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 135-7. 025052 SHINDE M S, GAIKWAD A R, PATIL V R, PATIL J V, GADAKH S R (Sorghum Improvement Project, MPKV. Rahuri). Phule anuradha (RSV 458): a new drought tolerant Rabi sorghum variety for shallow soils of Maharashtra . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 66-9. 025053 SHIVANNA B K, SOMASHEKHARAPPA P R, IMRAN KHAN H S, NOOR NAWAZ AS (Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Navile, Shimoga-577 204, Karnataka). Monitoring cotton bollworms with pheromone trap catches and their relation with weather parameters . 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Interannual variation in area and productivity of crops as influenced by rainfall, soil and land holding in Changeri Micro-watershed of Udaipur district of Rajsthan . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(1), 19-23. 025061 SINGH B (Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur-342 003). Technological gap in Cumin (Cyminum cumin L.) production technology in arid zone of Rajasthan . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(2), 217-20. 025062 SINGH B B, CHHABRA R S, SINGH M (Tata Chemicals Ltd, K-2, Somdutt Towers, Sector - 18, Noida-201 301). Customised fertilisers: an experience of TCL . Indian J Fertil 2012, 8(4), 74-8. 025063 SINGH B, CHAUHAN T R (Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur-342 003). Adoption of moth bean production technology in arid zone of Rajasthan . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(1), 95-101. 025064 SINGH G, DHALIWAL N S, SINGH J, SHARMA K (Krishi Vigyan Kendra (P. A.U.), Muktsar, Punjab). Effect of front line demostrations on enhancing productivity of Mustard . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 230-3. 025065 SINGH G K, SHUKLA S K, SINGH S N, YADAV R L, SINGH R K, RAM KISHOR (Crop Production Div, Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow-226 002, E-Mail. gayakaransinghrediffmail). Optimizing growth and yield in sugarcane (plant)-ratoon system under different crop geometries, N and K levels in sub-tropical India . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 700-7. 025066 SINGH J M, RAJ KUMAR, SINGH J (Economics and Sociology Dep, Punjab Agricultural Univ, Ludhiana, (Punjab), E-Mail. jmsinghpaurediffmail). Major constraints and utilization pattern of groundnut under rainfed conditions in Punjab . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 28-32. 025067 SINGH J, SAHAY N, SINGH H, BHADAURIA H S ( Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science Dep, Raja balwant Singh College Bichpuri, Agra, Uttar Pradesh-283 105). Nitrogen and sulphur requirement of mustard under different crop sequences . 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Ann Pl Soil Res 2012, 14(2), 101-4. 025072 SINGH M, WANJARI R H (All India Coordinated Research Project on LTFE, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal-462 038). Potassium response and requirement in crops grown in vertisols: experiences from long term fertiliser experiment . Indian J Fertil 2012, 8(3), 26-32. 025073 SINGH P, SANJAY KUMAR, MAJI S (Applied Plant Science (Horticulture) Dep, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Univ, (A Central Univ,), Vidya-Vihar, Lucknow-226 025, E-Mail. sanjay123bhugmail). Effect of different wrapping materials on post harvest changes in papaya (Carica papaya L.) . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 773-7. 025074 SINGH P, SUMERIYA H K (Agronomy Dep, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Maharana Pratap Agriculture and Technology Univ, Udaipur, Rajasthan-313 001). Effect of nitrogen on yield, economics and quality of fodder sorghum genotypes . 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Agriculture and Technology Univ, Kumarganj, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh). Response of Rhizobium VA-mycorrhiza and phosphorus on yield and yield contributing characters of pea (Pisum sativa L.) . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 206-16. 025079 SINGH Y P, MEGHWAL H P, SINGH S P (National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard, Sewar, Bharatpur-321 303). Biology and feeding potential of Cheilomenes sexmaculata fabricius (Coleoptera: coccinellidae) on Mustard aphid . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(2), 185-90. 025080 SIVAGNANAM S, SINGARAVEL R, COUMARAVEL K (Soil Science and Agricultral Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai Univ, Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu). Effect of different regimes of inorganic and organic manure on the soil properties and yield of groundnut in coastal sandy soil . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 203-5. 025081 SOLEYMANI A, SHAHRAJABIAN M H (Agronomy and Plant Breeding Dep, Khorasgan Branch Islamic Azad Univ, Esfahan, Iran, E-Mail. asoleymaniKhuisf. ac. ir). Effect of planting dates and different levels of nitrogen on seed yield and yield components of nuts sunflower . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 521-4. 025082 SOLEYMANI A, SHAHRAJABIAN M H (Agronomy and Plant Breeding Dep, Khorasgan Branch Islamic Azad Univ, Esfahan, Iran, E-Mail. asoleymanikhuisf. ac. ir). Response of different cultivars of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) to irrigation and planting dates in Isfahan, Iran . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 656-60. 025083 SOLEYMANI A, SHAHRAJABIAN M H, KARIMI M (Agronomy and Plant Breeding Dep, Khorasgan Branch Islamic Azad Univ, Esfahan, Iran, E-Mail. asoleymaniKhuisf. ac. ir). Growth behaviour of elite barley lines as influenced by planting date and plant densities . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 463-6. 025084 SOLEYMANI A, SHAHRAJABIAN M H, MODARESI M ( Agronomy and Plant Breeding Dep, Khorasgan Branch Islamic Azad Univ, Esfahan, Iran, E-Mail. asoleymaniKhuisf. ac. ir). Influence of irrigation intervals and different levels of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and prussic acid content in second cropping of forage sorghum grown after wheat . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 498-502. 025085 SOLTANI M, NADERIDARBAGHSHAHI M (Agronomy Dep, Khorasgan Branch Islamic Azad Univ, Khorasgan, Isfahan, Iran, E-Mail. mnaderikhuisf. ac. ir). Response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to high temperature and high radiation stress under field conditions . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 426-31. 025086 SOMASEKHARA Y M, RAVICHANDRA N G, JAIN R K (AICRP (N) Plant Pathology Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, GKVK, Bangalore, Karnataka). Bio-management of root knot (Meloidogyne incognita) infecting pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) with combination of organic amendments . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 647-51. 025087 SONI KUMARI, SHEORAN R K, SINGH A, AVTAR R (Plant Breeding Dep, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ, Hisar-125 004). Genetic variability and character association in sunflower . 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Determination of economic injury level for mirid bug, Creontiades biseratense (distant) (Miridae:hemiptera) on Bt cotton . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 618-23. 025092 SUNITA VIVEK, NARANG J K (National Fertilisers Ltd. Noida). Neem coated urea: NFL experience . Indian J Fertil 2012, 8(4), 94-7. 025093 SUNITHA DEVI R, REDDY K D, RAO M S (Entomology Dep, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural Univ, Hyderabad-500 030). Development and validation of integrated pest management modules for Bt cotton . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 603-7. 025094 SURADKAR A, UKEY N S, GOTERKAR S B, UKEY S P ( Agri. Entomology Dep, Dr. PDKV, Akola). Effect of seed treatments with oils on seed emergence and survival of seedlings in tomato . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 16-8. 025095 SWAMY K R, AMITKUMAR C, NAGARAJAIAH C, SHIVANNA H, VENKATESH I (Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad, College of Forestry, Sirsi-581 401, E-Mail. nagzarsgmail). Growth performance, biomass and carbon sequestration of different tree species planted in shelterbelt - agroforestry system of northern transitional zone of Karnataka . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 620-3. 025096 TAJ A, SANATH KUMAR V B (Plant Pathology Dep, College of Horticulture, Mudigere-577 132, E-Mail. sanath. kumar7gmail). In vitro interaction study of native Trichoderma harzianum isolates against Rhizoctonia solani, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Alternaria sp. of Gerbera . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 455-7. 025097 TALWAR H S, SONI M L, BENIWAL R K, YADAVA N D, SINGH J P, RATHORE V S, SUNIL KUMAR (National Research Center for Sorghum, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad). Genotypic variations in stomatal regulation and root traits and their association with yield parameters in Moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia Jacq.) under rainfed conditions of arid zone . 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Genetic divergence in rice genotypes under irrigated conditions . Ann Pl Soil Res 2012, 14(2), 109-12. 025102 THOMBRE B M, PAWAR B R, CHOLE R R (Extension Education Dep, College of Agriculture, Latur, Maharashtra). Constraints and suggetions of cattle tail-hair producers in Maharashtra . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 10-13. 025103 THORAT A, HASNALE P, GHORADE R B, BHARSAKAL S P ( Agril. Botany Dep, Dr. PDKV, Akola). Variability studies for shootfly resistance in Sorghum . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 30-4. 025104 THORAT A, RATHOD T H, BHARSAKAL S P, TALE A ( Agril. Botany Dep, Dr. PDKV, Akola). Effect of seed priming with plant growth regulators on growth and yield of cotton (Gossypium spp.) . Ann Pl Physiol 2011, 25(1), 27-9. 025105 THORVE S B, KATWATE M T, JADHAV J D (Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Ahmednagar). Oil, protein content and uptake studies under varying levels of fertilizer in sesamum cultivars . 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Yield and yield attributing characters of double intercropped sweet flag with rice-french bean cropping system as influenced by weed management practices in kharif and irrigation scheduling in Rabi . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 474-7. 025110 UPADHYAY A K (Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science Dep, Raja Balwant Singh College Bichpuri, Agra, Uttar Pradesh-283 105). Status of sulphur and zinc in Hamirpur soils and their association with some soil properties . Ann Pl Soil Res 2012, 14(2), 171-2. 025111 VAJANTHA B, UMADEVI M, PATNAIK M C, RAJKUMAR M ( A. I.C. R.P. on Micronutrients, Agricultural Research Institute, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh). Effect of INM and Panchagavya on soil fertility status of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera L.) . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 88-96. 025112 VAJANTHA B, UMADEVI M, PATNAIK M C, RAJKUMAR M ( Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural Univ, Hyderabad-500 030). Dehydrogenase and phosphatase activities in ashwagandha grown soils as influenced by INM and Panchakavya . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 682-93. 025113 VEERANAGAPPA P, PRAKASHA H C, ASHOKA K R, VENKATESHA M M, MAHENDRA KUMAR M B (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, College of Agriculture Agricultural Sciences Univ, G. K.V. K. Bengaluru, Karnataka, E-Mail. veera346gmail). Effect of zinc enriched compost on soil chemical properties and nutrients availability . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(2), 189-94. 025114 VENUGOPAL, RAGHUPATHI M, SATYANARAYANA RAJU C ( Regional Sericultural Research Station, Central Silk Board, Post Box No. 50, Anantapur-515 001). Astra a user friendly compound to destroy the pathogenic microbes causing diseases to silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) in the rearing house and its impact on the rearing performance of new multi and bivolotine hybrids . J expl Zool 2012. 15(1), 169-73. 025115 VERMA D, SINGH H (Agrcultural Chemistry and Soil Science Dep, Amar Singh College Lakhaoti, Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh). Response of varying levels of potassium and sulphur on yield and uptake of nutrients by onion . Ann Pl Soil Res 2012, 14(2), 143-6. 025116 VERMA V, KASERA P K, MOHAMMED S (Plant Ecology Lab, Botany Dep, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur-342 033). Variations in Proline accumulation and osmotic potential during different seasons and physiological stages of some arid plants . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(2), 205-8. 025117 VINOD KUMAR, KUMAR T, GUPTA P K, SINGH R V, SINGH R A, SINGH S B (Crop Research Station (N. D. Agric. amp Tech. Univ), Ghaghraghat, Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh-271 901). Effect of puddling and organic sources of nutrients on productivity of rice-wheat cropping system in lowlands . Ann Pl Soil Res 2012, 14(2), 95-100. 025118 VIRDIA H M, MEHTA H D, PATEL A P, PATEL M C, PARMAR V N (Regional Rice Research Station (N. A.U.), Vyara, Tapi, Gujarat). Productivity and profitability of summer groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) on heavy black kyari land of South Gujarat . Asian J Soil Sci 2011, 6(1), 101-4. 025119 VURAL C, SOYLU S (Plant Protection Dep, Faculty of Agriculture Mustafa Kemal Univ, Antakya-Hatay-31034, E-Mail. soylumku. edu. tr). Prevalence and incidence of fungal disease agents affecting bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 634-40. 025120 WAGHMARE V V, KADAM R P (Extension Education Dep, Marathwada Agricultural Univ, Parbhani, Maharashtra, E-Mail. rpk. maurediffmail). Socio-economic change among beneficiary women of self-help group . Agric Update 2011, 6(1), 17-20. 025121 XIA B, HUANG M, ZOU Y, JIANG P, FENG Y, CHENG Z, MO Y (College of Agronomy, Hunan Agricultural Univ, Changsha-410 128, E-Mail. ybzou123126). Internal nitrogen efficiency of super hybrid rice grown under different tillage and crop establishment methods . 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Collection, characterization and evaluation of genetic diversity in pearl millet landraces from arid and semi-arid regions of Rajasthan . Ann Arid Zone 2008, 47(1), 33-9. 025126 YONZONE R, LAMA D, BHUJEL R B, GOGOI K, RAI S ( Botany Dep, St. Josephs College, North Point-734 104, Darjeeling, E-Mail. ryonzone99gmail). Diversity, distribution and current ecological status of Zeuxine Lindl. (orchidaceae) species of Darjeeling himalaya of India . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 646-8. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. FOOD TECHNOLOGY 025127 AHMED K S, ATTAR S J, PARANDE M (Chemical Engineering Dep, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed Univ College of Engineering, Pune, Maharastra, E-Mail. parandemadan2007yahoo. co. in). Hydrogenation of O-nitroanisole catalysed by pd-C: reaction kinetic studies in a batch three phase slurry reactor . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 691-6. 025128 ALOK NATH, PRATIBHA, SHARMA D, BEERA V, MANDAL P ( Agricultural Engineering Dep, Assam Univ, Silchar-788 011, E-Mail. alok1001yahoo). Development of dehydrated cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) in a solar cabinet dryer . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3A), 709-12. 025129 BALAJI V, MAN BIHARI, SURYA NARAYAN, PRASAD V M ( Horiculture Dep, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology amp Sciences, Allahabad-211 001, E-Mail. balaji. vikram55gmail). Effect of dried powder of tulsi leaf, ginger and cardamom addition on aonla jam with granulated particles of cashew . Envir Ecol 2012. 30(3A), 635-40. 025130 BHASKAR RAJU G, RAO K H, FORSLING W (National Metallurgical Laboratory Madras Centre, CSIR Madras Complex, Chennai-600 113). Role of dextrin in the selective flotation of fluorite . SGAT Bull 2012, 13(1), 37-46. 025131 BORDOLOI R, MUZADDADI A U, MAJUMDAR R K, PHUKAN B, BAISHYA S (College of Fisheries, Central Agricultural Univ, Lembucherra-799 210, E-Mail. branjit86gmail). Biochemical qualities of iced rohu (Labeo rohita) brought from outside Tripura vs un-iced local rohu of Tripura . 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Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gudlavalleru-521 356, E-Mail. dralraogmail). Development and validation of novel HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of gemifloxacin mesylate and ambroxol hydrochloride in combined tablet dosage form . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 702-12. 025139 RAVICHANDRAN V, ESWARAIAH C, MANISANKAR P ( Industrial Chemistry Dep, Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu-630 003, E-Mail. herambanravigmail). Beneficiation of low grade graphite ore deposits of Tamil Nadu (India) . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 159-68. 025140 RENUGADEVI N, KRISHNAVENI J (Chemistry Dep, Avinashilingham Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women University, Coimbatore-641 043, E-Mail. venijosh73gmail). Kinetic studies of acid voilet dye removal using blue green algae . J Ultra Chem 2012, 8(2), 139-42. 025141 SACHIN KUMAR, KHAN C, ALAM I (Post Harvest Process amp Food Engineering Dep, College of Technology, G. B. Pant Agriculture amp Technology Univ, Pantnagar-263 145, E-Mail. kcphpfegmail). Minimize the cooking time of Horse gram . Envir Ecol 2012, 30(3), 486-90. 025142 SALMAN J M, ABID F M, KHALEEL S I, MUHAMMED A A ( Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Baghdad, Iraq, E-Mail. jasim63yahoo). Preparation of mesoporous activated carbon from willow legs: optimization study on removal of methylene blue using response surface methodology . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 901-13. 025143 SALMAN J M, AL-SAAD K (Chemistry and Eart Sciences Dep, Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Baghdad, Iraq Qatar Univ, Doha, Qatar, E-Mail. jasim63yahoo). Batch study for herbicide bentazon adsorption onto palm oil fronds activated carbon . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 731-40. 025144 SALMAN J M, MAHMOUD W A, ABID F M, MUHAMMED A A ( Ministry of Industry amp Minerals Quality Control Dep, Baghdad, Iraq, E-Mail. jasim63yahoo). Adsorption study of carbofuran onto mesoporous activated carbon prepared from palm oil fronds . 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LEATHER, METAL, PAPER amp TEXTILE INDUSTRIES 025148 BOZCAN G, MERDAN N (Textile Technology Dep, Corlu Vocational School, Namik Kemal Univ, 59860 Corlu/Tekirdag, Turkey, E-Mail. gbozcannku. edu. tr). Dyeing of polyester microfibers in acid and alkaline media . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1255-9. 025149 KASMANI J E, SAMARIHA A, RAVANBAKHSH F, SHORKAEI J S (Wood and Paper Science and Technology Dep, Savadkooh Branch, Islamic Azad Univ, Savadkooh, Iran, E-Mail. JafarKasmaniyahoo). Characterization and evaluation of rapeseed as a raw material for paper production . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 514-6. 025150 KHAKIFIROOZ A, KIAEI M, SADEGH A N, SAMARIHA A ( Agricultural Dep, Zabol Branch Islamic Azad Univ, Zabol, Iran, E-Mail. anaourisadeghhotmail). Chemical properties and morphological characteristics of Iranian cultivated kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.): a potential source of fibrous raw material for paper industry in Iran . Res Crop 2012, 13(2), 715-20. 025151 MERDAN N (Faculty of Engineering and Design, Istanbul Commerce Univ, 34840 Kucukyali, Istanbul, Turkey, E-Mail. nmerdaniticu. edu. tr). Ultrasonic energy utilization in implementation UV absorbers to cotton fabrics . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1263-8. 025152 MIRJALILI M, NAZARPOOR K, KARIMI L (Textile Engineering Dep, Islamic Azad Univ, Yazd Branch, Yazd, Iran, E-Mail. mirtextileyahoo). Extraction and identification of dye from walnut green husks for silk dyeing . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1055-9. 025153 PAUL S A, CHAVAN S K, KHAMBE S D (PG Dep of Chemistry, D. B.F. Dayanand College of Arts and Science, Solapur-413 002, E-Mail. magarsheelarediffmail). Characterization of textile industrial waste water in Solapur city . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 635-42. 025154 SONMEZ S, DOLEN E, FLEMING P D (Printing Education Dep, Faculty of Technical Education, Marmara Univ, Goztepe Campus, Istanbul 34722, Turkey, E-Mail. ssonmezmarmara. edu. tr). Binder effects on the creaseability of pigment coated paperboard . Asian J Chem 2011, 23(3), 1193-7. 025155 SULTANA S, ISLAM M R, HAQUE M E (Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry Division, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Dhaka (Bangladesh), E-Mail. sultanasalma71yahoo). Hydrogels of carboxymethyl cellulose crosslinked with irradiation at dilute and paste-like condition . Int J chem Sci 2012, 10(2), 713-8.

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